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What is she, /swco/?

Give me all your Star Wars Baneposts

More Space Yeezy when?

What is the New Republic so shit?

>people actually think filoni's ending the show on his own terms and didn't just get HIRSCH'd

They should've made his species more interesting looking

>yfw delphidians are literally black

Do you miss me yet


No, theres still room in my head canon.

>tfw Hayden won't be in TLJ

number 1 reason I thank the mouse for the canon purge

>This feel is unconfirmed

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Believe in Rian.

I'm fine so long as yoda is out as well.

I really want this just so they'll acknowledge the prequels in some aspect. TFA just copied off the 4th Chapter like the prequels never even happened. It's just displaying the shallow aspects of the series "Look, X-wings and tie fighters! Buy those toys for your kids!"

On a more personal note I've meet Hayden through work and he's honestly one of the coolest, friendliest actors you'll ever meet. He's a great guy and I think his performance and contribution to the Star Wars universe needs some acknowledgement.

Why are they so few Luke-centric comics post ROTJ

Force God

>The girl has no patience, and refuses to see my reason
>Was I not the same when you tried to redeem me?

>Who is this white male?
>I am his father *ominous music*
>Luke is more suicidal now, twisted and depressed
>Serves him right for talking back to me
>We are both products of the Jedi teachings and -
>Da bloody hell would anyone want to be a Jedi and stop mansplaining me you white Naz-Imperial scum

I think they're waiting for ST to end before doing a lot of that.

Anyone got any dumb/fun ideas for stories in the Star Wars Universe?

>Identity politics

Oh wow you're so egdy



Hell no. You're one of the things I'm glad is gone.

I dislike tumblr

What else is new?

The Solo Legacy book was better

>Battle Droid becomes sentient
>Develops weird fascination for the Jedi
>Eventually wants to become a Jedi
>Tries really hard to connect with the force
>Gets made fun of by supporting characters
>Heroic sacrifice
>Much crying is had
>I get all your money now

>>Star Wars: The Last Jedi trailer

What the fuck are you trying to pull here, OP?

No. He actually took a higher position in Star Wars animation. He didn't bitch out like Hirsch did.

>Describe Qui-Gon without mentioning his occupation or appearance
"Independent minded and hardheaded, but measured and wise."
Wow, so hard.

When did you grow out of RLM?

So weren't we supposed to get a fuller trailer for BF2 that the "leak" was just a tease of?

I just copied that from the last OP.

I didn't notice that. Fuck.

We did.

Look at the OP.

Star Wars Battlefront 2’s campaign is penned by Spec Ops: The Line writer Walt Williams


Dice really seem to be trying with this one honestly, this is a good sign

I thought it was funny
Maybe I'm retarded

They're just irl Sup Forums shitposters.

>penned by Spec Ops: The Line writer Walt Williams

That gives me hope. I know Spec Ops: The Line had mixed reactions but you have to admit the writing and attention to detail were thought out better than most games are.

That test was bullshit even if you agreed with them. It's about as silly as every other test.

Its definitely one of the best written shooters out there, hopefully he can recapture that without leaning too hard on Heart of Darkness

>characters with 3 films worth of characterisation vs a character with a single film worth of characterisation
Wow RLM, really BTFO of the prequels

>between AotC and RotS
>Pirates on the edge of the republic storm a diplomats ship
>Steal all the shit, grab the senator on board for ransoms and giggles
>Republic ships come to the rescue
>Pirates escape to uncharted space with ship damaged
>Crash land on uncharted world
>The ship's fucked, they search for food
>Find signs of intelligent life
>Find a primative village, attack them and take their shit
>Pirates discover that they're on a world with a medieval-tier civ
>They start conquering shit with their advanced weaponry
>Locals have a caste of mystics with basic understanding of the Force
>Senator disgusted with the pirates, manages to escape to try and form a resistance
>Recognises the connection between the mystics and the force
>Years pass, Pirates establish dominance
>Senator has taught the mystics and resistance about the Republic, plan to use their force powers to contact the Jedi
>Pirates begin to fight among themselves as the ammunition which holds their power is running low
>Mystics sense a presence from the direction the Senator told them Coruscant was
>Resistance launch attacks against pirates and their supporters, smelling weaknesses in their division
>Pirates fight back, gain advantage, hope for resistance looks lost
>Suddenly, ships pull out of hyperspace
>Senator spots clone troopers, all is saved
>lolno, didn't you hear? We Empire now

>>Describe Qui-Gon without mentioning his occupation or appearance
Father Figure
literally the entire point of his character was to be dadcore

The funny part is that Han Solo is actually a really stereotypical character.
>rogue with a heart of gold who's heart of gold wins out
Qui-Gon is more nuanced, if anything.
He's a Jedi master who's not afraid to mind trick people and rig bets (chance cube) in order to do what he thinks is the will of the force.

Yeah, Qui-Gon is pretty based.

>spec ops the line
>good writing
>more shameless rehash of Joseph Conrad than TFA was of ANH
its writing was a colossal fuck up because the total lack of agency in that fucking railroad of a shooter sort of ruins the whole game, I don't know where you guys are coming from with this "oh it shows the horrors of war this means its good" just because it literally forces you to go against your nature and be evil in order to progress
unless you find the unbelievably pretentious message of "the only winning move is not to play" artistic

It works as a meta-commentary on shooters in general, considering how that entire subset of games are some of the most railroaded out there
Plus if you want to talk rehashes, so was Apocalypse Now, doesn't mean its less impactful

Oh fuck off, not every game should carve the story out to your desires.

The game is about the horrors of war, and while the player couldn't avoid it, it did a spectacular job of hiding it's lack of choice.

I see it less as a commentary on the horrors of war and more of a metacommentary on shooters and violent games in general.

I want Hayden in by the third movie. Like say Kylo continues down the path to the dark side and starts connecting more with the force in general. They visit a planet that is steeped in the force and he actually gets to meet his grandfather.


>go out of character to kill innocents or you can't finish the game in spite of there being a million plausible options to continue but the mechanics simply don't let you
wow true kino Benedict Cumberbatch does it again gotyay

John Knoll is comfy.

>blue screen

B-but the original trilogy was 100% practical effects! The prequels were the ones that used absolutely zero real effects!

they weren't done with the space prop don't worry

>story takes place in between ROTS and ANH
>journalist is sent to cover a planetary uprising
>story is basically all of his own personal notse, and not the heavily edited Imperial propaganda version
>follows a company of Stormtroopers as they fight to put down the local resistance
>includes private interviews with Stormtroopers, who give their honest opinions about the whole thing, and about how they have to reconcile with all the horrible things they've done in the name of peace and order
>basically a war documentary that humanizes the Imperial grunts

You're talking about the white phosphorous scene? You had no idea and no way of knowing that there were civilians mixed in with the enemy at the gate, and as badass as your team is three guys can't storm a fortified position without softening it up first, and the only real tool to hand that could do the job was the mortar. It fucking sucks, but sometimes you have to make the call. That and what , its a meta commentary on shooters and violent video games, who routinely give you choice then take it away. Shit, Bioshock is one of the worst offenders yet it gets remembered as the game that made that mainstream
Same, Kylo said it himself, he can't deny the truth that is family, and it would be a neat callback if he was to learn that he was lied to about his family history even after learning that his grandfather was Vader
That and honestly Hayden deserves the rehabilitation, there's zero doubt in my mind he would have been remembered far more positively if he'd been given the kind of material Lanter was working with on TCW

I would love that, especially if there was like a special feature or extra chapter or something that was basically the sanitized Imperial approved version of the raw reality you read before

Post EU post-ROTJ books that are more entertaining than TFA.

>if he'd been given the kind of material Lanter was working with on TCW
worst meme
PT writing>TCW writing
for example...

A while back someone posted that TCW webm that shows the force priestess explaining to Yoda about how dead people get recycled into the force, and it was fairly long winded.

In ROTS, Yoda tells Anakin the very same thing, he's just more concise.
>Rejoice for those around you *who transform into the force*. Mourn them do not, miss them do not.

BUT one user said yesterday that based on the TCW webm that TCW "added more mysticism to the force than anything since ESB".

I've seen other people say similar things over the years.

So my question is- why do people straight up deny and warp the PT to fit their weird narrative about TCW being better than the PT?

Because I would argue that the ROTS scene is more subtly written than the TCW scene.

>game tries to be art and a movie
>fails at all three
It's good you bring up Bioshrek Inthebutt because they're the exact same terrible fucking game with a different veneer. I suppose BF2 has a better chance though considering that literal retard Ken Levine is not involved.

Anything involving Clankers usually gets my attention
>Just fire right there

You first.

Here, have 3.

>yfw Terry Dodson drawing preggo Leia

PT writing was wooden and clunky to the point of being insufferable, not at all helped by the fact that Hayden was blatantly not getting the help he needed from Lucas on how to act in his scenes

As for Force mysticism, explaining how the dead become one with the cosmic Force is a lot more mystical and engaging than Yoda's generic "the dead don't leave you so long as you remember them" thing

All OT characters are pretty basic and one-dimensional. The reason people praise them is solid (or rather, clearly conveyed) character development for Luke (Han and Leia are set in stone, in terms of character growth after ANH - the only thing that keeps them going is the fling - sorry, I mean romance) and likability/relatability. They are plucky characters played by charismatic actors with entertaining dialogue. That's all to them.

Anakin, with his psychological and emotional issues, Obi-Wan, the man torn between adherence to authority and order and his own humanity, and Padmé, an idealist and believer in the system caught who ironically couldn't see beyond her subjective perspective of the world and got caught in events beyond her control, are far more flawed and nuanced characters in comparison. But the writing is stilted and George can't lead actors, so people didn't connect with them like with the OT3. That's where the undeserved shitflinging comes from.

For the record, I also think that Rey and Kylo are better than their equivalent in the OT, at least, even though so far they were put through the same ordeals Luke went through, instead of anything unique to them personally. Rey has more in terms of personal conflict, with the detatchment and avoidance of reality as well the deep scarring the childhood trauma inflicted on her. Luke's challenge in ANH was external - having to learn to handle himself, to embrace the Force, while Rey's is internal in overcoming her own demons. I find that arc to be more interesting, personally.

The lesson to learn from all that is that the general audience doesn't give a shit if a character is complex. They just want them to be "likable". See also: people criticising Rogue One for having no interesting characters.

>Maybe she bails out on the First Order once Snoke takes over and turns them into fanatics.
This is something that I'd like to see, honestly. It could make sense of the clip from the trailer of a ground battle happening on Starkiller Base. Inferno Squad up and rebels against the FO while there and fucks shit up, leading to their demise or something.

Rogue One had plenty of interesting and likeable characters. But they all die within an hour of their appearance so who cares.

Who's talking about Infinite? I was referring to the original, which when you break it down treats choice and player agency even worse than The Line while disguising it as philosophical wank. At least Spec Ops was honest about unapologetic about showing you the horror of the power fantasy you signed up for

>is a lot more mystical and engaging than Yoda's generic "the dead don't leave you so long as you remember them" thing
I vehemently disagree.
They say the same thing, one is just more long winded and poorly done.


Oh, I assumed you were talking about BSI, because the first two bioshocks were actually good games AND stories.

>But the writing is stilted and George can't lead actors, so people didn't connect with them like with the OT3.
As a kid I found the PT to be more human and the acting felt better to me.

>the OT wasn't filmed in actual space

I didn't like that the force protected/or he was force sensitive too Baz to walk straight into a sniper nest is that what happened?

In 2009, Cracked wrote an article about five ways the EU ruined the Star Wars original trilogy, and one of the reasons was "they completely undid the Rebels' accomplishments in Return of the Jedi."

Gee, it's a good thing that never happened in canon, right?

the set is in space but it didnt look good enough

If I haven't read it, is it so good it should still be read despite not being canon?

They really don't, what Yoda says is no different from the stuff a lot of people tell you after someone dies "they they aren't dead as long as their name is spoken" or "don't mourn them as they live on in your memories", all that kind of crap you get from people
The Force priestesses explaining that no, really, people don't actually fucking die they just get cosmically recycled and here's proof is a lot more mystical and mythical

Neither was the moon landing :^)

What are you talking about? Is thirty years of peace and redevelopment not good enough for you or something? Just because the First Order exists doesn't mean the Rebels somehow lost, it just means there's a continuity state of the Empire, which was a big thing in the old EU anyway
And Luke failed because he tried to recreate a system that had already failed, and frankly its his own damn fault for keeping something like that from his nephew. If he'd told Kylo while he was a kid things would have been much better

Absolutely, some of the best material the franchise has ever produced.

>people don't actually fucking die they just get cosmically recycled
That's what Yoda tells Anakin. You're trying your hardest to diminish that fact.
He TELLS him that they transform into the force.

Everybody does.

I prefer the classic pulpy covers.

>a guy shooting lasers out of his fingers

What do you want Filoni's next series to be about?

A series set between ESB and RotJ would be neat

the silent suffering of a gonk droid with no legs

I never said he didn't tell him that, I'm talking about the way its presented and written. In the scene with Yoda and Anakin it comes off as an attempt to help Anakin come to terms with the inevitability of death even when it affects those close to you
In the other its literal physical facets of the Force explaining that your soul is returned to the Cosmic Force at the end of your mortal existence. One is substantially more involved with the mythology of the Force than the other.

The central theme of "those who die never leave you" is the same, but the second one is presented as an actual fact not someone offering comfort

I'd be up for something post-RotJ. Maybe focused on Kyle Katarn. Either that, or...OR...a series about Dash Rendar's adventures during the OT.

The transition era between ROTJ and TFA. Its the most potential filled era in Star Wars and could help answer a lot of questions about what we missed as well as offering new opportunities.

Hardcore pornography

He's offering comfort WITH an actual fact.
There's something wrong with you mate.

Seeing Hayden made me happy

except in bioshock 1, it treated player agency as "oh nvm you were being mindcontrolled and just didn't know it"

How can anyone rip Spec Ops and not hate bioshock 1 more?

Well there's your first problem.

Isn't Dash Rendar one of Pablo's most hated EU characters?

An actual fact that he offers no evidence for in that moment, and one that the audience didn't know about because said evidence hadn't been created at that moment in time
To be brutally honest I think we've been arguing at cross purposes this entire time. Lets just fucking drop it