Rick and Morty isn't reddi-

Rick and Morty isn't reddi-

Normalfags liking something doesn't make it not good, contrarian.

Should we disavow cars because there's a car appreciation subreddit?

Hey, everyone! It's our old friend, 2016's most-tiresome meme! Nice to see it's still keeping busy in the new year, huh?

Reddit =/= Bad

It's Sup Forums if crossboarding was forbidden

Reddit please leave. It's not summer yet.


I have a reddit account, and go on there from time to time. What are you faggots gonna do about it?

wtf I hate Rick and Morty now.


Why I'll call you bad names like uncouth.

Suck your cock

Shit, well if reddit likes it that means I have to hate it. Thanks OP!

I don't know why Bane wears the mask.

Not an argument

You seem upset.

I go on Sup Forums, reddit and tumblr just about equally (maybe tumblr a bit less).

Just enjoy the things you like.

>show that reddit loves
>colbert and john oliver

my fucking good reddit are retarded

If Futurama came out today yall would be calling it Reddit.

no you idiot, Futurama is actually funny. Reddit and Memey is not, it's like a new Family Guy.

>clever, ironic, cynical, nerdy, pop-culture heavy

What's the next step of your master plan


Futurama WAS called reddit before Rick and Morty came out, I remember many instances of people calling Phillip J. Fry "le smug reddit man" just a few years ago.

Anyone else here from Reddit? I'm from Reddit and I love Cuck and Normie. Pic related, Sup Forumsros.

that picture physically hurts to look at. holy shit

Imagine all the reddit gold he/she/it received for that.

I bet this individual has a healthy relationship with their parents

Why is this site so obsessed with reddit?

>no you idiot

By your retarded logic, Sup Forums is reddit because r/Sup Forums exists.
It's time to kill yourself.

calling it "Reddit & Memey" is absolute zero-effort trolling yet it always manages to trigger R&M fans super hard, that's why it's hilarious

so basically is the same fuckery that triggers that is use to trigger furries old arguments that even to this day gets people trigger and angry

I can confirm this to be true
That fucking shading ugh my fucking eyes. That would be good as a teenagers deviantart drawing, but on your body? Jesus Christ. Do people not realize ebin pop culture meme :DD tattoos are gonna be dated and shit in no time at all?