ITT: best girls only

ITT: best girls only



actually I'm lying. Audrey is the best girl

Atlantis had some excellent girls no matter how you slice it.

Was never a fan of Kida

>no one ever likes Kida

Well if that's the way you want it, fine. MORE FOR ME! P.T. Barnum was right.

fite me


She had ass though and through.

Aw the seamen demon that is Mrs.Hawkens


She's the true patrician's choice from that film. Amelia is decent, but can't hold a candle to Jim's mother.


I mean I'm I supposed to not want to tap that as soon as Jim leaves the house.

Said every sentient being in the system.

Really need some art of her just having a time with various beings just going to town in the tavern.

Jim must have had a hell of an Oedipus complex, too.

While I also appreciate Alex, we all know that Mandy is best girl.

>we all know that Mandy is best girl.

And utterly baffled as to why his father left.


I feel like everyone excuses the DCAU's horrible case of sameface because all the faces were 10/10's


List 15 reasons why she isn't best girl



1: She's not Alex.
2: She's not delicious brown.
3: She's not a cute tomboy.
4: She doesn't have short hair.
5: She doesn't wear a latex catsuit and high heels.
6: She's not the cute little sister of the group.
7: She doesn't get captured and subjected to bondage.
8: She has an annoying voice.
9: She's a complete bitch, but not the endearing kind.
10: She's not as kind as Alex.
11: She's not as smart as Sam.
12: She's not as fashionable as Clover.
13: She doesn't regularly get subjected to fetish stuff.
14: She's doesn't have cute feet.
15: She's not Alex.

The science has settled this question already in several peer-tested double-blind studies, Alex is indeed best girl. Clover is startlingly close though.

This is acceptable

But they're all great and wonderful at the same time.

This fucking show

It never fails to amuse.

Jerry is a man of fine taste


>The TS girls will never give you that look before knocking you out with sleep gas
>You'll never wake up naked and strapped to a bed as they stand over you in their spy suits, looking hungrily down at your cock.
>They'll never take turns riding you, sucking your dick and sitting on your face until the sun comes up.

Is she alright?


Well she was, surprisingly
until the balloon wreckage landed on her

The fuk

What was the actual context?



IIRC their belts are Nunchaku or something. I'd be more concerned with the picture above that one.

Yeah, color-coded ball gags are a bit too on-the-nose to be anything other than fetish gear.

It's a nice feature, though, like the captor had it planned.


>bad guy spends hours watching footage of the spies in action
>fashions color-matching fetish gear to tie them up
>plans this for months, gets obsessed watching the same footage again and again


>>fashions color-matching fetish gear to tie them up
Can't have them escaping, right? But they do escape, I'd imagine.


Good choice but this is best girl.



And you would be right.



>picks off model version of a character
Waifufags, literal garbage

That's not Cleo.

Dynamite is always best girl
BOOM, no more chinese laundry

Well, yeah. It's a thread for best girls.

Fine then

what episode? i want watch it.


And how!



No meme replies


What qualifies a character as bestgirl? Must they be the best character or the best person?

>posts worst girl from tumblr: the show
>pls no bully

SU is cancer.

She had a much bigger role planned before the creator went all lunatic on people.




Close, but nope.



She made me feel things.






I can't remember, but I think it's from Season 4.



Is she the most delicious brown ever?



Excuse yourself.

I didn't remember Atlantis being so violent. This is better than I remember


source? I'm certain that she was a one off character to represent childhood friends and them moving away


Zoe Aves is best girl you dumb whore


thats not ten




Go home Max, you're shit.

Not with that lesbian hairdo.