Big villainous threat to the Flash

>big villainous threat to the Flash
>not an evil speedster

Flash Fact: It's impossible and you know it.

Reverse-Flash, Zoom, Black Flash, The Rival, Savitar and... Godspeed. I hope they don't bring him to the small screen. Worst evil speedster yet. Just make the rogues finally all work together and be the antagonists for the next season. Captain Cold can come back as their leader. No more new evil speedsters

Captain slow
A man who moves so slowly nothing can stop him

What you need is a villain who sheer GOES FAST isn't going to stop them. Someone who fucks with people and has things set up well ahead of time such that being able to get there quickly isn't going to cut it.

They'd probably have to be a kind of mafia or corrupt ceo type character. Lex Luthor, but maybe less public. Flash would have to figure out other ways to stop their plans, whatever they are. Obviously, there have to be some mooks to punch and then you can smack the head guy around a bit in the climax, but the threat they pose has to be something other than a physical one.

Kadabra did more to hurt Wally than anyone with super-speed ever did.

Grodd is psychic, speed can't protect against that.

And there's The Suit, who only appeared in one storyline in the 90's, but in that time he managed to fucking CRIPPLE the Flash (also he'd make for a great creepy visual for the TV show. He's a supervillain costume that came to life. Anyone who wears him dies and then he animates their rotting corpses so he can move around.)

Does the top count as speedster

>corrupt CEO type

Wow. How original.

That's actually a real flash villain

and he's actually a genuine threat

>Who is Grodd
>Who is Mirror Master
>Who is Weather Wizard

The mayor. A politician. Foreman of a construction company. Whatever.

The point is that his "power" is the ability to get other people to do things, either through manipulation, political influence, or wealth. Like psychic powers but not actually psychic. In the case of both, it's not something the Flash can ever out run, which is the point.

>Lex Luthor, but focused on the Flash


He already showed up and died.

How about someone whose power is invulnerability directly proportional to the kinetic force applied to him?

Rogues when

someone who is completlty intangible 24/7 and also possesses telekinesis

That's a really awesome villain gimmick. Why isn't he more utilized? I've never even heard of him.

>D list flash villain becomes Captain Universe

That would be cool, but I have never seen CW handling horror elements well.

>villain having the same power set as hero

This is always cancer.

Next season. But without Captain Cold, Heatwave and most likely Golden Glider.

The Rogues if they actually do what Snart tells them to

>next season
just like it was supposed to be this season, and last season...

I will never understand live action capeshit and its propensity to fucking kill all the villains all the time. It gets to the point that you never have recurring villains because they're either killed by the end of their first appearance or are redeemed.

Why would anyone watch this show?

>was gonna say Bizzaro
>His powers are reversed
you win today user

its in response to all the 'why doesn't batman just kill the joker?' complaints the comics have been getting for decades

>I will never understand live action capeshit and its propensity to fucking kill all the villains all the time

These stories have to be contained to an arc. This isn't going to run for 70 seasons.

Going full comic book would utterly ruin the drama and totally strip the story of any meaningful stakes, which makes the comics fans mad because they think that means people are saying "Comics are bad" and not "Comics and movies/TV" are different mediums with different storytelling styles."

Put them in prison instead of killing them off that way you can reuse them whenever

>Put them in prison instead of killing them off that way you can reuse them whenever

Sure, if they're penny-ante bank robbers or whatever.

But if your villain is enough of a threat or does enough evil shit, the only dramatically satisfying way to deal with them is death. That's just proper resolution.

They didn't promise prominence for the Rogues this season.

Next season is gonna be Thinker.

>This isn't going to run for 70 seasons.
No, but ten is pretty likely for this type of thing. If you have 26 episode season and treat each episode as equivalent to two issue based on various creators saying a six issue arc is comparable to a two hour movie that makes a ten season run come out to roughly 520 issues worth of storytelling. The only real limitations are special effect costs and actors.

>>Who is Mirror Master
>>Who is Weather Wizard

Under-fucking-used characters. Add Pied Piper to that list too.

>Golden Glider
I thought Frequency didn't get renewed, she should be free.

>Grodd is never a threat
>Cold is never a threat

>Someone who fucks with people and has things set up well ahead of time such that being able to get there quickly isn't going to cut it.
It's solved by going even faster than what he predicted
>Next, Flash will be heading her-wait what, where did everyone go and why is Flash breathing down my neck with his dick out?

Didn't he turn good and then never show back up

Or was that the Flashpoint universe

Pied Piper turned good before Flashpoint, it was that other time that Barry time traveled and caused an aberration

But he hasn't been seen since Flashpoint so who knows if that's still the case

>Foreman of a construction company

In Johns' Wally run, old GL villain "Goldface" went legit and became the leader of a union because Keystone's whole thing was being a city of blue collar workers, like Detroit back when they used to make cars instead of being the real world version of a postapocalyptic movie setting.

Flash can make intangible things tangible.

You didn't read Morrison's Flash run? Get on that shit, user.

Morrison also reinvented Mirror Master into his awesome self. He made the best Rogue long before Johns' changes.

Why is Vordt there?

Snart is already dead post-legends timeline.

Mind Controller

More specifically, a mind controller who uses their power intelligently.

Too bad that'll never happen unless it's written by John McCrae.

Fuck, why did i think tonight was going to be a new episode?