Worth watching?

Worth watching?

What if I fucking hated Shane on walking dead?

Just watched first episode it was not bad.

Some diversity pushed down your throat with shitskin woman detective.

*rubs head*
m'ask you somethin then

>Just watched first episode

Oh boy, you must be an ambassador for the show. Please tell me more

You either watch the MCU or you don't. It's pretty simple.

That show is pretty different from most MCU stuff though

>Hating Shane
Literal picture boy for Soyboy

If you like 4 episodes of story stretched out into 13 then sure!

It's pretty much par for the Netflix side. Closed to Daredevil in terms of tone. Everything in the MCU is pretty different from the rest in one regard or another.

>*rubs head*
>*drools blood*
>"They all die. All, dead. They die, all of them."
>*shakes head side to side*
>"Two families, ya'know"
>*menaces child with his own knife*
>*doesn't kill*
>*stabs Micro-made pasta*
>[sarcastic Yeah, right intensifies]

It's worth watching for the fight scene in the last episode. Built up really well and I didn't expect it to get so dark

Absolute huge fucking pile of unwatchable shit.

It’s absolute garbage that completely disregards the source material that made the character popular in the first place. This is more like Homeland than The Punisher. It’s boring, it’s preachy, some of the fight scenes are very poorly choreographed, and it’s full of heavy handed political agenda that’s about as subtle as getting hit in the head by a brick. Be very wary of positive reviews, many of which seem to be repeating running themes from the Netflix marketing department. (“Jon is the Punisher”, “it’s a slow burn.” Etc) You ruined a great character Netflix. I will never trust you again.

It's ok, watch it user.

Lol epic, have my upvote sir xD

Don't waste your time.

>pushed down your throat
the sight of a person of color triggers you. therefore, you are a fagoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


Shitty little manlet turd ruins the punisher. So does the Iranian bitch.


Frank seemed to have superhuman healing power

even so, I appreciate that he almost died after being shot with the arrow. He's still pretty superhuman, but at least it makes him look slightly vulnerable

I did too, the diversity is irritating and feels very forced but given that it's in NYC it's understandable, but boy, oh boy! The dialog is complete shit.

>Sure, you're the lead agent with a nice office and I'm the junior with the shitty little desk outside, but we're partners nevertheless.

>we have to establish who these characters are quickly but we don't have the ability to write and our audience is probably retarded

I hope it gets better and he's not exactly the best Frank Castle, doesn't even really look like he works out. But the violence is good.

lmao she wasnt even bad i found her interesting and boy what a nice ass

its real fun i'd say, i dont think this is better than S1 Daredevil but it's the most enjoyable to watch for me

>also that detective girl is so fucking cute

Why the fuck wasn't Karen in the finale? 6/10

Yeh, Deborah Ann Woll is top waifukino, she's the only reason I'm watching Daredevil atm

he's not wrong you know

I think you mean Season 2, now that's real Punisher Show

I was ill for a week and binge watched the whole thing, it was surprisingly enjoyable. Turns out a lot of the backstory is explained in Daredevil but there's no need to watch that garbage.
He's a bad motherfucker, give it a watch if you want something masculine and shooty.


worth a watch if you have already seen all the better shows

The first episode is great, everything else is an unceasing parade of boring, frustrating bullcrap. Same problem as every other marvel show: 90% of the show is just shot-reverse-shot people having terse conversations.
>Frank I'm Worried about you
>Grrr I don't care *farts*

boring show. Daredevil has more Punisher punishing

no faggot you should watch daredevil season 2 , never watch the punisher show