This was stupid

This was stupid

admit it

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That's why it was good. His daughter's stupid grin and the "dod, you're aloyve!" "haha, well, kinda!" made it.

Shit's gonna get fun soon.

Not stupid, but I feel like it was undercut.

I would have waited at least until the end of the episode to show he comes back. Maybe introduce him in one episode; kill him in another, and show he survived in the third.

But ten episodes limits that, but I still would have put some time between his death and his revival

i liked how casual he was about dying.

when you're old you just don't care.



on top of that he was better as The Waifu Bait.

>Scotsman was old man
>turns back to middle aged man as ghost

Who wrote this episode, George Lucas?

Don't yell at us please. This is a christian board.


Scottsman clearly perceives his middle-aged body as his "prime".

Donny Moooooost. Doooooonny moooost. He played Ralph on happy Dayyyysss.

>i don't like having fun
When will this meme die

It seemed pretty implied that his wife had passed already. That's why the Scotsman was acting like such a mother hen about the girls covering themselves.

Without his bonnie lass, life must have been that much grayer.

when Sup Forums and Sup Forums leave.

I loved it.

Most people expected some sort of big heroic death for the old Scotsman. I had a hunch it'd be a quick and anti-climactic death. They went and did something nobody expected and sort of hits both sides; Scotsman had a quick, boring death, but now as a ghost he can still be around while letting his daughters have some shine in fighting Aku.

Nah it's was cool. The whole reason they had to attack aku was kind of poorly done, it would've made more sense if aku trying to escape from his '' malaiseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'' had decided to attack a random village, it turns out to be the Scotsmans and then you have the same battle and the same taunting and death and ghost.

The whole '' this was a bad idea '' funny but kind of retarded.

I understand that reference.

>I hate it when silly things happen in this children's cartoon show
wow for your sake I hope you're baiting cause you sound like a pretty miserable person

The afterlife works like the Matrix. Your appearance is based on an internalized residual self image. Everyone knows that.

When you picture heaven, do you imagine lots of old people?

I never watched the Matrix

i think is implied that aku hasn't been seen nor heard from in a while, and the Scotsman assumed (correctly) that he was too afraid of Jack to be proactive anymore, and given the Scotsman's usual temperament i think it makes sense and is not ooc at all


>children's cartoon show
>on ADULT swim

Samurai Jack is a children's cartoon show. Changing the time slot won't alter that.

Yes, and? You realize most of those Family Guy viewers are kids, right?

That doesn't change the intended audience of the show.

I would have waited an episode before ghosting him up, yeah.

Maybe have the rune sword glow a little as the girls are retreating.

Yeah. Children.
Family Guy is a lowest common denominator comedy aimed at all ages despite the parental advisory.

Jesus Sup Forums, you finally get given a fucking cake and you argue about the color of the frosting

>eating cake with frosting
you fucking Americans need to be gassed!

If it's not vanilla frosting, don't touch it.

I didn't think it was stupid, more that it was very contrived, and an excuse to use the younger Scotsman.

I didn't ask for Jack to come back, and now that he's here he's only somewhat above average.

Yeah, probably the dumbest part of the series so far.

Felt like a copout but I'm fine with it.

The show had to be 50 years into the future or otherwise no one would watch it, so the Scottman had to be pretty old, at the same time Gendy knew the fans wanted to see the Scotsman and giving us an old man would've been dissapointing, so just killing him and giving us a spirit just fixes both problems.

Again, a copout, but I'm fine with it if Scotsman it's back.

Were you born on the year it was released or what? Download that shit nigger.

Maybe. But stupid things balance great things in that cartoon.

i just really hope he can still hit things as a ghost

I thought that too but the shit people gave him a statue in the 2nd ep and scaramouch called him up in the first so he's still seen and heard.

jesus dude

It didn't give the third most iconic character in the series justice

You should. If for nothing else than to understand when people make reference to it. Because they will. Because they will assume you've seen it. Because most have.

It won't be anything you haven't seen in a lot of other action movies. There are plenty of things that other movies have done better since. Matrix just has the distinction of being the movie that inspired those things in the first place.

> off by one

That's why I fucking liked it. Why can't people enjoy stupid fun, it's like all the bitching over SIXIS and Kluh.

I hope Jack has one of his hallucinations and Ghost Scotsman is the only one who can actually see it and bitchslaps Ghost Jack.

Not OP but like the other anons have said, it just felt like a copout.
Genn knew that the people wanted the Scotsman back but either thought we wouldn't like old Scotsman or didn't want to write old Scotsman, and thus brought back his youth in a really half-assed way.

That would be kind of great. Bonus points if Scotsghost beats up The Wild Hunt or whatever that Jack was following in the last episode

I wish it would've just ended at the skeleton dissolving into a pile of ash.

Yep. But it works with his character.

His death was heroic and also a gag. Kind of like Scotsman himself.

I thought it was weird too, he knows jacks sword is the only thing that can hurt Aku. Then again, if those other armies asked him if he wanted to fight Aku just for shits, I can't imagine a scenario where he says no.

Eh he at least doesn't need help moving around as a ghost. Pretty much an upgrade over his fat old self.

I really hope Scotsman actually plays a role in the final battle, if not ghost hitting things then at least shittalking Aku as Jack actually fights him

It was the least expected outcome, and it works so well too, what's not to love?

>Jack and Ashi have wild sex
>masked figure comes from nowhere
>that masked figure punches Ashi and throws her out of the window
>Ashi falls, breaks her spine and dies
>turns out that the masked man is actually Kubo, an orphan with a goatee
>Jack and Kubo talk about their past, the legends
>Kubo gets really, really horny
>slow saxophone remix of "My guitar gently weeps" starts playing
>then they start having sex
>Kubo sucks Jack's bara cock while masturbating
>they now do 69, then they rub each others dicks
>Kubo has an urge in his cock and he cums on Jack's bearded face
>they try crossdressing, which works
>then they undress and have buttsecks
>Aku appears, sees this wildness and gets pleased
>he proceeds to fuck them
>Kubo and Jack smile, stare at each other and kiss
>Aku vanishes, leaving them alone
>Jack and Kubo get tired and they go to sleep
>several hours later, Jack wakes up
>he sees a rose an a letter
>the letter says: "You are my quest!"

Nobody cares what you think.
Me neither, i just wanted to tel you that fact.

Im from Sup Forums and i like fun

>Ye olde Scotsman leads a charge in a wheelchair guns shooting and sword swing all the way
>stays behind to cover his legion of daughters retreat
>verbally tears Aku a new asshole
>gets blown to kingdom come
>except KELTIC ROOOOONS LASSIE and just comes right back in the form we all know and love rarring to prepare for the final battle
>all the while doting on his girls being a cool dad

I couldn't have asked for more

In the most perfect way, yes.

>show about a magic immortal time-traveling samurai who fights an even more magic, even more immortal shape-shifting space demon

>but don't put ghosts in there, that wouldn't be realistic.


They could have spent a few episodes building it up but they needed to spend time on waifus instead. Sad, considering old Scotsman could have been really cool.

Looks like their great counter argument won't work anymore. "Muh children show" is out the window so it has to be judged based on its own merits now.

It was very against the tone that we'd gotten used to thus far, but that kinda made it more fitting for what it was?

That's kinda the Scotsman's thing. Busting into Jack's ultra serious shit and making it silly as fuck. In a way, it was kinda perfect.

Ghost Scotsman is the same color as PTSD Jack so I almost feel like we are leading into that.

for a moment i thought the spirit was gonna stay still and just ascend to heaven

Scotsman ghost....

I can never forget that one picture


it was stupid but that's what made it so good

Did he know his sword would revive him?

Yeah, it was. It'll turn out okay though.

>new season of an 13 year old show
>thinks the intended audience is only children

He knew about the magic, so probably when he had it forged he also had himself bound to it or something like that.

It was funny

Important question: Does he or does he not have a ghost machine gun leg?

Nah it was great.

>10 episodes later they attack Aku again
>All the daughters die in one hit too

Ghosts don't have legs, they just trail off into a wisp. That's why you can't have sex with a ghost.

>That's why you can't have sex with a ghost.

Not with that attitude you can't.

I hope he lets Jack wield his gun and possessed sword in an episode rife with Highlander references.

Agreed, it felt like a shit way of getting his Daughters to be able to fight but not him, BUT also appeal to the nostalgic side of the fanbase by still having him around. That'd be fine if it didn't feel forced to have an army of women and their father can't even fight.

Correction, that's why you're limited to blowjobs with ghosts.

It was stupid, but stupid is not inherently bad. In fact, it can be better than brilliant.

Ghost blowjob


Stop samefagging OP, it's just sad.

I wish I could piss in your eye

Goddamnit Sup Forums it's not an actual cake!

Episode was rushed as fuck, and tried to cover like 3 different storylines that could have been their own episodes

>scotsman daughters and battle with ghost dad finale could have been its own episode

>jack showing Ashi the truly evil ways of Aku, and saving that village that was about to be attacked by space thugs could have been its own episode

>jack and Ashi saving those children from the factory could have also been another bonding episode

God fucking dam it don't do that

I fucking meant what I said and I'm tired of getting these god damn negative twists on them. If you don't agree with me then fine I don't care but I'm sick of you faggots twisting shit and fucking me in the ass

All of those episodes would have been literally 10-15 minutes of dialougeless action for filler.

The content of the episode would have been non-exsistent and a waste of time in the way of story telling. Everything is fine, you don't need 20+ minutes to explain one element of a story like in shitty animes.

But there is a cake isn't it?

this is embarrasing

this was awesome admit it

Would you?

>not fisting the ghost girl
Your lost, user.

Defending crappy writing because you don't like one of the things most people remember and enjoyed about the show just demonstrates how crappy it was, man.

Well he IS in his prime...

It's not crappy writing. They got all the points across just fine, there was no need to drag this shit out. The WHOLE POINT of this series is to give us a non-exsistent story strung together with made up events that never happened in the first running of the series and trying to throw in the fan's favorite characters and make them relavant.

So trying to make a story and then having a worthy conclusion in a 10 episode window is shit already. And then demanding them to milk it because it was what was memorable of the old SJ is asinine. If you want that shit go rewatch the old episodes mate, if you keep running into this series expecting it to be a carbon copy of the first run of the series all you will do is bitch piss and moan about stupid garbage about what you expect to happen but really won't when looked at it from a realistic standpoint.

no, that was a lie