Samurai Jack

>halfway through the season
>the best character has only gotten two scenes

What is with this? There better be non-stop Aku for the next few episodes. This is the last we'll ever get of one of my favorite villains ever and he's barely showed up.

Nobody actually gives a shit about Aku. When he actually gets screentime he's not interesting and I don't know why you would want to see him when you can watch the powerful Samurai and his attractive sidekick Ashi instead.


At least both of his scenes were
e x t r a
t h i c k

They probably don't want to draw too much attention to his new voice.

I didn't mind it in his first appearance, but last episode it was really distracting.

He isn't getting screen time because what's going on with him isn't interesting at the moment. All Aku has been doing has been sitting in his little tower hoping that Jack doesn't find him, while Jack is more interesting since he's trying to survive and find a way to kill Aku.

The scenes we get with him are fine because if we got anything more it would just be Aku killing more rebels effortlessly or talking about how much he hates Jack. His only threat at the moment is Jack, and Jack doesn't have the sword he can use to kill him yet.

Plus, any extra time with him would take away from any potential time with Jack, and when you only have 10 episodes to work with you have to use all of the time you have.

Aku is great because he gets so little screen time.

He'd get old pretty quickly otherwise.

Don't make the same mistake that the writers of Planet Sheen and The Cleveland Show made.

I can live with his new voice, but I really can't stand the way they've changed how his face is animated. He looks a lot sillier.

Baldwin said he recorded for 7 episodes, and he's voiced Aku in 3 so far. That leaves 4 more out of the 5 remaining.

You're going to get your wish.

here's my complaint, where's the swearing?

like, i get that the show doesnt want to go full "FUCKSHITBITCHASSCUNTDICK" but not even a small frustrated damn? Or the Scotsman calling Aku a pantyhose wearin' queer?

It's not even so much that the voice itself is different.

There's no echo effect. I feel like the new voice would be tolerable if it had the same "size" as Mako's through that echo


incredibly low quality b8

It'd be jarring as hell to see a cartoon character suddenly say damn or shit, especially someone like Jack.

Scotsman maybe, but still.

He'll get more screen time when he finds out jack doesn't have his sword and tortures the shit out of him

... Seriously? Have you never seen a cartoon with cursing? How would that be jarring at all?

Kid's cartoon character*

I know this is b8 but I wonder if there are fags that actually think this

I don't mind Ashi, the pacing of the show, or really anything except for Aku.

He has a retarded design and I don;t understand why they didn't digitally alter Baldwin's voice or gave it an echo-effect

I was alright with it the first time we heard it, though in this episode the differences started getting more noticeable. Baldwin makes him sound too much like a tired old man.

He over-emphasizes the accent, too. Mako had an accent but it wasn't quite that thick. The voice is also more gruff than scratchy.

Still, I can live with it, since this is probably as close as anyone is ever going to get to sounding like Mako.

a tired old jewish man.
They should have just got some old asian dude to do his own thing with aku. The reason the new voice is shit is because the guy is neither old nor asian and isn't able to pull off neither an old or asian accent

Yeah, I would've rather had someone who isn't specifically trying to sound like Mako but can at least convey the character rather than someone who's so focused on doing an impression at the cost of a weak performance.

>They should have just got some old asian dude to do his own thing with aku.
This. Hire a Japanese voice actor who is mostly just doing his own voice. Baldwin just seems like a guy who's trying too hard.

Completely read that in the Scotsmans voice, thanks.

I'm not sold on Baldwin but the tired old man voice kind of works thematically. Aku's only real challenge has gone into hiding and when you can curb-stomp random mooks (and THE SCOTSMAN) as easily as he did last episode things get old real quick.


He's not a kid's cartoon character anymore.

When have I seen those eyes and fur before...?
Was it... Three weeks ago?

Megas, anyone?

I like that they're not going liberal with the swearing. It makes the disconnect from previous seasons much less noticeable. Also adds flavor. For example, now we know that the Scotsman's creative but clean insults are a personality trait, not just an artificial result of censorship.

Fucking hell, that file name

Seconding this.

Dominator did literally nothing wrong.

i thought they were building up to aku realizing jack didn't have the sword and getting serious but with the synopsis and amount of episodes left i think jack will find the sword before aku finds out

Since I don't want to make another Jack thread, I just want to say I thought the way they handled the Scotsman reappearance was really really hamfisted.
I mean I get they wanted to use the younger Scotsman, and him coming back from the dead was a decent excuse to have him in "peak" form; but and excuse is still just an excuse, and honestly it just came off as really braindead.
I didn't even give a shit about him badmouthing Aku. That was just some lame fanservice Gennedy threw at the viewers to cover up the flaws.

Overall I feel this miniseries is terribly limited by the fact that there are only 10 episodes.
In any case that's just my opinion.

Obviously. Aku would just teleport to Jack and fry him otherwise.

It's building up to Aky unleashing his full power. His anger and malaise are mounting. Plus, we just saw him level an entire army in a few seconds with absolutely zero effort, and (physically) kill a guy he'd been hunting with bounty hunters for as long as he hunted Jack. He just zapped him and wiped out an army like it was as easy as rolling his eyes.

He kidnapped people and gave them surgery without their consent.

It's on'y going to be 10 episodes long?

Because the new voice actor sucks

Nobody better auditioned for the part

That doesn't change anything. Less I hear that poor imitation the better

You meant Samurai Ashi and her attractive sidekick Jack.

You wouldn't take the free daughterus and sonfus?