New Rosianna Rabbit

New Rosianna Rabbit.

... that it?

she should just draw a bed.

They should call her fat rat.

So her fat ass can break it?

at least it is comfortable.

I think she looks more like a dog


So... I supposed to want to fuck that rabbit?

Fuck you.

> third panel
just begging for an edit


Where's the hidden dick?

Better than the comic

Panel 3 on the marker.

It took me a few looks, it's on the marker.

meant for

I feel ashamed for how long this took me. It honestly looks like it could be legit



>Lovingly drawn butt jutting out


It's the big black nose.

It might help to look closer at the 3rd panel. Or at this strip.

So you think you funny, motherfucker?

i hope you awoke ded

He's really become neutered after the whole concentration camp comic outrage.


So the answer is yes.

This bunny is cute.



I don't know whether to compliment you or cuss you out.

She just keeps getting thicker and thicker.

Well done.

You are actually correct even though I suspect you meant that in an incorrect way. She's gone from being a straight up blob to having a feminine shape sometimes. And having dat ass.

What if I want her to be a feminine blob?

Well played

It looks like her skirt is pinched tightly under her buttcheeks

she has to fart super bad and is holding it in

Take that shit somewhere else, you subhuman degenerate.

Did you seriously wait until the other thread died just to be the OP?

I never even saw the other thread.

>no reused Rosiannas

Nice work.



Took me a minute to find the dick. It's on the sharpie in this one.

And in place of the play/pause button on the iPod in this one.




His comic has sucked since that Hitler one he did. Has he lost his balls after that? Seems to be playing it very safe after the backlash he got for that strip.


sonic fags pls die