Whats the last comic you read Sup Forums?

Whats the last comic you read Sup Forums?
Was it any good do you recommend it?

i don't like comics

New 52 Deathstroke #2
It OK.

Original 60s spiderman. Only if you haven't read it and you like spidey.

I don't make recommendations, because I prefer people do their own research and form their own opinions.

If you have a genuine interest in comics, then you'll probably just look up some relevant titles on your own.

Last print comic I read was Snotgirl. It's okay. If you're interested in image stuff I recommend it.
Last webcomic I read was Unsounded which I would recommend to basically anyone.

I just finished reading the new Old Man Logan.

I read the original miniseries last month before I went to see Logan, never been a huge Wolverine fan but I figured I'd read that first since I'd heard Logan was drawing on it somewhat.

The original was fine, but I checked out the new ongoing I've actually really enjoyed a lot, and I stopped reading any current big two ongoings about a year ago.

Love the artwork by that Filipe guy.

Not sure what the Sup Forumsnsensus is, I know X-Men have generally been in the toilet for a long time now. I tuned out during Battle of the Atom.

Ms Marvel

Sure I would but the last issue was the end of an arc so I wouldn't start there

It's cute, read it if you aren't overly sensitive about anything that could even vaguely be construed as 'sjw'.

>Boku no Hero Acadamia

If you like Shonenshit, sure.

Earth X
it was different.

Green Lanterns that came out today
bretty gud

nu Venom where Eddie is back as Venom and no, this has gotta be one of the worst Venom stories ever written so far.

My Favorite Thing is Monsters volume 1, it's pretty damn stunning actually, Ferris does some great visual storytelling and goes all in with the whole "notebook" style of it. The murder mystery and cast is also really captivating. Easily the best comic I've read this year.

Secret Empire #0
I love Hydra Cap, so yes.

It's fuckin bad, man. Brock grew as a character to have symbiotes and now they are pulling this shit, it's like no one at marvel actually reads comics....

fuck, man.

>it's like no one at marvel actually reads comics
i'm thinking that's a prerequisite to be hired there.

Royals #2, it's shit and Ewing was a fluke.

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin vol. 5: Char & Sayla
Never got into any of the Gundam shows or anything but The Origin was well recommended as a solid war comic and it lived up to that. This volume in particular is really great since you get a ton of insight into some of the more interesting side characters and how things were before the war.

Uncanny X-Men 156
It's great, but Sup Forums seems to hate older comics, so good luck.

Was reading 29th issue of Nailbiter at dinner earlier.
It's okay, the story is trying to rush and wrap up everything so it's not as good as the comic usually is.

But yeah if ya like slasher horror you'll find the series pretty alright so give it a read.

Guardians 3000.

It's a shame Abnett won't be writing the GotG ongoing. His synergized Guardians were pretty good.

Thanks user, I missed this. I am going to read it on unlimited.

good thing no one gives a fuck what you prefer

Yeah sure. Hope you don't mind waiting long periods between issues.