Sup Forums reaction image thread





>posting one of the shows on Sup Forums's blacklist

Its not a bad show besides some of the fairly recent blander episodes






Why does Sup Forums Steven universe so much?
I do like it overall and I definitely say it is at least a above average show but I can also see it is flawed and see why some people don't like but honestly it feels like just mentioning here will guarantee bait and dumb arguments






I would say you accidentally a word but honestly it's more accurate this way

>implying you are Sup Forums incarnate
Fuck off, you easily triggered baby.

Dumping my Speng OC screencaps again


>guarantee bait and dumb arguments

You answered your own question.










>Quad 7s
>On Easter Sunday
>The Lord's number
fucking checked

>tfw quads

>being christian









> Fedora flies off head, does a full 360 before settling back down onto greasy, unwashed hair




I love this show.





save one post one



One of my favorites





Kill yourself you memeing faggot



I've been seeing this one used quite a bit










>I told you man
>I TOLD you about boxes!








And that's all for now. Use them well, Sup Forumsmrades.



Not OC




What reaction is this anyway? Le "awful character design and potato mouth" face?



Someone please post crying Statue of Liberty.


delet this

Fuck off, shindol

Why. What is it?




