Blocks your path

>blocks your path

Other urls found in this thread:

*high fives*

>spaghetti falls out of my pockets

Was this Jennifer Aniston?

>breaks her neck


>now that's what I call autism

Reminder that she's coming back to our screens next year.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Hook aside she was actually kinda cute.

No wonder Filbert married her.

It smells like monkey's paw shit. We're going to get Rocko back and it's going to be awful.


>The team created Dr. Hutchison after Murray attended a press conference for networks to market new seasons of television shows to the press. A reporter asked Murray why the show did not have any "positive female role models." Murray responded by stating that he had no positive role models, that people do not use cartoon characters as role models, and that television shows should not teach lessons. After the conference some Nickelodeon executives told the reporter that they had plans to place female role models in the television show.

>A female executive from Nickelodeon later requested "a professional woman, someone with a good hook."

>whaaa they're making fun of sad pathetic no-lives that spend way too much time on the internet shitposting like me its gonna be bad even though it's nowhere near out yet

Remember that user who wanted to make a comic about a cat with big boobs who was sent to hell by God for trying to seduce her owner so her owner, who had a knife for a hand, decided to go on a quest to kill God? I hope user got on that after moving out of his parents' place.

I love the show, don't get me wrong, but you can't tell me that doesn't sound like the most cliched premise possible. I'm still hopeful, but I just don't like the fact that that's the first thing we know about it.

>Grabs your hips

The original creator or writers have no input so it's probably going to be a cynical reheated pile of shit aimed at making a cheap nostalgiabuck. Got to get ready for disappointment.

Of course there's always the possibility that they hire a crew that understand what made RML so popular in it's time and aren't afraid to write good jokes for it. A very slim possibility but still.

But there has been no Sup Forums media that has done such a premise.
Yeah you hear people say those specific things out in the streets, but not in cartoons or comics or games like "the prophecy of the chosen one to defeat an ancient evil"

>The original creator or writers have no input so it's probably going to be a cynical reheated pile of shit aimed at making a cheap nostalgiabuck.

How the hell did this get produced then? Is there a clamoring for more Rocko?

How did she lost her hand, again?

>Rocko= 1993
>Friends= 1994

Was the character a reference to someone?

The giant tooth forcing Rocko to kiss her did funny things to my penis. Filburt getting to marry her gave me hope. A false hope, but still hope.

Oh fishsticks.

omg is the Hook Murderer!!!!

>did he just say oh-fish dicks?
>omg this show is ripping off south park
>mfw I hear that

>All that optimism

When did Rocko go into space?

The series finale.

He deserves his show.


The front paws should also be in stilettos.

Remember the 90's?

Oh, cool. I thought I was the only one who used to like her. This show was quite a long time ago by now.

Back in my old elementary school, we had a counselor that had a smiled and face that looked just like Dr.Hutchison from Rocko. Only thing is she didn't do the neck turning that far. Looking back on it now, that shit was creepy as fuck.

Had a crush on Dr Hutchinson

Kids these days. They don't know.

>implying implications
Joe Murray is confirmed to be returning

That user's going to go places. Horrible, horrible places, but nothing's gonna stop him.

He was just part of the team though even if he was the one in charge,

Povenmire or Marsh are out; Hillenburg is possible as is Olson.

