
Whats next for her career?

Do Asians even like her?

Hopefully Olivia Munn gets her own movie

>white woman in an asian body
probably not

Movielocke or Comiclocke?

She is wasting her talent she would be a hugh success on bangbros.


To have a different actress. Olivian Munn sucks and not in a good way.
To not die in that thing involving OML and Rogue.

Movielocke could very easily vanish from the franchise altogether if they don't shoehorn her into the next movie as an X-Men recruit.
There's not much narrative use for a ex-horseman with a villain-leaning allegiance to mutantkind other than as a Magneto lackey, and if that was going to be the case she would have hooked up with Erik directly after Apocalypse was defeated. Plus the cast is bloated and there's only so much screentime to dole out in each movie.

Meanwhile, Comiclocke just definitively quit Magneto's X-Men, as any mature and responsible mutant would, and has nowhere to go but back into X-Men team rotation. I expect her to show up without significant dialog before too long but it'll be a while before we see anymore character progression.


We don't actually need to, you know.
It's not like our money is somehow more "efficient" or valuable then the money of other nerds.

Olivia Munn shouldn't be anywhere near any more films, let alone any comic films. She is about as basic as you can get. Personally, I can't stand that they need sex to sell - thats all Olivia is. A piece of meat.
G4 attack of the show. Its stupid, don't watch.

For a western comic book character she gets a decent amount of fanart on sites like Pixiv.


Japan likes her enough that she's regular in the capcom games. Plus copious amounts of dojinshi.

First, nobody but the nerds know that. Second, the only people who care are like asian american SJWs and white people getting upset on behalf of asians.

Tell that to the studios sucking the cock of the Chinese movie market.



Old British Psylock is underrated, before they turned her into a slut ninja. Don't understand why they couldn't just create a new character instead of completely changing everything about an existing character.

Psylocke is one of those characters I'd be more than happe to be gone. She is just fanservice for the sake of it.

Then you do not understand claremont.

"Mutation" means "Change"
Just look at Beast.
Every single X-Character isn't who they started out as. Sometimes remarkably so.
And besides, this weird aspect highlights the whole importance of her mind, that being her only original part.

Yeah, no thanks.

>Don't understand why they couldn't just create a new character
Well, um, you see.....

>Meanwhile, Comiclocke just definitively quit Magneto's X-Men
>ywn """"beat"""" Magneto only for him to pull some anime legend tier Tzeentchian plot on you.

>There's not much narrative use for a ex-horseman with a villain-leaning allegiance to mutantkind other than as a Magneto lackey
How many X-Men are Brotherhood of Evil Mutants Alumni?

Psylocke vs Anderson?

Who'd win in sweaty psychic min-domiation games?

Mind-swapped mutant X-Men ninja slut vs a trained street Judge with telepathy/slight pre-cognitive abilities, and who's been amped up power wise by multiple encounters with Death and his goons.

Who'd buy tickets to watch?

X-Men who are "X" Brotherhood-of-Evil-Mutants members:

( ... that I can remember )

There's Magneto himself, Toad (if janitors count), Quicksilver (X-Factor counts), and surprisingly Blob was an X-Man before he was a 'Brotherhood member, Mimic became a Bro' late in life but was X-recruited twice, Juggernaut was in both teams too, Polaris began as a Brotherhood recruit, Havok was first a noncombatant but then an X-Man and in the '90s a member of a Brotherhood offshoot before becoming an X-Man again, Mystique founded the second Brotherhood but was temporarily X-recruited multiple times, Avalanche was never an X-Man but has worked with them, Rogue (obviously), Sunfire has bounced back and forth, the Acolytes don't count as the Brotherhood so Colossus shouldn't be on this list, Professor Charles Francis Xavier once formed a Brotherhood team of his own, I want to say Nocturne ... but I'm not sure, Sabretooth, Dark Beast (AoA), Lady Mastermind, Psylocke (unwillingly), if you count the Future Brotherhood from that time-travel story there's also Teen Jean Grey and one of the Beasts ...

I'm forgetting some. I know I am.

Reading Claremont's Uncanny now, this Betsy is great.


As an Asian I wish she wasn't Asian

Honestly Psylocke's later behavior and even method of dress are in-character for her as Claremont wrote her.
She already kinda didn't have a huge nudity taboo and certainly didn't mind other people looking, and her ENTIRE personality before her Asian body was about wishing she could be a hero and be more "in the fight". Her time wearing the Captain Britain suit and wanting the body armor in her old body were part of that whole desire.
After she got her Ninja body she finally had the skills to be as physical and direct a combatant as she always wanted, and she genuinely didn't care if everyone stared because she KNEW how good she looked and didn't mind if everyone else did too.

Claremont deliberately wrote her as kind of an exhibitionist because he's a total pervert.

O can't find any good fanart of her

Brood Mother

>slut ninja

Fuck off back to Tumbblit.

Was it rape?

killing people so she can feel bad about it because she gets off on that

>Old British Psylock is underrated, before they turned her into a slut ninja. Don't understand why they couldn't just create a new character instead of completely changing everything about an existing character.

As somebody who massively prefers the new one, I agree. There's really no reason why they couldn't have just made up a new character to put in the leotard and let the old one be what she is.