Marvel fags have to endure this kind of shit 24/7

>marvel fags have to endure this kind of shit 24/7

At least with DC its WMBF

for example?


>marvel fags have to endure this kind of shit 24/7
So Jessica Jones and Cloak and Dagger is "24/7"?
>Wally West and Jessethic

What's the problem here? Cloak and Dagger have been a couple since they were created.

Obviously that cleveage on her costume is just asking for trouble, nice ladies wear something else...tell me if Im wrong.

Go to bed, Bill O'Reilly.

caution, you're about to end up in the no spin zone, kid.

so now that he's gone, does that mean we can start spinning again?

>I only started reading comics in the 2010s so I can complain about them


Not a romantic couple, no.

Enduring Sup Forums sperging over a fictional interracial couple? Yeah, I feel bad for Marvelfags.

I have no problem with BMWF couples, but Cloak and Dagger, at least the 616 versions is a big no for me.
I had no problem with Ultimate C&D and even if it looks bland, I won't have trouble with the Live action show

Hi Sup Forums

now fuck off /pol

I thought this as well, when where they made into a couple?

It's just Sup Forums casuals who never heard of these characters suddenly triggered by the trailer.

Why does it matter?

the irony...

gotta keep pretending 'the enemy' is a threat to reduce infighting

>"They see a black man with a white woman at the top floor they gon' come to kill King Kong!"
First of all, fuck you for making me quote Kanye West. Second, stop validating Kanye West. Fuckin' Sup Forumstards, justifying the oh so fucking subtle social commentary of rampant egomaniacs.

do you like fish sticks?

OP what problem are you perceiving here?

Someone post this pic in/pol/

It doesn't but there's a section of Sup Forums that hates anything involving black characters because reasons.


are there no marvel shows with black male leads yet?

Isn't Marvel owned by Disney?