Why was the entire world so fucking triggered over what was obviously supposed to be an alternate take on Batman?

Why was the entire world so fucking triggered over what was obviously supposed to be an alternate take on Batman?

The Batman was actually one of the stronger parts of the movie

He just shared the screen with some real fucking garbage like Peepee Jar Man and Gal Gadot, coupled with the bad editing/directing

Dont pretend like Batman killing in the movie was well-handled in the actual plot. A bigger deal is made about branding than killing. Sure a lot of idiots unrightfully complained at the base level about killer Batman, but it was still poorly written

It was badly written.

we just had a trilogy that was an alternate take on batman and then here comes muggins doing an even more exaggerated version of that alternate take and trying to sell it as something fresh

I've shitposted and had honest conversations about this Batman and the conclusion I've come to is Snyder is a casual.
This was a sorta TDKR Batman but from the perspective of somebody who really didn't understand it was a deconstruction of a character and not an endorsement. The same guy who tries to make Superman a messiah parallel and doesn't realize that you don't have too. He already is.

Did he brand people because he knew it would get them killed? Or did Lex have them killed because he knew branding would get them killed? Or did branding... why wasn't Lex branded? Lex knows all their secret identities because...? How will they deal with Lex knowing all their identities? Why did he murder every security guard transporting kryptonite instead of just stealing it quietly? Why did he need to leave a calling card that he stole the kryptonite? Why did Robin have a halberd? Why didn't the flamethrower thug just roast Martha at the first sounds of trouble?

Lex was hiring inmates to kill bat branded thugs to smear Batman's image

So why was Bats branding criminals to begin with?

So they would always remember.

that was his way of throwing a tantrum

>alternate take on Batman
Except it wasn't.
Snyder just looked at a Batman version in anno domini xyz and thought if I do that it's automatically classic and makes me win the crowd.

>A bigger deal is made about branding than killing.

Not really, Alfred threatened to quit over the killing (not the branding) and Superman basically told Batman to retire or else because of the killing (not the branding).

You dumb.

except it was you autist, it was explicitly Batman as a bad guy being redeemed by Superman's sacrifice.

>This was a sorta TDKR Batman but from the perspective of somebody who really didn't understand it was a deconstruction of a character and not an endorsement.
Is that really a fucking surprise after Rorschach?

>except it was you autist, it was explicitly Batman as a bad guy
This is hardly the first time that's happened. I mean, what is Tower of Babel if not "Batman's a paranoid asshole"?

BvS is basically JLA: The Nail anyway.

>not muh Batman

Why make threads with easy answers?

I loved Batfleck for being so different, but I would've appreciated it more if they didn't make him so reckless with his murders. I always thought if Batman killed, he would just kill the bigger bads and in more theatrical and premeditated manner. Not a big complaint for me personally, but it's what I'd prefer.

What kind of a retard would put an "alternative take" of batman in a multi billion dollar mainstream movie universe?

>even more exaggerated version of that alternate
It's a different alternate version. Bale's Batman decides he won't kill right from the training stage.

Poorly written batman was poorly written. Lego movie gave him more depth

too be cool like how the Inglorious Bastards branded nazis

you can't invalidate my dislike of certain thing by just saying

i didn't even hated BvS, action was pretty cool desu, but batman murdering people left right and center made me raise an eyebrow

agreed. every single incarnation and every writer's run on the comics is an alternate take. Batman would have no fanbase if people were only capable of liking one specific writer/director's approach.

even ignoring the comics there's been about ten different takes on batman in the past 17 years across the different movies and cartoons and video games

>obviously supposed to be an alternate take on Batman
The people wanted the familiar Batman.

Fuck you talking about? Nobody brings up Batman killing people in the entire damn movie.

Because the movie doesn't bother to show any early history of Batman, hinging on the viewer's familiarity with the character, then turns right around and makes it a weird, alternate take anyway. You can't say, "Look, here's this thing you all know and love," then make it different anyway. That's retarded.

Also people frankly just wanted classic Batman.

>Because the movie doesn't bother to show any early history of Batman, hinging on the viewer's familiarity with the character, then turns right around and makes it a weird, alternate take anyway.
Finally someone gets it.

These are both correct

same queer


Batfleck is consistently agreed to be the only salvageable thing about the movie and this is mostly due to Ben Affleck since Batman is just as poorly written as the other characters in the movie.
And this is supposed to be our first exposure to the DCEU Batman, and he's already introduced to us as a jaded and dour murderer instead of a version of the character audiences would be more familiar with. This movie tried to jampack Injustice, TDKR, Man Of Steel 2 and Death Of Superman into a trash compactor and somehow think the finishing product would be anything but a indefensible mess.
>b-but Batman has killed before
Not an excuse and it frankly makes things worse.

It wasn't paced well

Because casuals dont read comics and cant accept the fact that theres a multiverse

>proceeds to immediately blow up the HQ of the League of Shadows, killing everyone inside
>probably including the guy he resolved not to kill
>also lets Ra's al Ghul die
>also (accidentally) kills Two-Face
>also shoots Talia until she dies

Nope. People just really didn't like it.

Also. It's a bit, stupid.
Because snyderbats doesn't break his no-kill for harley and joker WHO TORTURED AND MURDERED jason and he breaks it because of superman, who MIGHT become evil.

Those nazi shits sure deserved it but I don't know about the criminals

These criminals had people literally locked up in cages. They were human traffickers. Begging branded anywhere but the face is a fucking godsend.

>an alternate take on Batman?
Traditionally alternate takes on Batman are given a new identity and there isn't as much effort made to establish him as being "Batman."