Best animated movie of this decade

Best animated movie of this decade

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The future, Mr. Rango. The future.

"This decade" meaning 2010+?
How to Train Your Dragon 2, Finding Dory, Frozen, Toy Story 3, Wreck-It Ralph, and Zootopia definitely give it a run for it's money.

>Finding Dory
Nigga that shit was safe and unmemorable for a Pixar film

No, they don't.

It would have been, if the movie knew when to shut the fuck up and take a breath. Nonstop Background Noise and Breakneck Pacing: The Movie is not MOTYAY.

Rango sucks.

Tied with the Tin Tin movie and Paranorman personally.
>Finding Dory
>How to Train Your Dragon 2
Shit taste all in all.

is this post a joke?

That movie was supposed to become the biggest animated movie ever.
That movie was supposed to kick Frozen to the curb and shut up the Frozenfags once and for all.

as OP just said, best animation of this decade.


all because Wrong Parent Died!

>best anything


It's really good CGI, though, and it works very well with the aesthetic they chose.

don't pretend you've seen it just for Sup Forums good boy points

I'd love to agree with HTTYD2 but the thing is that it is a sequel, and the idea of the alpha dragon was already used in the original. Rango is a very american movie but it really impacted me, even when I have zero knowledge about westerns.

> mature cel animation for mature viewers such as myself

i forgot that movie existed

Yeah Tin Tin was really good desu

Only good part was the villain

It's pretty cool but truthfully it doesn't come at all close to best in my opinion.


I'd still like to know why the bats exploded

>recover your parent, just to kill it on the same movie. Predictably.
It was a wise choice, I didn't see it coming.

because it looks cool

Post lewd of skink

Iron giant

The same reason Jake had a gun for a tail, or that the animals are anthropomorphic and can talk

>tfw was a teacher
>tfw got to rewatch this, iron giant, big hero 6, and holes with them
suckers paid me to do it, too

>of this decade

I fucking loved this movie. Honestly kinda wish it got a sequel. A good sequel. Idk how they'd do it, but I just liked the aesthetic way too much.

We need lewd of Beans.

The mexican dub is god-tier.

Yeah that shit was lame as fuck. Basically rehashed the first movie it sucked so bad

>No mention of Kubo

Come on son.

Kubo isn't very good

You're crazy. Then again you listed Finding Dory.

>snake wears a tophat, talks, and has a gun for a tail
>but birds exploding is weirder


>thinking I'm the same person
the animation is cool but it doesn't have much else going for it

also the Moon King's monster design is dumb

>Finding dory

>How to Train Your Dragon 2
>Finding Dory
>Toy Story 3
>Wreck-It Ralph

Found the Disney Shill.

Lego Movie is the best movie of the decade.everytging else is safe formulatic shit.

Rango belongs to 2000s movies.

>came out in 2011
>belongs to 2000s movies

Lego movie is a 6/10 too, making jokes about other franchises it's not very clever.

Winnie the Pooh (2011) because 2D.

THIS. Don't know his name by memory unfortunately but El Cochiloco from El Infierno as the villain was beyond perfect as was Rango's dialogue. I watched it at my aunt's house (all their movies are in spanish) expecting another patronizing dub and was just blown away. Arguably better than the original.

One of the best for sure, certainly better than Frozen

WTP 2011 is way underrated but Rango is better

Lego Movie was much more than that

said no one. Rango isn't even top 10 if we're counting all the non American animated features.


Original was going to be so much better, this scene alone makes it tenouttaten.

no one says it because no one saw Pooh


>How to Train Your Dragon 2
Nigga that movie is mediocre at best, and it's only because of the music and some visuals that it isn't horseshit.

>the Tin Tin movie
You mean Tintin in "Indiana Jones and the Secret of the Unicorn"? What a terrible adaptation. I'm sure it's a decent movie but I can't get past that they had Haddock fire a bazooka and that the climax was a fucking crane fight. Too Americanized/10.

>Finding Dory
>Wreck it Ralph
They don't even come close.

c'mon son

Lego Movie was, in regards to the animation, fucking beautiful.

The lasers being the little transparent tubes? The fire being the little flame pieces, waves being transparent blue lego blocks that built upon each other? I was in autistic heaven.

There was also Tin Tin, Kung Fu Panda 2 and 3, then you have the usual under appreciated foreign films as well as the claymated stuff like Pirates and Kubo.

...Christ, looking back it's not a wonder we are all furries.

Oh, knock that shit out. It was going to be the Furry version of Fortress and you know it.

>fucking beautiful
you need to gain some good taste.

Or Psycho Pass. Instead we got hastily made CGI version of Cats Don't Dance where Bunnies Don't Cop.

>1999 was one year ago

Feel young yet

I actually cant decide between Kung Fu Panda 2 or Rango.

Watched it. Wasted potential! Needs total rework!
His design is supposed to be a centipede/millipede


normies GTFO

you're alright