How are the majority of Spiderman's villains able to survive even a single punch from him?

How are the majority of Spiderman's villains able to survive even a single punch from him?

Considering he's strong enough to lift tons, wouldn't even a weak punch take someones head off? Or at the very least, cause permanent brain damage?

He's a good guy and he doesn't WANT to kill them.

Doesn't matter. Characters with no physical powers or superhuman strength like Vulture, Shocker, Doc Ock should die instantly.

There really needs to just be a "stupid fucking retarded questions from people who have never and will never read a single comic" general.

He's holding back. Many of his villains are well built or protected to take the damage better. Ock was dying because of that very reason.

By all means, explain how the guy that can do this is able to punch a regular human and not turn their head to pulp.

It's been explained many, many times that he pulls his punches when fighting weaker people. Same reason Superman doesn't blast anybody he touches out of orbit or instantly annihilate anything he tries to grab.

Vulture does have lowlevel superstrength.

Shocker have his vibro forcefield thingamajigger.

Doctor Octopus is a comic character who lives in the Marvel universe where Captain America can beat up Rhino.

Comic books work by comic rules, be heroic enough or villainous enough and the fact that you opponent can bench a space shuttle is irrelevant.


Shocker's suit is not only padded, it also contains micro versions of the tech in his gauntlets that dissipate and counteract any force directed against him.

Comic books are a bunch of stupid bullshit when it comes to the most basic physical actions.

Superman lifting a plane should result in the plane just collapsing through him, unable to withstand its own weight with only two hands worth of surface area supporting its entire mass, but there you go.

Not saying Comics are bad because of this, just that you shouldn't hold it to realistic standards, but then again this is Sup Forums.

You realize even a person with no physical strength can kill someone with a punch, right? We have a problem in Australia of people getting hit from behind and dying when their head hits the cement.

The point is, I don't care how much someone with superhuman strength pulls their punch, they're still going to kill anyone they hit.

Okay, I want to to go find a nice sturdy wall. Walk up to it and punch it lightly. Not so hard that it will hurt your hand or break your knuckles or anything. Just a little tap.

Notice how you were able to punch with less than the absolute maximum amount of force possible? You were capable of measuring out a little bit of force.

Now imagine a man as strong as Spider-Man who is capable of putting on a shirt without tearing the fabric into shreds with a touch. Who can open doors without ripping them off the hinges. Who can handle sensitive electronics without crushing them.

Do you imagine such a man is capable of less subtlety than you are when you punch that wall?

different levels of power for different people.

it's like how someone puts hardly any strength into a playful punch or a fist bump compared to trying to knock someone the fuck out

That's retarded.

Spidey never goes full strength. Yes, he could kill a man in one punch, easily. Spider-man is so much more OP than the comics pretend.

You're trying to apply real world logic to fucking impossible superpowers.

You asked for the explanation, I gave you the official, in-universe explanation. If that's not good enough for you, I don't know what to tell you, because your complaints are meaningless.

Is so it suspension of disbelief-breaking that a guy with super-strength can just pull his punches so he doesn't liquefy everyone he fights?

In Superior Spiderman when Doc Ock swaps bodies with Spiderman he punches Scorpion without holding back and the impact tears his jaw off.

That's when he realizes how strong Spidey really was and that he'd always held back.


It's almost like just because you can doesn't mean you should.

Funny you posted Ock, since he DID receive brain damage from Spidery's superstrong punches

Didn't he always give 100% when fighting Gargan? Because Gargan is his physical superior? Unless Gargan was depowered after Dark Reign.

He holds back.

When SpOck was in his body he punched off the scorpion's jaw

So his villains are so weak compared to him that he has to go easy on them? Why if I didn't know better, I'd say that ruins any kind of tension a fight could possibly have. If at any moment, he could decide he's done fighting and take someones head off.

Except Spider-Man's fights are rarely a 1 on 1 cage match with no other stipulations. Spider-Man villains attack in public, where there are civilians he has to be mindful of.

>He holds back.
Thats retarded, you can't deal lower damage than what you can do


Why don't you try reading a comic, casual scum.

What makes you think Dr. Octopus and the Green Goblin do NOT have permanent brain damage?

Or maybe because most fights require him to use his fucking brain instead of just punching as hard as he can, and like said.

You should probably just fuck off and go back to reading Dragon-Ball Z and Naruto, because you're clearly more interested in fights than characters.

Because the majority of comics are badly draw, badly written dogshit?

>Superman lifting a plane

People wanting muh realism in cape comics are a cancerous bunch that should be disregarded at all times

Oh no. It's retarded.


It's a comic book.

Gargan was stronger than Peter when Peter was still a kid, not so sure now.

Holy shit user. Do you smash your hands full force into everything? Are you actively full speed punching your keyboard right now?

AND that exact point has been brought up, evidently with pic related.

What I want is muh consistency and muh tension. Both of which are completely absent when the hero is never fighting his hardest for fear of instantly winning.

One Punch Man is brilliant in this regard.

Thanks for admitting you have no argument. Really makes things easier for me.

>user figures out that he's literally retarded

This. I mean, there's adding believability, and then there's being fucking autistic like Byrne who tries to give everything an explanation and the explanation still doesn't make sense.

Super powers are already completely impossible so you have to deal with some things like Superman being able to lift a tanker without it splitting in half, or Giant-Man's skeleton not shattering, or else there just would be no story.

You are retarded. Read The tension comes from the situation and the stakes, not the hero going HOOOO THIS IS FOR MY LOVE MY ANGER AND ALL MY SORROW and making a big boom every time he punches someone.

If you don't like it, what do you want us to say? We enjoy it just fine, so just go back to your manga and anime and stop annoying us with your horseshit.

They don't have super-strength, they have the power to generate and transfer momentum to objects they touch. So if they punch somebody, they just make them fly away from themselves, but they only hit as hard as a normal person with their physiqe would.

tl;dr : There is no super-strength, just force push.

They can't give you brain damage if you already gave yourself brain damage.

>g-get out of my secret club

Nah, I'll stay right here.

he pulls his punches, and Doc Ock's death addressed the realistic result of being punched in the face by super-powered men for 30+ years.

>Superhuman strength/durability (ex Venom, Scorpion pre-Slott, Sandman)
>Peter holding back (Harry Goblin pre-formula, Enforcers)
>Extremely athletic (Kingpin, Mountain Man Mario, Hammerhead)

what did they say about Doc Ock after his death?


Doc Ock died from getting his brain caved in by too many spider punches

Wasn't the fact that Otto's original body was in terminal condition at the beginning of Superior Spider-Man the result of years of getting punched in the face by Spider-Man?

The Kingpin is probably a mutant, right? I mean, he kind of has the powerset of The Blob.

> The "He holds back so much" fags again

The whole reason Ock was dying was because getting punched in the face by Spidey, Cap, etc over years and years basically gave him crazy brain damage from the repeated concussions, swelling, etc

>People trying to argue whether cartoon physics is realistic

I can't help you...

What would you have me say?


He's also intentionally leaving out that many of Spider-Man's villains are also glass cannons. They can dish it out but can't take it.

Kingpin is an entirely normal eight feet tall 800 pound human that in his younger day could put up a pretty decent fight against Spider-man.

Hell back in the eighties he was basically budget Juggernaut, tearing loose spiral starcases and being so strong that Daredevil almost crippled himself opening a door Kingpin casually flung open.

Just like Bullseye can fling a paperclip trough a window a block away and kill someone with it.

Well as outrageous an idea is it seems to you, Spiderman doesn't want to brutally mutilate and murder the villains. That means using tactics and measured force to disable their weapons and knock them out or trap them.

Even if it's not a moral thing, it would be a nightmare to his public image if he becomes known for tearing a villain's arm off and beating him to death with it.

Funny that you're asking this while using a pic of Doc Ock who, prior to the Superior arc, was dying from trauma from being punched so often.

Like other people have said though, Peter pulls his punches. Ock realized that when he was first Spider-Man, took Scorpion's jaw clean off on accident. Hated Peter even more for not just definitively ending things and instead dragging it out because of a sense of mercy.

Well, I should've read through the thread since other people already addressed that, whoops.

To add something new, in 'What-If Spider-Man versus Wolverine', Peter accidentally killed the Crimson Dynamo when Wolverine killed the power to his suit right as Peter gave a full-force punch. The suit didn't absorb the blow and Spidey snapped his neck on accident. Got a neat suit and web shooter guns out of it though.

Spidey literally uses his spider-sense to make sure he doesn't kill them or do permanent damage. Just punches them with enough force to knock them out.

>I don't care how much someone with superhuman strength pulls their punch, they're still going to kill anyone they hit.

You are stupid.

>you can't deal lower damage than what you can do

...No, you can't deal HIGHER damage than what you can do.

It's a comic, dude. Do you know how short the story would be if he just accidentally murdered everyone he touches?
Some suspension of disbelief is necessary.

The fact that he makes a finger gun to fire them cracks me up every time.

>in Australia

Well that explains everything.

Not an argument.

He pulls his punches.

so he pulls punches to not explode people but he can't punch or kick with enough force to instantly down a normie villain?

Spider-Man is maddeningly inconsistent some times. you can compile moments where he's strong enough (strength, speed, etc) to take on low level cosmic tier guys. based on his powers, that's where he should be. One of the must powerful "fair" Marvel heroes (so, no Hulk limitless bullshit or comic tier).

But then you have stories of him being thrown around by depowered Ms Marvel or knocked out by a fucking brick thrown by a normal human (fuck you Quesada).

Kicks are even harder to control than punches, so yes.


>We have a problem in Australia of people getting hit from behind and dying when their head hits the cement.
Fucking Australians, seriously, get better hobbies.

Honestly explains why he relies so much on acrobatics/webs instead of always using straight up force.

>go back to reading Dragon-Ball Z and Naruto

Suddenly this completely stupid thread now makes sense, thank you.

There was that one time where he hit a girl really hard because he though it was Wolverine and she died somehow?..

Yes, back in Spider-Man vs. Wolverine. He was disoriented during a fight with Logan and the woman attacked him. Thinking it was Logan, he delivered a punch with enough force to knock him back.

But it was a normal woman and she died.

Is this even canon at this point? Because, you know, Reed Richards had hypnosis powers early on, but I don't see you making threads about "why doesn't he use them moar".

Sorry, forgot to mention his Spider-Sense went off when she attacked and he thought she was Logan.

>The tension comes from the situation and the stakes, not the hero going HOOOO THIS IS FOR MY LOVE MY ANGER AND ALL MY SORROW and making a big boom every time he punches someone.
Different user, OPM is none of that.

Yep. Among other heroes. Including getting flicked by the Hulk.

Vulture has super strength and Shocker's suit is really durable.

Ock can be explained away by Spidey being a pussy and holding back too much. Same deal with Kingpin, although him being able to hurt Spidey is retarded.

I'm kinda upset that this thread got serious answers instead of calling OP and retard and moving on

Don't see why not. Spidey is pretty strong and still took all he had to just to make the Hulk wobble for a sec

Just seems weird that, in a universe that has something as easy as saying "They're mutants", writers choose to have human villains do impossible things.

>The tension comes from the situation and the stakes

It just comes across as moronic and childish when the "hero" is placing one criminal's life over those of innumerable victims. You don't see anyone irl refusing to shoot a hostage-taker or school shooter because "I'm a hero and heroes don't kill".

>why is this guy who doesn't kill, super uncomfortable with killing?

i don't know Spiderman's one get cuck by his villains

Here's a thought: stop shitposting. user there told you exactly why they survive.

>doesn't kill them or do permanent damage. Just punches them with enough force to knock them out.

IRL that IS brain damage

How do they make sure he doesn't rape them?

3 words: He. Holds. Back. The hardest part of his fights is not killing his opponent.

Well, to be fair, it did end up killing Doctor Octopus.

He didn't deserve the death he got...

Best Spidey deserved better.

Its a fictional story you moron, and irl? cops try to not have to shoot in hostage situations, btw, if you care about whats going on outside your mothers basement.