Power Rangers

I know it's pretty edgy but I can't help bu think the White Dino Ranger looks pretty badass.

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His Sentai counterpart's even worse in that regard. He fights the rangers for the lulz.


fuck zords

Seriously. Even his name was edgy as fuck. Abare Killer.

you know what's really weird? All ranger teams have black visors to see out of except for time force, who have black helmets, and suit colored visors. No other ranger team does this.


Yeah, I actually prefer DT.

Honestly, I meant it in a nice way. /m/ has a constant Power Ranger general and Super Sentai general. If you want to talk about the PR's, that's a great place to it.

roger that, I'll remember that when this thread fails. Sorry if I was coarse to you.

Mods delete Power Ranger threads on Sup Forums unless they're blatantly about the boom comic in the OP
Last Rangers thread got sent to Sup Forums

Thoughts on Lord Drakkon OP?

looks like i'm on borrowed time

not even Sup Forums wants this shit please go to /trash/

DAMN that dude looks awesome.

what? you don't like rangers?

/trash/ would increase the amount of Kat and Cruger porn

not a lot of good power rangers porn out there. It would be all that low quality shit that looks like it was drawn by spastics

Next Wednesday's the day the new issue releases.
There would probably be a storytime so hop right in

Figure when

are the comics any good. I always thought power rangers would be a lot better if it was a cartoon or comic.

They're pretty good
-Most of the characters are fleshed out while staying true to the originals
-Tommy's role in the team actually being questioned
-Zord action is great
-Greater scope for the rangers to use now that they're not limited by Sentai footage
-Goldar has the perfect blend of Season 1 and Season 2 characterization
-Original Ranger designs are actually pretty good
-Some of the most beautiful cover art I've ever seen
-Side adventures reminiscent of the humor found in the original series
-Justice League crossover's pretty fun and light hearted

-Art can be lazy at times
-Monster designs can be generic with a few exceptions
-Zack's not as fun as he should be
-MMPR Pink is lackluster
-Alternate Universe Rita's method of domination may come off as outdated in a few years
-Later stories can come off as fanficy

coolio, I'll have to check that out. Never was a big fan of the live action show but I absolutely love the costume design of the rangers and would love to read a comic about them.

On one hand he's already popular enough to have cosplayers
On the other hand he's a comic exclusive character

hows he drinking that

If nothing else I really respect how they combined the symbols of Dragonzord coin and the Tigerzord coin

it actually works, considering he is a villain for 38 episodes and doesn't officially join the team until 4 episodes til the end.

Abarekiller was awesome.

why the fuck was it called super mega force when it's very obviously supposed to be pirate themed

Is it still shit?
I quit because Megaforce was too shit for me to handle, but those costumes are kinda nice.

Because Saban's a hack

Watch Gokaiger, you'll have more fun.

i dont know, i haven't watched power rangers since mystic force

Tzachor's incompetent and made it the second half of Megaforce which is adapted from Goseiger.
The fact that it doesn't acknowledge the pirate motif is one of the least of its many problems.
And that says a lot.

>pretty edgy
Boy, White Dino Ranger was based.

Watch Gokaiger user.
While it'll resonate better if you watch previous Sentai prior the show's still fun even without it.
If you liked Samurai's costumes but hated the show, I heavily recommend Shinkenger.

so your saying they don't acknowledge the fact that all their weapons and zords, are know nautical based instead, whatever megaforce was supposed to be?

I remember this, they used literal toys to turn into other rangers from better series
people made the joke about them being pirates stealing other ranger abilities

>When Japan finally makes their own Tommy

i assume that's why the belts look like that?

what the fuck am I looking at. silver dud looks like masquerade from bakugan

Their power was they could change into any previous version of the power rangers. Saban took this as a perfect opportunity to use the footage showing power rangers from multiple eras as a way of doing a huge crossover series.

Also only one of Zord's pirate based, the pirate ship itself.
The rest of the parts are generic racing car, jet, trailer, and submarine
The rest of the zords are based on past seasons.
Super Megaforce and Megaforce use footage from different seasons

The Red Ranger's powered up form. It basically demands that 8 of the other Rangers all get fused to him as Batteries so he can use it.

8 other Rangers, whose only purpose is to be a Power Up for the Red.

inst it kind of weird how there's all these different types of rangers, who all exist in the same world. some ranger teams even have themes in common with one another. mighty morphing, dino thunder and dino charge are all dinosaur based.

Is there a reading guide or anything?

Maybe those kinds of helmets and visors were just a bitch to produce and maintain? It is a nice look. Maybe they could even do a helmet that doesn't look like it has a visor at all or something.

he better be fuckin powerful then

And this is new how?

It's only been like 13 issues and an annual, not hard to catch up

Skip the Pink Ranger mini. It's not worth it

Compare demanding 2 Rangers to 8

It's a fairly recent ongoing and is only about a year old with issue 14 being next.
There has been 2 miniseries on that is going on right now (Justice League/Power Rangers) and one that just ended (MMPR Pink).
There's also a fun 2016 annual comic

I didn't like Tommy so I like they made a version that's a real asshole. But then they go and make main Tommy a character I can actually care about. Like hell, I really hope these guys get to do seasons other than MMPR. I've been rewatching it recently and the only times I enjoyed it was laughing at how bad it was. If they can turn shit into gold imagine what they could do with some of the better seasons.

>Awesome suit design
>horrible character that will end at issue 15

He is another Spider Gwen, isn't he?

It required power from the Black and White Rangers the first time too.

And iirc eventually they were able to improve the process so that they didn't get unmorphed after giving him the boost.

Ah ok I didn't realize it was that fresh, and I actually thought that every Ranger had a book which would make things pretty complicated. Got it

That's not true. Most people liked Tommy when he was first introduced and a good number of people still do. As far as I know, NO ONE likes Lucky.

The editors hinted in a interview that they can only do Zordon Era/are only aiming for Zordon era and are really enthusiastic of the potential that Zeo can bring.
Higgins himself said on twitter, that if he could do any season it'd be Operation Overdrive for some reason.
The VP of Boom's sales wants to see Ninja Storm, SPD, and Time Force


What was her method again?

>makes their own Tommy
A company doesn't make a Tommy, it takes a company and fans to make a Tommy.
Fans overhyped Tommy so much and as a result Tommyfags are a thing and the company responds

Trent's story was pretty interesting. His Dino Gem turned him evil, he initially tried to fight it, but then he was like "fuck it", and gave into it.

These guys are my favorite design, overall. White Dino Ranger is tied with both Silver Rangers in terms of favorite single ranger.

yeah they take keys that look like toys of past rangers and put them in the belt

sleek and classic, nothing wrong with these rangers


Mighty Morphin has the most aesthetic costumes of the whole franchise.

She took over Earth by normalizing her reign among areas she captured and took over and as a result people from areas she didn't take over clamored for her (picket signs appeared saying stuff like #LetRitaRule and "Rita Rights Wrongs" pop up) and her powers grew as a result
This was actually confirmed to have been inspired by the election
At least it's only one occurrence and it wasn't as blatant as it could have been

>My favorite part of the show ever
Being 12 years old on Jetix and watching the episode where blue rangers dad has a time force suit on


If you include sentai you have some of the older shows, and GoBusters where they had like shades or something to that effect.

It's a neat aesthetic but I assume the reason it isn't done often is because it costs more, at least to make something the suit actors can actually see out of (well, as much as they usually do anyway) without going full stage-show and having giant holes in the face.


White/Silver are always the coolest.

i mean really, what's the military gonna do against rita and her monsters?

We can agree that the new movie sucked ass right?

>The VP of Boom's sales wants to see Ninja Storm, SPD, and Time Force

Dino Thunder too.

I fucking hated how they wasted the amazing end episode on such a shit fucking series
Then I fucking hated they didn't even try to do a callback to dino thunder with dino charge
Then I hate how they won't even think of call back of ninja storm with ninja steel

Lightspeed Rescue that shit

Did anyone watch the Japan one? Did they have the same ability to turn into other rangers?

Draft teenagers with attitude?

Reminds me of Digimon Frontier, how every member of the team just became power ups for the two main guys. I stopped watching after that.

Maybe if each member had a super powered up form they could access by the others giving up their powers for a time that might solve some of the issues I have with this kind of shit. But I can't think of any team based series that does that off the top of my head.

Omega SPD was shit though.

Best ranger. Best boy

Yes, even non ranger heroes like the Sentai equivalents of the Sentinel Knight, Blue Centurion, etc

Nah it was good. Not great, more Ranger action would have been nice. Still a good movie and I'd watch the sequel.


Honestly I will be fine with any Alien, Zeo, Turbo, or In Space comics like this. I'm just really sick of MMPR being pushed as like the main thing. I think they push MMPR more than whatever the current season is now even but don't quote me on that.

dino thunder always has a special place in my heart, and I love Mesagog especially since he was the one to defeat Lothor instead of Ninja Storm.

What the fuck is this shit? This doesn't look like a power ranger.

There's also Aftershock but that takes place in the 2017 movieverse

What's up with their necks?

is that the ginyu force?

red isn't even trying

>2017 movieverse
Noooo thanks

Wonder if any other seasons will get books. SPD would be a fun comic

Aw come on user, it's based on dinosaur what more do you want?
They got cheap cloth.
Look at the Green Ranger's shield it's also made out of cheap cloth because IIRC they lost the actual shield from Zyruranger

shitty american imitation suits. Look at the crest on Tommy, lol.

This is one of the reasons I lost interest after Mighty Morphin. Everything was so perfectly designed.

Actors leaving had a lot to do with it too. I could never get into the "let's replace the cast every season like sentai does" thing once they started that shit.

I guess I'm the minority amongst Rangers fans anymore given the amount of "I'm sick of everything being about MMPR/Tommy" I see these days.

Every rangers series better get a book. Except turbo, fuck turbo, AND OVERDRIVE

It was okay. Not great, not terrible, just okay. The only bad part of the movie is the designs of everything.

>Lightspeed mc fucking rescue that shit
That series was so fucking weird
You had firefighters who were actually cops who were actually the military with a bad in what is basically Atlantis or rapture from BioShock, and their special ranger was an alien with cancer, all the meanwhile they fought aliens and fucking demons

Now that I think about it, did they ever explain where the Lightspeed Rescue powers came from? Did an Earth based government go through the remains of the destroyed Command Center and reverse engineer the shit in there?

Maybe he'll live and another writer could do a better job with him?
