The Tower of the Elephant

It's time for the most famous Conan story.





Excellent stuff.

How many times has this been told in comics form? I know there's at least three.


yes three times, Classic Marvel, Savage Sword and Dark Horse.















This was always my favourite Original Howard Conan story. Love the art here, Buscema is great













Buscema's work has aged about as well as any of the artists of the 60s or 70s. It still looks surprisingly modern.









Always nice. The Dark Horse one is also pretty

Thanks, OP.

thanks op, good stuff

Buscema is a god. Easily my favorite artist. Well done op, much thanks.

Where is Conan's reward? he was given no jewel at all he was only mislead into giving the elephant head guy vengence.

Thanks for the post, you have more Conan Stories???

Savage Sword of Conan #4, Iron Shadows in the Moon. This is also one of the very good stories


Conan needs no reward.

Conan was fucked he didnt get no elephant heart.

>ywn be a massive handsome brute like Conan

Of course, Now I will post another classic, The Scarlet Citadel.




Disappointed there weren't more King Conan era stories, though I guess being the endpoint of the character you can only do so many stories before descending back into "schemers trying to usurp the throne" territory.



The first Dark Horse volume is one of the best comics ever.






I loved this scene in the original story. The guy planning to betray Conan asks him to bring like 2000 men to the battle, but Conan brings 5000 because fuck yea battle. Shame they all got slaughtered by the doublecrossers.



>original stories>>>>>>>>>>>comics

Seriously, even with him being CONAN, he is suppused to be 15 on this one.





The art is amazing, but this disapointed me, Tauros the King of Thieves is suppused really fat, he being stacked removes some of the fun.







Dude, no one fucking cares. Thomas and Busiek era Conan are among the best comics ever made to this day.





Even in the original story he was described as built as fuck.

>He saw a tall, strongly made youth standing beside him. This person was as much out of place in that den as a gray wolf among the mangy rats of the gutters. His cheap tunic could not conceal the hard, rangy lines of his powerful frame, the broad heavy shoulders, the massive chest, lean waist, and heavy arms.










