Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl)

Doreen Green (Squirrel Girl)
Superpower: “The powers of a squirrel, the powers of a girl” (is acrobatic, strong, can fight, can talk to squirrels)
Doreen is a totally empowered fangirl. She is a natural leader—confident and tough, but not innocent. Doreen is bouncy and energetic and her greatest quality is her optimism… She has faith in others and inspires people to believe in themselves. She also takes her pet squirrel, Tippy Toe, everywhere.

Craig Hollis (Mister Immortal)
Superpower: Cannot die. Ever. Maybe. So he says.
The team troublemaker and lothario… Craig is kind of like “The Most Interesting Man Alive,” except he’s more cocky than confident and at times, charmingly grumpy. Although Craig’s superpower seems amazing, he hasn’t made use of it at all—he’s lazy and figures if he has all the time in the world to learn how to fight, what’s the rush?

Dwayne Taylor (Night Thrasher)
Superpower: None
Dwayne is a local celebrity “hero” with his very own YouTube channel. Brilliant, strong, noble, and maybe a bit full of himself, Dwayne is a shameless self-promoter and entrepreneur. But he also deeply believes in justice — at least his version of it. Dwayne hides the fact that he comes from a really rich family because he’s afraid he’ll lose his street cred.

Robbie Baldwin (Speedball)
Superpower: Can launch kinetic balls of energy
Robbie grew up watching Quinjets take off from Avengers Tower and loves the idea of being a hero. He’s an impulsive and immature people-pleaser with a misplaced sense of confidence. Although you would think throwing kinetic balls of energy would be awesome and effective – his are completely out of control.

Nice. Nitght trasher.

Speeball too.

Squirrel girl.

Mr immortal random but cool.

Dunno the others.

And the crowd goes mild

1 halfish New Warriors the other-ish Great Lake Avengers??

Three things.

1) I hope Tai is in this at some point, because she's fucking great.

2) People whining about this need to go read the OG Night Warriors to see that they've always been the stereotypical hip young people.

3) They made Doreen absurdly cute, and it's killing me. Like I can actually feel my blood turning into sugar and rainbows. Yes, people don't like the art for Unbeatable, but that does not mean you should go in the opposite direction.

Don't get too happy.

Cover artists rarely do interiors.

And we don't know who's writing yet.

Great Lake Warriors???

None of these characters are Firestar or Jubilee.
Send it back.

I knew that Justice, Firestar, Namorita and Nova would be off the table for this, but where are Turbo, Darkhawk or Silhouette? Hell I'd even take Hindsight lad or Bandit, at least they were on a New warriors team. Why is Mister Immortal of all people on this?

>Yes, people don't like the art for Unbeatable, but that does not mean you should go in the opposite direction.
Is this your first time seeing how comics are made The Marvel Way?

Jubilee is flaming garbage now, and relegated to the fox yard. Firestar is probably the same.

>I knew that Justice, Firestar, Namorita and Nova would be off the table for this
but why tho?


user, this is a TV Show, not a comic.

Firestar and Justice maybe nevause of the X-Men although Justice can also be use by Marvel because of Major V.

Nova for budget reasons I guess or maybe Marvel Studios has him on hold especially since Gunn said they were considering him for a movie.

>at least they were on a New warriors team
Microbe, Speedball, Debrii, and Night Thrasher have all been New Warriors. The only ones that haven't are Mister Immortal and Squirrel Girl, and this is clearly Great Lakes Avengers + New Warriors, hence their inclusion.

>Great Lake Warriors
>The New Great Lake Warriors
Now I actually want a book with this line up called this.

>Mr. Immortal

This is going to ruin the GLA ongoing. Isn't it?



You mean the GLA ongoing that was cancelled already because of shit sales?

have you.... [[[seen]]] ....the GLA ongoing...?????

Nova movie eventually

At least they used an artist who made SG look cute for this picture.


Let me dream for a while longer.

Unbeatable is never in canon.

Her dyke hair isnt used outside of her book.

>no kamala

That wasn't a cancellation, it was a mercy killing.

>a stretching character on a tv budget

This team ain't WOKE enough for her.

So given the roster and this cover, I'm guessing they're going with the pre-Civil War New Warriors' gimmick of being a Reality TV Show about superheroes?

>a stretching character in an IKE PERLMUTTER tv budget

Part of me hopes Mr. Immortal is like Nathan from Misfits.

>Robbie grew up watching Quinjets take off from Avengers Tower
Is this supposed to be set in the MCU but not really canon like all the other shows? Because the Avengers are only, like, 5 years old and this doesn't check out at all.

>Dwayne is a local celebrity “hero” with his very own YouTube channel. Brilliant, strong, noble, and maybe a bit full of himself, Dwayne is a shameless self-promoter and entrepreneur. But he also deeply believes in justice — at least his version of it.
>Dwayne hides the fact that he comes from a really rich family because he’s afraid he’ll lose his street cred.

Is this Live Action Reboot

>wasting her on a tv series
Dude, no.

Cosmic cube reboots post fall

>that squirrel girl


Eh, he's young and it'll have been even longer when the show actually comes out. You could just say he's been seeing them since he was a teen and it kinda works.

Is Squirrel Girl the worst superhero?

So is this gonna be the same Night Thrasher from Contest of Champions?

Because a guy using the 80's movie idea of what hacking is was great.

None of the tv shows are canon.

This isn't a comic, it's a tv show.

That doesn't sound like the Mr. immortal I know. I hope synergy doesn't ruin him. I wish more people bought the GLA ongoing, I liked it. The issue where they tried to defuse their lawyers anger by wearing sunglasses and and smiling a lot made me laugh.

Does Pelmutter have a saying in the Tv and cartoons budget as well? Is this why the animation in AA is so fucking tremendous?
Jesus christ.

Avengers have been around for 5 years. He's probably only 15-16 since this is a team of teenagers. That'd mean he was 10-11 since they started.

Perlmutter controls everything Marvel that isn't the movies.

>Deborah Fields (Debrii)
>Superpower: Low level telekinetic; trickster
>Deborah is proud, funny and quick witted.
>Confidently out as a lesbian, Deborah has experienced deep loss in her personal life as a direct result of super “heroics.” She can take
care of herself, or at least says she can. >She’s the one who calls people on their BS and has no fear of putting her opinions out there.

Is this the face of a 'confidently out as a lesbian'?


Of course, I knew something was missing.

>The one black character who is also female just happens to be gay as well.

Jesus Marvel you really don't need to try /this/ hard.

Nova would not work right now since there are no Novas with helmets that fly or do superheroey things in the MCU.

Firestar and Justice just cannot be mutants, but that alone should not stop them.

Namorita I have no idea, she was very rarely ever associated with Namor.

I really would have expected Justice to appear since his origin is so incredibly perfect for a tear jerker teen drama series. His Russian immigrant repressed homoxexual father who grew up in a coal mining west Virginia town abused the shit out of him demanding he repress his mutant abilities for the same reason until he ran away from home. Then he gets into insane legal trouble using his powers to stop his drunk father from kicking his ass once more and goes to court over it.

More like the face of someone who's had to wait in line too long and is fed up with the incompetent cashier.

>implying they aren't telling us that non-whites are sodomites
Remember who Ike works for, user.

>tear jerker teen drama series
That's not what this is. It's a comedy-focused sitcom with Squirrel Girl as the main character. Given the fact that most of the roster comes from the New Warriors volume where they were reality TV stars, that's probably the gimmick the show will use.

Namorita's rights are tied to Namor's and as such they are in the same legal limbo that his are at.

First time I saw this I immediately thought

>what the fuck? Darkhawk? How incredibly obscure is that guy to get related merch in any way at all?

The rest of those guys still appear in some form on tv and in comics, but not Darkhawk. Marvel was pushing him really hard in Realm of Kings but then nothing at all after that and he vanished seconds after Nova was cancelled.

>She’s the one who calls people on their BS and has no fear of putting her opinions out there.

Does not compute

Darkhawk is most likely going to pop up in Duggan's gotg since he's going to use the fraternity of raptors.

And they have only had like 2 adventures. Then beat each other up in an airport.

They are not fighting off Count Nefaria one week then Absorbing Man the next.

He was in avengers arena where Hopeless had him job to prop up his shitty OC.

Two things to be aware of regarding Darkhawk. First off, the head of Marvel Games (thus, the person that every character addition in any Marvel game has to first get approved by) is Bill Rosemann, and Rosemann has gone on record multiple times saying that Darkhawk is his favorite Marvel character. He was also the editor for War/Realm of Kings and the inclusion of Darkhawk there was probably Rosemann trying to up his popularity.

It's entirely possible that Darkhawk's inclusion there was just Rosemann playing favorites.

Second, the Fraternity of Raptors are going to be in Duggan's GotG, so he'll probably appear there as well.

Sure you are not thinking of Namora? The old 50's sidekick?

Namorita is tied to namor and mutants.

Justice first appearcne is where? Ff?

Firestar came from spiderman cartoon first so sony. Then xmen mutants.

You would think so, but Freeform is 98% overly dramatized teen angst driven crap, often with superpowers.

I would assume that, even by accident, it will turn into everything else that channel produces.

I was really hoping the fraternity was going to be a thing after that event. They could have been the Sinestro Corps to the Novas coming back into the universe.

>Night Thrasher
no skateboard and hacktitude no buy

so this is entirely speculation based on the mutant label? Or do you know any of this is true?

Say what you will, it's the hottest Bertha ever looked.

The only book with a BBW, and its dead. Ya bastards.

I know fuckall about FF but a couple bros at the comic shop were talking about how issues 67-70 was one of the best FF story, that that was the "golden age" for the series. And these were oldschool fans too (40+ of age). maybe read on another 10-20 issues and see if your opinion changes.

It's true. Most mutants rights except quicksilver was sold to fox. Even then he can't be one.

There's no point in using Night Thrasher if he doesn't have his skateboard. They can't possibly be stupid enough not to include it.

Justice first showed up in defenders, and his older self first showed up in marvel superheroes, he's fair game for marvel to use since fox doesn't own the rights to every mutant character. He just can't be a mutant.

No Marvel Boy/Justice?

Buy what? This isn't going to be a comic it's a tv series.

you gotta buy two of every issue of royals if you want anything with marvel boy

Well, at least Rosemann's got good taste.

Yea I'm still expecting this to turn into superhero Teen Wolf based on who is making it.

Still a mutant.

Fox gets all mutants except the twins.

Namora, Namorita, the bulk of named atlanteans, it's all tied to Namor's rights, all except for Attuma who is apparently free to be used whenever for some reason.

Didn't user say make him not a mutant?

its a turn of phrase. in the current climate it means I will refuse to ever talk about it, denying any contribution to word of mouth advertisement. it won't even be worth shitting on

Still cant use him. He was sold to fox. Just like every other mutant.

Qucksilver was sold both to fox and disney, just like the skrulls.

That's not true, fox gets to use the mutant word and all of the x-men related characters but not all mutants. If they had all mutants then Squirrel Girl and Mister Immortal would be off limits.

Universal owns Namor. 5 seconda on Google will tell you that.

I'm not sure where people are getting this idea that Fox owns every single last damn mutant the company ever invented, including the obscure ones that have not appeared since the 80's. When we have seen that is not true a few times now.

>operating system that merges with operating systems
Dwayne... That's not how computers work, dude.

Considering the rest of the page, that HAS to be intentional, right?

Fox owns the mutant name and concept, not all mutants ever invented by Marvel.

Not actually a mutant because reasons and Homo Supreme instead of Homo Superior respectively.

I'm excited and optimistic.

yeah, the page before and after are "I can't handle how cheesy your concept is but fuck it, you get results"

Yeah, if they do something about Darkhawk, I won't hold my breath about him being Chris Powell.

>excited and optimistic
>about Marvel

>Dwayne Taylor (Night Thrasher)
>Zack Smith (Microbe)
So do you think they'll bring them back from the dead for synergy?

Night Thrasher came back to life during contest of champions.

Not that marvel boy, he's talking about Vance.

Except they own both

>Mr. Immortal will never tell his teammates that he's the homo supreme

Dang, I forgot about that series.

did anything actually cover hwhat happened to him after he waz warped into alpha fight base 1?