Male Sup Forums characters with eyelashes


a cat is fine too

Nermal is a girl

look at this garfcasual

Bullshit artist, he's a dude

I got you famalam


Didn't they give Nermal female voice just to fuck with everyone?


Fancy lad is just a girl (male), doesn't count

How the fuck this "guy" hasn't been posted yet is beyond me.

Cant forget Tweety Bird either

How the fuck has THIS GUY not been posted yet?

>Nermal is male
Did you just call me a faggot?

get an AIDS test Brah cause yer chasing dick.

I'm pretty sure Tweety isn't a boy. Nor a girl. It's some strange bird-asexually-reproducing-hermaphrotite abomination.
That's why Sylvester had a thousand yard stare going on when he got told by Tweety.

Little trivia: in the Latin American dub he was first mentioned as "she". It seems the translators didn't realize the character was male. It was the most confusing thing during the cartoon's first airings.



It still upsets me to this day.

"he"'s a mentally ill nongendered sponge
it is not a guy at all

Yeah a girl(male)

Actially sponges dont have genders. And going by the cannon spongebob dosnt either, as he reproduces by budding

Does Nermal represent Davis' homophobic views?

Then explain...THIS!

Sponges pick genders to identify with to better blend in and fit in with the rest of society.

I thought I read that men on average have longer and thicker eyelashes than women and the stereotype comes from women using cosmetics to fake having outrageously long and thick eyelashes.

>bullshit artist
A man of taste, I see. Greasy Strangler was kinography.