ITT: voice actors you can't bare to listen to

ITT: voice actors you can't bare to listen to.

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>worst Harley Quinn
>can only do Bubbles or Timmy Turner and other variations of the two
>complete attention whore
>obnoxious retarded fans
I'm still liking Samurai Jack regardless of her.

Greg Baldwin's Aku desu



stop beating this dead horse

(you) got me

very Sup Forums related, idiot.

He looks like your elementary school friend's dad. I'm not even kidding, tell me you've never seen that dry dark blond haistyle and those pitch black glasses before.

Charlie Adler.

In hell everyone sounds like him.

That's what you get for watching generic moeblobs.

I'm weird because I actually really like his and Kristen Schaal's voices

Dee Bradley Baker has this skill for really annoying sounding characters that makes me want to shut off whatever show he happens to appear in.

I don't hate him, though. He's very talented.

I've never liked him. I don't think he can do a voice that isn't completely obnoxious.

Well I get banned for talking about voice dubbers in Sup Forums for some reason.

>I don't think he can do a voice that isn't completely obnoxious.
It's kind of fitting since most of what I remember him being in is obnoxious tv shows, like Rocko's Modern Life

He's one of those people that things "scream in goofy voice" equals comedy

Jon Benjamin.

He has one voice, and he never even tries to change it up. Sad archer sounds like sad bob sounds like sadd Mcguirk

Wow, so edgy.

>first two posts are tara strong

Because he always plays the loser


H. Jon Benjamin has 0 range but his voice is very pleasant to listen to.

There's more to voice acting than just "doing voices." Having range doesn't automatically make a voice actor good. Being able give a good performance, and fit the character is more important


I don't need to listen to her to nut

Sup Forums is the autistic child, anything it doesn't like must be scrubbed or else it will fling it's shit. You choose to bring that child into your life and have to deal with the consequences. Fuck off.

It's been a while since I've seen Home Movie, but I remember Mcguirk when he's sad coming off as more desperate, depressed and over the top than Bob

And as the other user said, acting is more than putting on funny voices. It's about convincingly portraying a personality. I think Jon Benjamin is capable of doing that. On the surface, Bob and Mcguirk may sound the same, but I never really think of Bob when I watch Home Movies, or think of Mcguirk when I watch Bob's Burgers.

His voice is so relaxing though, I mean he's annoying as LSP but that's her whole shtick
I could listen to Shelby whisper sweet nothings in my ear all day lonng


Those eyes have seen some shit.

Though I honestly wouldn't mind recking her pussy

>Wanting a puss that nasty

Of course she has.
Do you have any idea how many stale pee smelling, 400 pound, fedora wearing, autist manlets probably walk up to her every con and ask her to sign a picture they drew of an idealized version of themselves fucking Twilight Sparkle?

I mean, it has to be at least four every convention.
And she goes to a lot of conventions.
And Horse Show has been on for like, 6 years.



Eh, he's not a loser in Mission Hill and Steven Universe.

>Though I honestly wouldn't mind recking her pussy

You can't wreck that which is already ruined.
That pile of rubble is never getting rebuilt. Just forget about that lot and let the Earth reclaim it.

Dee Bradley Baker because he was in literally every single cartoon from 2000-2008 being an annoying character. But he has talent.
Whoever does Ruby on SU snd Chloe on We Bare Bears has zero range and cannot act worth a single damn. She always sounds like she's slurring her lines, and emotes as if she's recording in her bedroom trying not to wake her parents up.

annoying over the top acting, and bad celebrity impressions that always just sound like him slightly changing his voice. Bad actor, and voice actor overall

She's a VA? Has she been in anything good?


I've held an autistic grudge against Troy Baker ever since his butchering of James Sunderland.

Fix-It Felix and Harold's Hotdogs are the most prominent.

She also voiced Fry's girlfriend in Simpson's 3000.

I love this small woman and her pencil eraser nips

I only hate him because he's filipino

It SHOULD be Johnny Yong Bosch because the dude's got no range, but his voice is oddly calming

best power ranger honestly. Tommy is way overrated

don't mind him every now and then, but I think you're on to something.

>His special Ranger power was getting kisses and being handsome

t. Sup Forums user who probably isn't as hygienic

What do you guys think of Cow and Chicken?

Jesus christ, there's like half of a Star Trek: Voyager episode cast in that credits list.

His biggest problem is that he seems to be completely unaware of what his voice sounds like. He keeps trying to do different voices and impressions and it never works because he can only ever sound like a 14 year old kid.

I hate that shit-eating leprechaun.

So is Rick the only voice he can do that isn't "screeching autist"?

>Billy West
>Jeff Bennett
>Jess Harnell
>Mark Hamill
>Clancy Brown
>Maurice LaMarche
>Frank Welker
What the fuck? They had all of these voice actors yet still had Adler, Kenny, and Baker doing most of the voices. Also some weird ass celebrity cameos

>Will Ferrell
>Jim Belushi
>Loretta Swit
>Phyllis Diller
Who the hell was this show made for?

He's a real life alcoholic. He's pretty funny on the spot but damn the guy has problems. There was some interview on NPR last Saturday.


>She also voiced Fry's girlfriend in Simpson's 3000.
Oh, and one of Bart's 450,000 girlfriends.

That cow is disgusting.

You've seen nothing.

He is the Red Guy, after all.

Monica Rial's talentless nasily high pitch squeal of a voice. She literally has no business working in voice over. Fat disgusting pig.
shit range but Rick is a great voice.
She has pretty good range and has voiced a few great characters.
you have shit taste.
shit taste.
she's very talented

he is why i dont watch Archer

>watching Bob's Burgers
garbage dry humor that isn't clever or entertaining.

The amount of main characters she's played and the amount of shows she's ruined is absolutely ridiculous.

Go white knight somewhere else fag.

go shitpost somewhere else, faggot.

Her and Steve Blum because they always sound the same and it's fucking annoying.

>hating on Steve Blum
You make me sick. There are actors who don't need to be able to do 100 different voices. Steve gets cast because he has one voice and he's great at it. The guy mostly plays supporting characters and henchman in video games so I don't see the reason for anyone to bitch about it. If he plays main characters constantly and uses the same voice then I'd agree that would be a problem, but it's not even that often.

>no cree summer

I wonder if you faggots actually watch cartoons.

I know where you live.

Doesn't he actually have range but is always casted as the same voice?

>Monica Rial's talentless nasily high pitch squeal of a voice. She literally has no business working in voice over. Fat disgusting pig.

You've never seen Nozaki-kun have you.

Her Kashima is shockingly low and deep for a woman.

whoever does beastboy.

That he does.

Examples of his range.

>Killer Croc in Batman Arkham Games
>Leeron in Gurren Lagann
>Green Goblin & Starscream
>Yakky Doodle in Harvey Birdman
>Abomination in Super Hero Squad
>Sauron in Middle-Earth Shadow of Mordor
>Judicator in Darksiders II

She's shit. Her most tolerable role is Michiko and even then they could of found someone who could of done a much better job.

fucking this x100. This guy and his nasty ass surfer voice is unbearable. I was listening to him play Iron Fist and I felt disgusted.

You mean Greg Cipes I remember when he did a bk ad.

Coasts on name recognition, doesn't act half as good as the voice actors in supporting roles in the same show

His work in The Clone Wars series and even Tarlok in The Legend of Korra were great.