Do you miss them?

Do you miss them?

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I associate that show with a better period of my life

Sometimes, yeah. Following the show was a great experience.

how can anyone fucking miss it when there's 24/7 threads about this fucking show that's been dead more than a year

Raise your hand if you want to fuck this triangle.

I miss Stan, yeah.

Kinda, I mean, it's a good show, but I've moved on


I'd rather fuck his friend.

Captcha: Bill visitors

I do not.

Nah, Mabel ruined the show for me.

At which point?

I do. But at least my dreams will finally be fulfilled, if only for a single page in a coloring book.

A bit.

I just remember how badly the show was handled then the feeling goes away.

>how can anyone fucking miss it when there's 24/7 threads
Because I don't care about Titcifica, Pinecest, or Reverse Pines and that's all Gravity Falls threads are about now.

>I just remember how badly the show was handled then the feeling goes away.

what parts in particular?

I think they layed Dipper's suffering and general patheticness on a bit thick.

-The Wendy and Dipper love sub-plot that took away time from developing Wendy's character and time from focusing on cooler mysteries.

-The lack of Mabel acknowledging all of the sacrifices Dipper has done for her. They were aware of it in Sock Opera, but then they just dropped it because they didn't have enough time to handle that part of Mabel's character.

-Giving Grenda and Candy more screentime in general

-Not getting into depth with all of the Cipher Wheel characters (more so Wendy, Robbie, Ford, McGucket, and Gideon) if they expected the wheel to have any emotional impact.

I guess those were my general issues.

I didn't keep up with the show, and when all the anger over the final season spilled out there was lots of info people had on the show production. The sheer hate it got appeared out of nowhere from my perspective, and it was hilarious.

>Giving Grenda and Candy more screentime in general

What's wrong with that?

I miss the fanservice


I understand they were to emphasize the difference between Mabel and Dipper with her as a social butterfly and Dipper not so much, but in season 2 they were in nearly every episode, yet they weren't even that important.

I want to see him possess mabel

No, Alex Hirsch needed to do his third season, without it the whole final act is flimsy and kinda sours the rest of the show.

Too bad that never canonically happened.

It probably wouldn't have been that hard to include it at some point, either.

That or possessed Wendy.

Different user. The puppet episode.

Why that one?

mabel focusing on her newest crush over helping her brother. I was glad they acknowledged her selfishness near the end but as said they just dropped it and continued with mabel's boy obsession/selfishness.

That episode was just sort of uncomfortable to watch for me.

Yeah. It was a fun ride while it lasted.

I don't miss Mabel or Wendy.

Japan and Russia

Pacifica's massive breasts.


I want to like it but it's just too much a kid's show. I want the world building but I could do without all the awful jokes.

nah. just wish there was more twinwest ot3 fics

I'd write some myself but all I manage to come up with are The Mummy rip-offs

A lot.
i feel you bro

Not really. I'm glad I can put this garbage behind me.


not today cheetus

Someone put a very bizzare amount of effort into this.

Yeah, even though it was handled very poorly at times.

There's tons of fanart for that though, I think show board artists even drew some

>Watched the whole thing expecting cheetus
>No cheetus
And the comic wasn't even good.

Never really liked it, so no.

>Censoring opinions to protect feelings
wtf I hate Sup Forums now

Are you censoring his opinion about someone's opinions?

>telling someone to shut up is now censorship



No. The show sucked after episode 11 of season 2. It's a shame. I enjoyed the comedy in season 1 and the story seemed like it was going to be amazing, but they blew it after Not What He Seems. Honestly, it's best to just stop after that episode.

It really should of had 3 seasons, maybe 4 but definitely 3, everything went too fast towards the end. Also I watched them a week after the finale so I never got to enjoy waiting months for one new episode

Pan fuck off







Last time I watched this show I still had friends and hopes for my future.

I'm much more relaxed than I was back then, but that's out of a lack of compromise with anything at this point in my life.

Anyway, I still remember fondly watching those videos in which they talked about Gravity Falls' mysteries.




Tl;dr its a 'mabel goes crazy and kills people with a golf club' episode

>Do you miss them?

No because there are lots of other good shows on. I just hope Ducktales doesn't suck.

Pic related.

There is no sane or godly reason for this .gif to exist. It erodes your mental health a little bit each time you watch it.

I'm not watching that fucking thing again

>Brains: Dipper
>Looks: Wendy
>Muscle: Soos
>Wild Card: Stan
>Useless Chick: Mabel

Those are the best ones


I don't get it.

Crazy Mabel golf club .gif just keeps going and going and going...nothing outlasts the crazy Mabel golf club .gif.

Mabel hypnotizing Dipper to think and act like her.

Wow, that was really cool, actually.

For some reason this show garnered a fuck ton of Russian fans, why's that?

I miss Soos and Stan

The rest can fuck off

Why is Reverse Falls getting so much attention lately instead of the far superior Monster Falls?

never understood this. stan is very relatable to people and has great development. why is he mid core

It took me a second too, but it's not that kind of chart.

what chart is it

am i missing a joke

It's the same dude who posts over and over about how much he wants to bang fat guys.

I moved on. They had a good run. Could have been longer, could have been better, don't dwell onto the past too hard.

Stan was pretty great really to be honest. Best character on the show by a mile, really easily. Only one with satisfying depth and development and everything.

>Finally a good reason to punch a teenager in the face!
>He never actually pilebunker'd Robbie

But yeah, Stan was definitely my favorite character, and I liked how he related to Dipper in some episodes too.

Possessed Mabel is cute.






Hey, I never thought of it like that.

I absolutely loved it and was obsessed with it at the beginning of Season 1, but all the hiatuses killed my interest in the show


This is the most pathetic thing I've read all day

You never hear a song or see a movie that makes you go 'ah i remember when this was huge during university, those were good times'?

> 'ah i remember when this was huge during university, those were good times'?
>I didn't even graduated from fucking highscool

I hated university. I watched this show when I started working after university. It was a great time.

Mabill shippers are incredibly weird.


Who was the best writer? Worst?

When Disney Stitch! anime version's this thing to Japan two years from now I hope the world is ready for Doki Doki Mabel and Bill Romansu Adventures!