Storytime: Duck Avenger #4

Better late than never.

Other urls found in this thread:!FIsGjRqI!agUaaMKQ8F-t42fTjOkIGw!cEtGlC6S






Man, how times change.
90s: it's okay people, just a hacker playing with air traffic.








As usual, if anyone is reading feel free to bump.













Love Duck Avenger


You and me both buddy.









Halfway through boys.



Even after many years I still don't understand why One couldn't just say "Yo my creator is here, try to not be seen".













The Trauma issue is the best of the run, and good enough to warrant a spot among Don Rosa and Carl Banks stuff.


Personally I'm a sucker for Frammenti D'Autunno and Ritratto Dell'Eroe da Giovane. That's also really good thou.


+1 for understanding AIs can fail.
+1 for implementing a backup.
-10000 for not realizing a superpowerful computer might need something to keep it busy.








Behold the power of technobabble!

Oops, forgot image.

And there goes Two.
I hope you liked him because he's gonna be a recurring villain.

Sorry but I must leave for dinner, will post the last few pages in a bit.


And I'm back for the last 5 pages.




And here's a special treat for whoever followed this until the end. An archive of the old fan translations so you can read this amazing series without putting up with IDW's glacial schedule.!FIsGjRqI!agUaaMKQ8F-t42fTjOkIGw!cEtGlC6S

I dont remember. it later revelated who said this to PK?

It's kinda implied it was Everett with his telepathy.

I read the heck out of this comic when it was running.

Think I still have them saved...


Wait, where are the other short stories ?

Has this book been doing well? I don't hear a lot of talk about it

Where's my Duck Avenger/Darkwing Duck crossover, Disney?

Because, for a long time, it never came out from Europe. In its time, it was a big hit in Italy.