Star vs Sky

Who is this older sister and why is she interested in user?

That's just Star pretending to be 18.

Don't they just look similar because they're sisters? Why would Sky lie to us?

Monstar deserves to be bullied

is this S3 or something?

>That's just Star pretending to be Jackie

might as well put it near the top; season 3 sneak peak in 4 days

Star doesn't have the chest to pull off pretending to be Jackie.

And she didn't even put ugly moles all over her face.

Star will find out she has a brother she never knew about.

>Why would Sky lie to us?

It's clear what she wants, user-kun.

Star is such a slut

So where is everybody?

No, monstar is for cuddling and being happy

I want to gently but firmly squeeze her tail near the base

How again did monstar get so popular?

Perverts love monster girls.

And the sufferingfags like to torture her.

Star. I know you can't get any Meximelt in you right now, but can you seriously stop trying to get in my pants? I don't have the willpower to keep saying no to you, especially if you look like that.

Because she's beautiful and sweet and deserves to be happy.


I'm gonna put together a composite of that shitstorm later today. Its too funny to be lost forever.

>talking shit about freckles
Tell me user, dies having such shit taste worry you at times?

would the thread be interested in MonStar fluff later?

In what world do those look like freckles?

Also, freckles are disgusting.

What kind of underwear does Monstar wear?

It has to accommodate that tail, after all.

yes, yes I would

That depends, is it about Marco really giving it to her? And then really giving it to her in a different way?

Just realized something

did Toffee put his finger into Star's wand because he was also trying to take that over like he did with Ludo (by growing over the wand/through Ludo, and doing something similar with Star's wand)?

Is redrawing screenshots of the show a good way to learn how to draw?

I have the feeling that the finger was always in there, ever since Moons fight with Toffee. The semi-destruction of the wand in Storm the Castle then somehow "freed" it such that Toffee can actually get it back now if he tried.

I've tried that a couple times. I don't feel like it's making me much better except at line control and figuring out my workflow, but it is really satisfying.

We need to bring back Janna to the show.

Was thinking moreso along the lines of comfort after bullying at school/tearful confession after Marco stands up to bullies for her

I don't even ship the normal pairing but this is too cute to pass up. I've got work in a half hour and won't be able to post full thing until like midnight on the East Coast, but I'll find you guys.

y/n on potential lewd?

Didn't Toffee put it in the wand during Storm the Castle? We see the wand being closed (it's already turned black at this point) and Toffee grin before he gets up to address the other monsters.

>y/n on potential lewd?


>Hey user! If you see my sister around later, tell her good luck with her date. She seemed super excited about this "really cute guy" she won't stop obsessing over. Haven't had a chance to meet him yet. But she won't stop talking about him. She can barely keep her panties on around him! Hahah! I'm kidding of course. She actually doesn't wear panties around him, like, ever
>Haha! I'm kidding again. Alright, I'm off to go date Oskar for several hours, probably won't be back in time. My sister should be around in... 15 minutes. Too bad I'll have to miss her since I've got my date! Yep! Bye user! Say hi to Sky for me, will ya?

I ain't fussed as long as it's cute. Looking forward to it!

Drawfags are always appreciated here but what about Writefags?
Hard mode: none lewd writefaggotry.

We need Monstar getting hate-fucked by Marco and loving it

That's a good point, definitely a possibility. I guess it wouldn't make sense for Toffee to open it up otherwise. But if he had his finger to put in there all along then why did he put in in there in the first place if he seems to care so much about getting it back? Maybe the wand explosion powered up his decapitated finger, or broke whatever curse that is on it from the Moon-Toffee fight.

People really seem to like my Riverfaggotry, and other things....

I used to do some fluff but fell away from the threads. Trying to get back into it

y/n on tail holding?

I think the original plan was "finger grows/does something in Star's wand, takes that half over" while Toffee's consciousness would take over Ludo and that half of the wand. So, half of the plan worked, but that's still good enough.

Toffee has no clue that Star removed the finger though, and might've said that to Moon as a hint that he was going to get the other half of the wand too.

>We need to bring back Janna to the show.
Janna will make her own return entrance, I'm sure.

Toffee had his finger missing since his first appearance, so he can't have put it in the wand during 'Storm the Castle'.

Why does Star have a rotation of different outfits while everyone else only has one?

Could he have just carried it around? It's never shown what happens to the finger post-blasting-off

Reason being the wand only started acting funky after Storm the Castle. Yea it was cleaved, but Glossaryck implies that there's something in it that wasn't there before the cleaving that's causing it to be tainted (the finger)

Because she's rich.

We can only hope

Tail holding would be cute

Star, everyone knows Mewman girls don't wear panties anyway.

>Care to test that myth user? Come closer. Give me your hand and close your eyes.

Poorfags gonna poor


She has a wardrobe that can house 50 illegal immigrants
Also to show off her delicious shoulders

>she doesn't wear panties

but what happens when it gets windy?

It'll look like this.

Janna could never lay a hand on her little Diaz

She tends to whistle.

the hair down there will keep her nethers warm, don't worry

>Janna could never lay a hand on her little Diaz
Cause she does so with her lips.

>YWN shove your face in Sky's mewmuff

Its like... just end me already. Stick a fork in me, i'm done.

I've been lifting for a couple of months now like a couple of other anons here, and I finally broke the "Star Butterfly isn't real, she will never love you" phase me and so many people here go through. I've accepted no girl will ever love me and I've accepted that Star will never know I exist. I'm going to continue lifting though, for her.

godspeed user

That's the spirit! If only more anons realized the same.........sooner than later of course.

Everyone is talking about how they want to abuse and cuddle Star, and here I am self-inserting as an abused Marco.

Uhhhh, It was more like the opposite. I was one of those people and I wasn't throwing in the towel and saying that no girl would ever love me. That's for MGTOW fags, not me brother. I'm still finding some Star-like girl out there. You can go lift all you want, it won't change the fact that you've given up, and therefore resigned yourself to being a loser. It doesn't have to be this way user.

I found my Star girlfriend after 2 months of rejection from Star look-a-likes. Then again I've been lifting for 4 years so that might have worked to my advantage in finding my current Star. Don't give up user.

Actually, it turns out It's not Marco who's being abused.


This picture gets me so hard. I'm a grown ass man what is wrong with me.

Welcome home.

I don't understand why so many user's want a Star like GF. It's not as great as you think it is. Emotionally supporting them is a lot of work. If you didn't understand the ending of Banagic, you're going to have a bad time with a irl Star like GF. I should know with experience.

Trailer where?

HAHAHA I miss that fucking meme

Bring me pizza nuggets

Stop trying to keep all the Stars to yourself, Chad.

Fuck off Tom

Star, you're a cute girl and all that, but I'm ten years older than you.
Why don't you go out with Marco and have some fun, yes?

Its probably the cutest picture of Star. I honestly can't help but get butterflies Haha irony when I look at it. I think its those sexy shoulders and that cute little blush, and those pretty bangs. God. She is such a little minx. I want to sweep her off her feet. She activates this primal urge in me to protect and cherish her forever.

If only I could just hold her hand and take her on a date to a carnival and win her a giant narwal plush and share some ice cream with her afterwards. And then I would take her to the end of the pier, tenderly brush the hair from her eyes and kiss her in the glow of the setting sun.

Good for you faggot. I completely understand girls like Star because she's most likely an NF type. Are you implying that other types of girls don't get irrationally upset over something? I'd be pissed if somebody underestimated me too. What are you, some authority on relationships?

>that look on pic
>that text

damn, I got a boner
is t-this n-normal, anons?

Depend on what you want to learn

>dat lewd Star pic
The artists knew what they were doing giving her that outfit, right?

It certainly is funny. Too bad that Janna one is the only Star vs. version we have. Imagine one with Hekapoo or hell, even Adult Marco with Star.

I have a GF like star. She even looks like her.

We sometimes roleplay Star and Adult-Male-Marco (Me). Even non-bedroom related scenes. It's weird. She why I'm into the show.

Marco and Monstar version when?

In this scene we can see Star's subtle butt curve.
She's shaking whatever mass is in there.

Where do you even find girls like these?
Are they just work colleagues or did you, god forbid, use a dating site?

Bloody hell you're lucky, does she dress up in an aquamarine dress and wear a devil headband too?

Holy shit. I'm pretty sure you're living the dream with that spoiler text user. I'd love a girl who wants to secretly be a LG for me, especially one who's RPing as Star.

Maybe Star will eventually get curves. Or tits or any kind.

The full nine yards. Every detail. Every. Detail.

And you normally find girls like this online, in places no sane man dares go. A den of vipers, and fat dykes, hoping to find one sane (or crazy straight and not sjw'ish)

You find them in places like tumblr and a metric shit-ton of luck, due to perhaps living near them.

It's just a cartoon... Just a cartoon.

Nobody gives a shit about writefaggotry because anyone can do it. Drawfags are relatively limited.
It's basically an extension of the opinions-are-like-assholes saying.

Meet mine on a gaming message board like years ago. We have been together for like 9 years or something like that.
She doesn't look like Star, just the way Star acts reminds me of my GF.
She loves hand holding, cuddling, and kissing but any thing more she wont ask for. She wants it but won't say anything unless I bring it up. Just reminds me of how Star has troubles admitting her own emotions and such.

Would the show have been better if it never turned itself into The Shipping Wars (TM)?

On the contrary, I feel she's been overused and is overstaying her welcome, so to speak


Yeah but not everyone can write stuff well. There's a lot of fucking shit fics out there.
