Am I the only one with a little interest in a black batman...

am I the only one with a little interest in a black batman? not for "muh pc" reasons I'm just genuinely intrigued by the idea for no actual reason.


>Be black Batman
>get shot by Gotham PD

There is only one wearer of the Cowl. And he does not share power. Especially not with a ni-

interesting idea user, care to elaborate?

Batwing exists

He does?

He does

there is already a black batman and he was created by stan lee look it up. also batwing.

same as it ever was

do you mean the guy who pretended to be Spider-Man? whatshisface?

Could've fooled me.

We batman now

time to post it

what do you mean time? how old is this?

eh no. the costume doesn't work very well for it. unless he's "black" in the american sense but actually 80% white just has woolly hair and largish lips and a broadish nose and a slightly protruding mouth and receding forehead.
but modify the outfit a bit and it could work. Just so that either the cowl is lighter (kinda ruins it) or the chin-window being distinct isn't as vital to the look. like a black batman beyond would look fine

as for the premise, i dunno, is there any black Old Money yet? if so, sure. if not, again you gotta stick with the Beyond idea. dad shot by gangsters, mom struggling to support the kids, teenager with a shoddy past trying to make up for it by becoming a hero.


... huh. that... kinda works. though i'd go with halle berry catwoman and tatyana ali poison ivy. and maybe debra wilson harley. basically i dont know who any of those women are
90s avery brooks would have made a fine batman too, OR Ra's
but why didnt you include a white lucius fox?

No, I think you're thinking of Hobie Brown/The Prowler who is also being spider-man whilst Parker is doing international business shit. this user is talking about 'Just imagine Batman' by Stan Lee where Stan Lee does his take on the DC universe.

I saw it in Sup Forums a while back

Read Batwing

I lost it at Hawk-Owl
that was a long way to go just for the robin williams joke

yea you were right I was thinking of Hobbie, come to think of it isn't Hobbie dead?

uh, Cyborg and/or Steel? what.. what happened to you?

That would be Spawn, OP.

I think he got cloned back in clone conspiracy. I saw in one storytime he was taking the special clone meds from that story so I guess that's what happened. Not too sure, can't be bothered to read Slott spider-man.

No, he's alive again because of convoluted reasons. Clone Conspiracy was a complete shitshow anyway.

>what if batman was batman but with dark skin and big lips

Good idea but ONLY IF ITS NOT FUCKING POLITICAL PC GARBAGE!! So then I wouldn't even mind. But that's never going to be the case we all know what the agenda is and why characters change race and gender.

new question because I obviously didn't think this through, how would you change the batsuit, if at all, to accommodate for a black dude

Isn't this going to be a thing in the new Scott Snyder dystopian future event, I think it was called Dark Days?

Actually, it was a pretty good series. You should check it out.

cover the mouth area so batman isn't obviously the only black man in gotham wealthy enough to buy his own minature aircraft


It's all really references to some other stuff though. Wayne Williams is Stan Lee's Batman, the origin is Spider-Man's which is a joke about how Stan Lee's Batman was also a wrestler, Hawk-Owl is a punchline to having a Nighthawk and Nite Owl but was a real name for another Marvel Batman pastiche in the Ultimate Universe. Joker here is Michael Richards and his taunt videos open with that YTMND Kramer thing. Whiteface gun refers to JMS' Nighthawk's foe Whiteface. And so on.

I don't think it's possible for race changing heros to not be liberal PC garbage. Which is why it shouldn't happen, because it's a complete non-issue to begin with.

Actually, it would be interesting to see how they deal with the racial stereotyping and how it changes the way he fights crime.

Say what you will about progress, but let's not pretend the rich elite of Gotham wouldn't have some opinions about a black man in a mask breaking into places and beating up what would otherwise be mentally handicapped people.

...though that being said, I love Bruce and would rather it just be a new character.


Race is a social construct shit lord so what you are asking for is nothing.

But but but but diversity is our strength.

actually this is similar to what I had in mind, which was about the possible social implications for a black Batman rather than the progress

>a non-issue
>thinks every change in skin color is automatically PC pandering

C'mon, dude. Reyes and Montoya were pretty great (as much as I love Lord and Charlie), and Mister Terrific' s a very old race change. It can be pretty good stuff, if you give it a shot, and giving it a shot is what makes it a non-issue and stops companies from constantly changing things.

this is why I cant watch movies anymore, I cant tell if its pandering anymore. I used to be able to watch movies with female or black leads but now I cant because in the back of my mind I always think they might be pandering.

I'd be okay with both a black Batman and female Batman. Not sure who Black Batman would be, but I'd pick Carrie Kelly from TDKR to pick up the mantle if needed. Her appearance in the first issue of THe Master Race sealed the deal and made me someone I'd be more than okay with being Batman.

Why not just read one of the existing black batman expys? There's got to be at LEAST 12 of them.

Pic vaguely related.

I admit that blade was kinda cool but still pretty much with an agenda. I heard the comic is much more interesting.

Equality tends to work better if you DON'T force something away from the other side.
(Unless, you know, that stuff is something they couldn't take, like rights, etc.)
I love diversity, but there's already plenty of multicultural characters out there that are constantly ignored. Hell, the whole Dakotaverse for example. Replacing already established characters for the sake of adding color isn't helping spread diversity, it's just pissing people off.
I mean shit, you care about diversity that much? Give John Stewart a fucking main story in one of the GL books. He'll, even Gardner had his shot with the Red Lanterns.

>and giving it a shot is what makes it a non-issue
No, it being a non-issue is what makes it a non-issue. There is no reason to change the race of any character. Changing stuff for the sake of changing stuff is what makes it an issue. I'd like to post a good screen cap I have about this but I'm on my phone now.

Diversity isn't strength, overspecialization is weakness. Diversity is durable. But diversity for diversity's sake is just another way of saying "regression towards the mean."

Stan Lee's interpretation was interesting, could've been great

Die in a fire, you hateful rube

Halle Berry is not allowed to play Catwoman anymore.

...I could accept this

I mean, that's your problem right there.
(And kinda the industry's problem too)
There's a lot of awesome comic characters of race.
Instead of trying to further develop them though, they keep forgetting them and shoving new characters in our faces.

Look up Xombi, or Manitou Raven from Kelly's JLA run, or Obsidian, or Icon and Rocket, or The Power Company, or The Incisibles, and on and on.

Is race or sexuality brought up? Yeah. I mean it's naive to think these things aren't brought up almost every day in real life, but it's well done and not shoved in your face constantly. And they're actual characters rather than just their ethnicity, etc.

Stan Lee did it first

What are the black batman expys or equivalents?

Stan Lee's Batman
Nighthawk Supreme
Night Thrasher

There's that DC muliverse with all black heroes. They should have a batman.

>They should have a batman.

And its not black

I don't think Whitaker can grow a Gordon worthy moustache.

WTF? Fucking multiverse. How does it work.

Batman's one of the only characters on the League that it's not so easy to racebend, since his origin story depends on him being from old New England money.

Why does Trill League seem vaguely racist?

Making Batman black wouldn't really change anything.
He's very detached from humanity itself, it's a disturbed, one track minded individual busy scheming, planning ahead, building shit etc.

Basically the only thing that would change is that his public persona as Wayne would be involved in more black community centric charities compared to his white counterpart, because that's what is expected of him and what would help him blend better in society.
But that's basically it.

Specifically because Batman's race doesn't matter, making him black for no reason wouldn't really add anything to the character, so it makes no sense to do it.

I would say that a majority of people don't care about Batman no matter what color he is.

How many rich black people do you think live in Gotham?

True, most people care about his villians.
However Batman is at his best when he's interacting with other heroes.
He's sort of one of the best "supporting characters", usually playing the straight man, sort of the Cable to a Deadpool.

More authors should use him this way.

yes this was it thanks m8

I thought his backstory was just rich kid watched his parents get murdered? and besides couldn't he pass the mantle of batman? I think he did with Dick once.

>was just rich kid watched his parents get murdered?
its not.

>and besides couldn't he pass the mantle of batman?

Terry Crews Bane would be legitimately terrifying

>Denzel as Dent
I'd be okay with this anyway tbqh

This just makes me want to see Michael Richards try The Joker.

Damn, I didn't know I wanted Denzel Washington as Harvey until now.



ninja? look down user, Im guessing your ball are there.

>in a black batman?
there is one already, its called Black panther user.
angry rich white dude- angry rich black dude... and as you can see the sales are not the same.

i think i like this guy way more than cyborg solely on concept, though, cyborg isn't a derivative batman either.

they could team up or something.

I'm sorry but a little black kids losing his parents because they get shot for pocket change in a bad alley doesn't feel like fiction to me

What happens when the audience can't tell the characters appart tho?

>rich black guy


This is so fucking ridiculous.
DC was so afraid of offending racists that they created another non-Robin identity for yet another new recruit sidekick.
(separate but equal to being a Robin)
What in god's name makes anyone think they could ever replace the lead in the all-really-really-white Batman cast with a brand new black character?
I could maaaaaybe see Aaron Cash standing in for one of those "Bruce Wayne can't be Batman because look up there!" scenes, but it's like pulling teeth to get any Batfan to even admit Bruce isn't some superior kind of superman who is qualified to be Batman by virtue of inherent perfection alone.
And even when you remove the racism aspect there's no fucking way anyone but Dick or an adult Damien could ever have the comic-cred'.
Does no-one remember the whole Azraelbat fiasco?

Can you spot the difference between Jason Todd and Dick Grayson when they're out of costume?

>Terry Crews Bane

>Batsploitation film
I'd honestly be down for it

>Does no-one remember the whole Azraelbat fiasco?

It wasn't a fiasco. Azbats was purposefully done to show fans they didn't really want Batman to be 90s grimdark edgy.

Jason tends to look closer psychically to Bruce than Dick does.