
Did Hussie enjoy baiting shipping trash?

Because that update was cruel from him for wasting 4 years to troll a huge ship fanbase in one Act.

Karezi was always shit.

It sounded like he considered shipping silly in general, so more power to him.

>No release date for Hiveswap 3 months after the last release date came and went
Is this the biggest trainwreck of a videogame release ever? They have to have lost at least 2/3 of their audience by now.

It's not one ship that this stopped. It referred to literally every male ship she could ever get into except John because it's a statement in third-person. "You don't need him" dropped Terezi's development, Karkat's development, Dave's development and Gamzee's development. 4-for-1.

the "you don't need him" line was in reference to Gamzee. Terezi wanted to retcon her blackrom with Gamzee in the new timeline.

But Dave was still the same.
Karkat reverted back to his Act 5 personality and Gamzee was always a plot device.

I didn't say the losses were equal. Even just "participated less in the story" is a loss.

>Everyone that was at that meeting in that photo got fired two years ago
I don't know if that makes that edit better or worse.


>You don't need Dave or Karkat who both unironically did nothing wrong
>You need Vriska, who blinded you and is also the cause of everything wrong ever

But Karkat did everything wrong.

He lets Gamzee live.

cherub keys sure are weird

Joey is not for lewd.

Wasn't the "you don't need him" event directly after a conversation between Terezi and Karkat?

Yes, he enjoys trolling shippers. However, Karkat and Terezi as a relationship got a lot of development, romantic and outside of that.

They could have remained very close friends, but nah, even that got dropped because Hussie is a terrible writer and decision maker. Not even the Game Over versions of Karkat and Terezi got to meet in the dreambubble afterlife.

Get fucked, Karezi shippers. It was always a generic and boring fucking ship.

Blame the Cherubs' culture.

Oh shut up Piggy sue

Have you seen this former webcomic artist/writer?


>has Terezi move on from unhealthy/dead-end relationships
>sticks her in another one instead

What did Hussie mean by this?


t. pic related


>Did Hussie enjoy baiting shipping trash?
He enjoyed the positive financial aspects of it, that's for sure.

Yeah those Johnrose shirts probably just sell like crazy

Don't dis VrisKat

Homestuck give me an unquenchable thirst for convoluted time travel stories. I am sure I am not alone in this. How do you guys manage yours? What time travel comics, cartoons, movies, games, etc. do you approve of?

Can we talk about the real villain of homestuck?

Bad fanart?

which one

I tried my best user. Why do you have to be like that?

I like that Rose user

is this a joke? joey has never been for anything BUT lewd.

>a villain
All she wanted to do was cook a hot pocket

I liked this meme

Iunga bunga why rose no make rain

What a shame.

Nah, there have been worse. Just look at Half-Life 3. At least the devs here acknowledge the game's existence.

? HL3 has never been announced.

There's been concept art of it and a few models released. So, even if it wasn't announced it's clear they were at least working on it at some point.

>tfw jujus AGAIN
why would he drop sburb but keep cherubs and trolls?
Is cross-universe jerking off really one of the strengths of the property? Like damn son I was in it for the video game shit and the banter not the shipping aliens

Because Lord English is so present, he jerks off everywhere.

i can't identify all of them

who are all these again

>not the shipping aliens
You aren't the demographic the game is for
Let got


The Odd Gentlemen
The Reader
Bill Bolin
Toby Fox, that one shitty version of Homestuck that reddit likes
IPGD, Rachel
Cohen, no idea

>that one shitty version of Homestuck that reddit likes

Act 6?

No, that's CANWC.

Apparently even Reddit is starting to have second thoughts about it.


user pls, by your logic bowman is bland because people there like it archive's remixes are bad
but the pace is really weird and managed to make the intermission boring, i held my hype since trolls appeared.

Well it's not time travel, but for convoluted stories in games I recommend 999 and Ghost Trick on DS.

How is the reader a villain, again?

because we're only human

in the end, we lack the stomach

It's not that it's particularly great, it's just that it's canon.

They kept reading.
And so did we.

wait shit I missed 4/13

what happened in the epilogue?

I got you, dude.
>Elder God Tier
The Odd Gentlemen were the original developers of Hiveswap. They ditched Hussie to make a better game. That is why their objectives are better than the hero's.
>Great Tier
MSPA Readers are doing really stupid shit like posting in this thread. Most outsiders view them as annoying wastes of space. They are doing this because the webcomic is inconclusive, there is no game and, and there is no explanation for the whereabouts of any kind of closure to either of these points of contentions, so readers just shitpost to cope with their disappointment.
>High Tier
Bolin was an OG member of the music team. He thought Hussie was trying to scam him and the team. A DM leak sort of confirmed this.
>Mid Tier
Toby Fox and CANWC are more successful than Homestuck. Most of their fans are ex-Homestuck fans. They spend all of their free time enabling them.
>Meh Tier
No one has any fucking idea where Andrew Hussie is or why he hasn't said anything or what he is working on. All most fans really want is a release on what anything in act six forward meant, what his intentions were with making that act.
>Shit Tier
Fandom enablers. You can sort of blame them for ruining the webcomic because of their direct relations with Hussie, but there is no solid proof of that.
>Joke Tier
Cohen is an unfunny hack who was hired to be the writer of Hiveswap without any qualification or even previous experiences. Some theorize that he got the job because Hussie thought his twitter shitposts were funny. Blue haired lady is a blue haired lady. And on the art team without any previous work or qualifications.


Has anyone here read Shelby's comic? Is it as much of a shameless Homestuck/Steven Universe knock-off as I think it is? Have Tumblrinas been drawn to it in large numbers? Is her hambeast wife still working on it as well?

I haven't.
It looks disgusting.

>Apparently even Reddit is starting to have second thoughts about it.
Doubt it, they love shit.

Primer is a pretty damn fun movie that drops you in the middle of a whole bunch of weird time shit and forces you to unravel it on your own.

Stein's Gate is a visual novel that's more ANIME than I might like, but the characters all grow to be pretty likable (the MC starts off as a cringey shit head that nearly turned me off the game, but by the end is pretty amazing), and the plot is very engaging. The time travel mechanics themselves are pretty simple once explained, and a little hand waivey in parts, but it's more about dealing with the fallout than the actual act of time travel.

>You can sort of blame them for ruining the webcomic because of their direct relations with Hussie, but there is no solid proof of that.
She basically dropped it in this post, saying that she casually editorialized Hussie's updates at a certain point into the comic.

cute feet

I don't know of anyone who actually reads it, tumblr or no.

The fact that it has merch is either because there actually is a fanbase there, or that she's being subsidized by the kikestarter shekels.

Christ dude, still here after all those years trying to get people riled up?

Wait hold on that's an actual comic? I thought it was just some shitty fanart of an AU.

>the story isn't real to me

If I had known about this, I would have included it in and mentioned the two by name. This explains a lot as someone who came to the story late.

While I'm here, does anyone know who the "hero" in this villains meme would be?

hussie already did that though

>While I'm here, does anyone know who the "hero" in this villains meme would be?

He tried to stop everything from happening, he tried to save us.

I still like Shelby's old art. Her newer stuff, I can see where she's improved, but I don't agree with her on what changes are improvements, and she's also dropped techniques I really liked in her art.
But that's just my opinion. I don't have a say in what she makes, just in what I like.

Just stop bruther.

She used to have a distinct style, but threw it all away to get in on the SU action.

Betelgeuse, and the old gangbunch really. Highest honors go to Byron though.

what was ever even his gameplan?
cunt kid-->wins the hardest sburb-->becomes time demon-->chills in time coffin in outer rim-->gets summoned to another universe-->goes back in time to predestinate his summoning-->destroys universe-->chills in coffin and repeats for next universe
isn't subjugation in a red cherub's nature but not destruction?


Fucking hell. Why is this allowed?

Caliborn never matured, and he's mentally challenged as well. All he wanted to do was wreck shit and draw his shitty comics, and then a teen came and beat him up for making said comics.

image on the right is more marketable -- looks better in a portfolio when trying to get pay-the-rent work at a studio.
I don't want her to go hungry. I hope she has enough time left over to make art like what's on the left.

Is that pic digital art?

I haven't read it, but there was an user that did a small review of it a while ago.
If I remember correctly he said half the pages were wasted on showing tiny bits of movement and it was like Shelby was drawing more of a long-winded storyboard than a homestuck-like comic.

Presumably he spends time being a gang boss, running around enjoying the universe before it goes up in flames. We just never see any of it because Hussie is a lazy hack.

Huss isn't a writer

Sounds a lot like Ava's Demon

Your name is SIMON SKINNER. You are the OWNER AND PROPERTIER of SOMERFIELD, the local supermarche located in Sandford, Gloucestershire.

>Hussie is a lazy hack
He might be a hack, but I don't think it's fair to call him lazy. He's just a good for nothing that has no dignity and doesn't care about the fans whatsoever. But lazy he isn't.

>let me take increasingly long hiatuses and then pawn off all the creative responsibility onto my friends because I just can't deal right now

that's not how you spell "burned out"
Dude has amazing stamina, but he used it all upt going at a breakneck pace for four years.

The fact that Problem Sleuth and Homestuck exist is proof that he's not lazy. It's just that he stopped giving a shit.

>what was ever even his gameplan?
To kill everyone.
The reason he was into destruction and not subjugation was because of Gamzee's murderous rage mixed with Caliborn's already hostile nature.

Well that's his own problem




I read it. It still 93% shit, but hope dies last.

Why didn't Terezi make John save Feferi and Sollux?

And basically save everyone in the process?