Ben Reilly: The Scarlet Spider #1 Lettered Preview

The original Scarlet Spider is back with a new costume (but not for long).





Tom Lyle variant

Greg Land variant

>a morally ambiguous wise cracking crazy disfigured man in a red suit that looks kind of like Spider-Man

I didn't spend the last 20 years whining about how you need to bring Ben back because I thought we needed another Deadpool Marvel

J. Scott Campbell variant

Action Figure variant

>no hip-hop variant
and nothing of value's lost.


I like this way more than i thought i would

I'm gonna give this run an honest shot

But PAD always strats strong,

The new suit doesn't look bad here. Just that original cover was horrible.

The guys should be aware that he's not really Ben right? He has all of his memories that's true, including the one of his first birth when he had all of Peter's memories, thought he was him but eventually realized the truth and started his own life.

Tom Lyle? Haven't seen anything by him since the 1990s, where has he been all this time?


I didn't even read spider-man during the clone saga, and even I feel bad for you Ben Reily fans. I hope this comic saves him from what Slott did.

I actually kinda liked that stupid grin.

whats Kaine up to?

>Suddenly jetpack
Okay, David, you have my interest.

Looks like he retired from comic art and became a full-time art professor at some college.

Hunting Ben down.

I trust in PAD

*I trust PAD

hey guys you wanna help me with my taxes

So Ben is the new Kaine... and Kaine is just old now?

Teaching in the Sequential Dept at SCAD.

I hate the hoodie. Take away the hood and the new costume is fine.

As in Peter David? Guess I'm readin' this then.

So what do you think would be the right thing for ben to do? Turn himself in and hope one day peter forgives him? Let Kaine kill another clone?

He'll be showing up

I have this figure. It's pretty great


I had no interest in this book before but I'm a sucker for crazies who talk to their imaginary friend/conscious.

Dan Slotts ideas are always better out of Slotts hands.

So is Doc Ock, still treated as the same guy.

>Ben is a huge asshole
Off to a great start.

I hate the costume and premise, but that narration is pretty great.

Does that hood do anything besides limit his peripheral vision? I guess he's aping the Spider-Gwen costume.

Did Kaine finally come back in Clone Saga 3?

Well that sucked.

doc ock implanted his memories into the blank clone

For all intents and purposes he is. He's the closest thing we're getting to Ben and if PAD can pull this off I might enjoy the book.

Pretty odd to see very few people reacting at Ben being such a colossal asshole.

Did Ben steal that costume from Spider Cide?

This preview looks more promising that I expected, but I'm still not happy with how Marvel decided to bring Ben back.

Ben should let his good personality take over.

The hood was part of his original "Scarlet Spider" costume way back in the '90s.
It added an extra feature for artists to play around with for purposed of expression: partially hiding his facemask for dramatic effect, tilted brim to add personality, waving behind his head as he speeds along, etc...

I don't remember Ben ever wearing the hood of the hoodie up.

It was mostly night and rain scenes.

Struggling with this...

Why is redemption so free on marvel right now???

Dunno...ask sabretooth. I mean the killing, the cruelty are ok... fall into the villains usual MO, but the rape thing... Big NoNo Marvel. shoulda be ashamed of yourself.

>I have a plan

>can based PAD heal this trash?
>no. not even PAD is that based

>New York, Street level, plays alone
>tokyo, world traveler, avengers stuff
>San Francisco, or LA

Did I fix it?
I think I fixed it. I didn't miss any active spider-people

The Doc Ock we have now is just Peter with his brain reprogrammed to think he's Ock. He's not the real Ock, he died in #700.

Miguel is future and present.

you missed jessica drew and julia carpenter


Kaine move aside we got our new favorite best clone.

I lost all the hype for this after i sow how CC ended, but i guess PAD is always worth a try.
More than anything i hope he will heal Kaine and give him back The Other, since he is the one who introduced the concept and it's kind of stupid to have it dead for good since there are still new spider powered heroes happening even after SV

>new costume (but not for long)

Too bad i actually prefer this one to the original 90' version, sure it's not the Spiderman version and i can't get over the mouth, but overall i like the design

Too bad Marvel wants to calm the rage of the internet

I refuse to read this shit

Hold up, let's not lose our heads, mate. Kaine will always be the best!

I forget that page, was it from the Santas issue?
I have to start a re-read, it's been a while now

whats kaine up to these days? have we seen him since spiderverse?

You should not investigate further

he was in clone conspiracy. he'd found a shitload of worlds that had succumbed to carriorn zombie apocalypse and realized they all stemmed from peter accepting ben jackal's offer for a partnership.

as of now he's hunting down ben jackal in the about-to-start scarlet spider book to make sure he doesn't just accidentally start a carrion zombie plague somewhere else

They are doing a Samurai Jack thing here, at least here it's giving a positive talk to asshole Reilly

Julia is Madame Web still, so I wasn't including her.

Jessica is doing the PI think but yeah she's in New York, which is fine enough, as long as its only her and Miles in New York.

That being said, I'd prefer her elsewhere, with a different spider, maybe in Silk's city

Wasn't it JMS who introduced The Other?


Its shocking how many people fail to understand this (and conversely, that Peter Parker never died in 700 or Superior).

>prefers new Scarlet Spider costume

Yup, we casual here folks.

>Julia is Madame Web
she's still a spider person
>Jessica is doing the PI
based on her ongoing she's more of a hero for hire at this point. I can't recall any of her recent stories involving any detective jobs. just 'there's a thing here, beat it up'

>Wasn't it JMS who introduced The Other?
Yes. PAD had nothing to do with The Other.

you're using a western reductionist methodology to try to explain things that happened in a dualist universe.
souls are real in marvel. and soul swapping is possible.

>and soul swapping is possible.
Sure. That never happened in 700 or any time in Superior, though. That's the point.

Nor did it happen when Ben Reilly got "revived".

>Suction cup hands

Yeah that's the Santas issue.

>That never happened in 700 or any time in Superior, though
Ock invented a soul swapping machine. and used it. then, when Ock's body died, Peter's soul returned to his body.
>Nor did it happen when Ben Reilly got "revived".
agreed. Ben #17 or whichever is his own man the same way Ben #1 was his own man and not Peter Parker.

>Ock invented a soul swapping machine
No, no he didn't. He invented a machine that reprograms a person's brain an overwrites it with coding of another person's brain. Read the fuckin' story. Not once are souls even hinted at. In fact, the explanation takes a VERY scifi route, rather than mystical.

>Ben #17
Its #28 now. Your count is a little off.

Kaine earned the name :(

IIRC, Kaine will be in this series, too.

Ben had it first.

>his own man the same way Ben #1 was his own man and not Peter Parker.
Just like Gwen in the Ultimate Universe....oh wait

He's already on covers. He's gonna be a big part of this series, as he's hunting down Ben.

(not him)
Meant for

Bump for best clone and best Peter

>and best Peter
Not after Slott ruined him, he's not.

PAD will fix him

If this preview and the solicits are anything to go by, no he won't. In fact, it seems like he's doubling up on all the psychosis.

He can't ignore what Slott did, just give him time.
At least,I have faith he'll make Benan enjoyable psycho

*an enjoyable

That's probably for the beginning. He's probably highlighting Ben at his worst for the first few issues. Before Ben's inevitable turn to the good side staring with the classic costume.

Is Peter David still "based PAD" around here, or has Sup Forums turned on him too?

I hope you guys are right. Maybe I'm being a pessimist, but I just have a bad feeling about this book.

This. Notice how the classic costume represents good Ben

He's been having tax problems that people have been making fun of him for, but he openly slammed gypsies a while back, so he's still "based."

Outside of the really weird final chapters of his supergirl he has never done anything i don't like, he's also one of the few classic writers that hasn't gone full retard, i'm so glad he didn't become like mark waid

What do you mean new?

But he did