
Wanted to do this yesterday so we're making up for it today.

Corum storytime part 2
Queen of Swords

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Mike Baron is such an amazing writer. This might be his most underrated work.



I think it's a good adaptation as well.































And Mignola on art is always a plus.

Yep. Too bad this the last arc.he worked on.
Which reminds me, i found an interview on how much he loves some Moorcock.

I discovered Michael Moorcock in high school, and while I wasn’t really consciously thinking about Moorcock when I started Hellboy, I realized this kind of “doomed hero” thing that Moorcock did ended up having such a big influence on Hellboy.

I was a big Michael Moorcock fan when I was in high school, and all of his characters were doomed. Having read all of the Conan/sword of sorcery stuff, the Moorcock stuff was very different. His characters were always just screwed. Corum: doomed. Elric: doomed. Horrible things happened to these characters, and ultimately, they would get the relief of finally dying. That stuff was very much in my head in the “Hellboy” stuff. Certainly, as “Hellboy” went along, it became more and more about the prophesies built up around him, and while this character might not be screwed, he’s got a lot of shit he has to do. I don’t think “Hellboy in Hell” is necessarily a tragedy, but it certainly has tragic elements and there is a Shakespearean feel to it. Not just with death, but the family drama and stuff like that. Other than some dialogue things, I’m not really referencing anything or specific Shakespeare plays, but I did have this Shakespearean drama kind of vibe in my head.

Last issue btw














