Captain Marvel finds its directors

A male and female duo

nice tits t b h

Pity she is a he.

just another reason Marvel will ALWAYS be better than DC

Now not only do they get the praise and credit for hiring a talented female director for their female superhero movie something DC rightfully never got but they also have a male director who can do all the heavy lifting and makes sure that the cast and crew actually listen something else the retards at DC never got

What the wimmen couldn't do it by herself? Marvel is SEXIST

>a dyke and a numale

>it's shilling time!

>taking the bait

Welcome, newfriend!

Fuck this movie, this shit character and the shit waifufags fans.

They only way to save this movie is adding Moonstone.

The salt is delicious!


Wait are they fucking or has he been orbiting that Oompa Loompa for over two decades?

are they better than the current Captain Marvel writers? Yes? Then expect a competent movie.

>expect a competent movie

These g/uys/als are legit, It's Kind of a Funny Story is one of the greatest modern American indie films


I can care less until they tell me John Cena has been cast as Captain Marvel

Wrong Captain

>Kind of a Funny Story is one of the greatest modern American indie films

>dyke and a numale

How so?

>Kurt Russell in Tango & Cash.jpg

There's no room for real men and women in current Marvel, user.

They're together.

Good, good.

>a male codirector on a female lead film




doubting based marvel after 20 amazing movies and 7 great tv shows

Theme for the movie?

>7 great tv shows
Arrow Season 4 was more successful than this seven shows added up.


>amazing movies
>great tv shows

>hair above shoulder length
>skinny tie, tight shirt, stubble
Literal definitions of dyke and numale.

Did you hurt yourself with all that stretching and twisting?

Skinny ties are objectively more aesthetic.

Casting news this summer then. Hoping for Spider-Wife.

So a female director couldn't do the job alone, huh?

They did book hall H so they probably have a ton of stuff to announce

Is Marvel's success with the Russos going to mean more team directors? If so, I'd like them to reunite Zucker-Abrahams-Zucker for something

Bait aside this is actually true.

They get the woman to look good in media and the guy who actually get the work done.

This exists in same-sex partnerships too, like Matt Stone seems to mostly exist to do business stuff and interviews and listen to Trey Parker's ideas.


Heh, time for another Marvel FLOP! Can't wait to see how this one crashes and burns. But I do always look forward to the ensuing fallout, that is, if anyone even cares enough about these horrendous displays.

> Anna Boden and Ryan Fleck
Never heard of them


>casting a woman to play Captain Marvel
DC is getting BOLD!

So the woman to calm the tumblrinas, the man to do the actual work?

Their resumé is weak as fuck as consistent with MCU directors.

Is Scarecrow the confirmed villain for this flick?

Partnerships like this work really well though. Not everyone is good at the same thing. Different skill sets and all. Some directors are better at working with actors, some are better at story blah blah and so on. It's why I appreciate directors/writers who have a partner, it generally means they are more self aware.

Don't worry, under Marvel it won't matter how self aware they are. It's Feige calling the shots and them obeying them. There is no room for personal expression under Disney.



Oh the amount of assblast sure to accompany allowing a male to be involved with directing. I cannot wait for 18 months of delicious tears, outrage, and petitions. I couldn't have cared less about this movie, but now I'll see it day one.

>I couldn't have cared less about this movie, but now I'll pay to see it

this isn't DC, things work differently

>Male co-director
Tumblr must be having a fucking aneurysm. Based Marvel Studios.

You heard me. Not only will it support a continuous supply of tears but the directors made one of my favorite indie dramas ever

I guess we will have to wait and see. If the butthurt happens and the movie still makes bank it's a double win.

>>Male co-director
>Tumblr must be having a fucking aneurysm. Based Marvel Studios.
I am just amazed at those complaining. Because it is clear that by complaining about it, they are admitting they are not pro-women but anti-men. The guy had been her partner in the business, it's not like Marvel assigned a man to her team or anything.

>indie dramas

Oh I checked out the comments on a couple casual movie news sites, it's already begun. I think I saw that comment like a dozen times

>I always was a fan of those nobodies, especially now that they're making MCU crap
Subtle, shill.

Whatever dude. I like some variety. Shoot me.

Yeah, indie dramas are so varied.

Reading comprehension, son. Did I say I've always been a fan? Try your strawman bullshit elsewhere.

After you, Sup Forums.

You see movies come in different genres and whatnot. Action is different than drama, which is different from comedy, etc.

Going for the tribal approach now? You can do better than that.

>they are admitting they are not pro-women but anti-men
Been that way for decades.

>Evanposter buys a fedora

There ya go. Good lad.

What kind of autism do you have that you think other people are fucked up for watching shit other than cartoons and capeshit? Or is this some veiled company wars shit?

>I am an intellectual!
So what are you doing here, mon ami?

Ouch. My feelings. A random virginal Sup Forums fuckstick is insinuating I'm a loser. Guess I'll have to get some Zoloft.

>random virginal Sup Forums fuckstick
He says in a Sup Forums board.

>Watching shit other than cartoons and capeshit is proclaiming intellectualism

Whew. Stirring argument.

What can I say, I like stirring the pot that feeds me.

>watching cartoons and capeshit
I thought you were better than this, user.

Their movies (that I've seen) are all great, so I'm hyped

Brie likes doing indie stuff so I guess it's not that surprising a pick.

>Their movies
Which ones?

I will give them credit for not going with Joss Whedon.

They're too obscure, user.

Half-Nelson is pretty great, senpai.

no one gives a shit





Is this fetish porn?

hello Sup Forums

So are conservatives, but from welfare.

>Duo directors

Flying squirrel show inbound.

I'm confused

You mean married couple directors.

Y'all get riled up over nothing. It's a Marvel movie. It's going to be vanilla as fuck. They don't let directors have vision. Director's vision is what makes any movie good.

Mississippi Grind is a decent gambling flick. It peters out after the first half when it transitions from a drama to a feelgood road trip movie.

Ben Mendelsohn does a damn good job and Ryan Reynolds actually plays a role, albeit one not a huge stretch from himself, but he genuinely acts.

They're the kind of workman directors perfect for Marvel.

Half Nelson with Ryan Gosling was great, so I'm fine with the choice of directors. Of course it doesn't mean shit if they aren't writing the movie, and because of happening all the time.

>literally pleb and proud
holy shit

The problem here is that female led movies don't make money like male led ones do. There's no way they expect this to outgross a movie starring Benedril Cucumberman or Paul Rudd. Even with name recognition, rabid fanbases and the Marvel Studios logo they didn't make a ton. Who the fuck is going to go see this?


I joked about her sexually liberating me the last time this was postedShe'd actually do itthe mad woman

... Ryan Gosling as Mar-Vell?

Is Captain marvel yuri?

Carolfags want it but only Claremont bi-subtext for now.