The reviews go up tonight. What will the rotten tomato score be?

The reviews go up tonight. What will the rotten tomato score be?

High enough for Sup Forums to come over here and throw a tantrum.

Silly, user, Sup Forums was going to come and shit up the place anyways.

at least 95% so I hope you all got your laughing Draxs ready for those "DC fans" from Sup Forums

It will probably settle around 90%.

90% +

Higher than Suicide Squad and BvS combined I can assure you that much.
DCfags will shit up the place with their tears.
But no, what I'm really looking forwis seeing social media explode, now those places really get cancerous whenever a Marvel movie gets good reviews.

>Higher than Suicide Squad and BvS combined I can assure you that much.

that's not saying much tho

well no shit it's gonna be above 50% Marvel ACTUALLY KNOWS how to make movies

even their "worst" is still 70%

Guys, it's going to be around 70%. Really.

DCfags will have their chance to rejoice about the rival studio doing "bad", Marvelfags will actually be disappointed with the film.

Truth is, the film is just not that good. Superhero fatigue will settle even more around the time Spidey is released, which will also open to mixed reviews.

thanks I haven't laughed like that in a long time

Says the DC fanboy

be realistic

Why do you care?

>Higher than 50%

I should bloody well hope so.

I thought that was going to be the case, but then Japan went fucking nuts at the prescreening. It's literally Kojima approved.

>Giving a fuck what the RT score is



after seeing movies that are 90% filler and have no characters get into the high 80's I stopped trusting them

Sup Forums Sup Forums and Sup Forums could all desperately benefit from a new containment board called
>/scr/ Scores and Percentages
A board specifically for masturbating to review scores BUT not actual reviews. No, actually discussing the product is still board related. But that won't happen anyway, because what people want is to count how many x/100's, how many stars out of five, and how many ruby kumquats a movie/game earned.


the trailers were awful but the movie will probably be good just not as good as the first one.

+90% because retards will eat that generic shit up like it's chocolate. same thing happened to the first one which people actually compared to fucking OT star wars, jesus fucking christ

realistically it will probably be a 6-7/10 movie

>Giving a shit about what others think
>Not just forming your own opinions and being proud of them regardless of the score websites give them
>Not being your own person

I agree with RT about the DCEU so far though

thing is, I never pay attention to RT scores because I make my own opinion

unfortunately, RT scores often manipulate normies/plebs so there is a danger that good movies which deserve sequels or franchises don't get said franchises because people such as Marvelshills review movies even though having no clue about actual film

I agree wi-


c'mon you were so close to being a good reply


It's become a dysfunction like Tourette Syndrome at this point.