Is this the most influential cartoon of recent years?

Is this the most influential cartoon of recent years?

>recent years

That would be adventure time

20 years ago is recent?

Yes. The storyboard driven "off-model" philosophy is still used in cartoons to this day, for better or worse.

The most influential cartoon of recent is currently airing.

>a tv show can only be influential while it's still airing

what did it influence?

lazy production?

what did it influence?

lazy production?

I'd say the threshold for recent years is anything that aired from 2004 onward, whether it be the premiere or the finale.


It's Spongebob.

No adventure time is.

Yes, pretty much the first cartoony cartoon (for lack of a better term) on TV for the longest time.

Also, a threadly reminder that Nickelodeon was right to fire John K. and Bob Camp doesn't get nearly enough credit for picking up the pieces.

>Bob Camp doesn't get nearly enough credit for picking up the pieces.
Yeah, he did a good job making Season 3 enjoyable, but Seasons 4 and 5 were absolute garbage worse than APC.

>Ren and Stimpy
>recent years
Sure thing, gramps.

I'm not sure I would even call (early) Spongebob "recent years." Try Adventure Time.

Is there a video example of this?
I'm still baffled this is a thing. Tumblr Universe has so many problems, why the fuck do people still defend it.

Believe it or not, it's probably this one.

It basically pioneered flash animation and today's Cal-Arts style of choice all on its own.

Ren and Stimpy inspired, or if not, paved the way for '90s cartoons. Spongebob was the biggest show to come out of that era and inspired a lot of 2000's cartoons and the after that Adventure Time which has influenced the look and tone of almost every show after it.

Bob Camp was an integral member of the R&S team, he storyboarded Stimpys Invention for chrissakes, but didn't understand the characters enough to helm the show himself imo. the Games Era episodes were repetitive and flat.

Modern Spongebob is shit due to how hard it tries to be Ren and Stimpy

This. People rag on John K. and Spumco a lot, but the show was garbage without them.

Well, garbage is maybe too harsh, there were a handful of good ones.

in recent years? Not really.

Most modern grossout shows more look like South Park and Family Guy wannabes, and Slapstick hasn't been the norm in animation for a long time.

Influence, not popularity. How often do you see a John K style nowadays, or ever?

I take your Mucha Lucha and raise it with Flapjack.
>Like most 2000s shows, popularised thin-line animation
>Introduced most of the last decade's directors to animation.
>The humor style
>Heavily storyboarder-driven
>Surreal, slice of life setting

>How often do you see a John K style nowadays
Well you just posted a good example.

Touche, but I stand by what I said. Ren and Stimpy's style of cartoonishness isn't as pervasive to this day as one might think.

I'd say Simpsons is. A lot of modern cartoons show a lot of signs in both art and writing that some of the staff were fans when they were younger.

Why not just ask creators?

Flapjack was also where a number of prominant Animation people got their start (J.G. Quintel, Pendleton Ward, Alex Hirsch, Patrick McHale).

God I fucking hate John K fans they're like weeabos.

>Look at our retarded thoughtless, talentless written cartoons!! aren't they the pinnacle of animation and so much more superior than everything else, including french animation?

>recent years

user I have some bad news for you

Ren and Stimpy is the reason why cartoons try too hard to be gross and vulgar without any of the subtly and charm of the original.

Even if it will eventually be true, you can't know that because influence works forward.