The .50 Caliber Sniper Rifle vs The DC/Marvel/Supernatural Universes

It is my theory that the existence of modern firearms, explosives, and surveillance technology makes secret identities and vigilantes and villains and even monsters obsolete.
If comics were to adopt actual realism Deadshot would take out batman the minute he sets foot on the rooftop to answer the Bat Signal and meet with Gordon. Batman would be blown to smithereens. The entire bat family would be deader than hell if they operated in Gotham with identifiable costumes thanks to this bad ass weapon in the hands of a patient man. Very few dc characters could withstand one or multiple hits from this monster.
Same thing goes for Marvel. Kingpin could easily hire Bullseye to sniper Daredevil and Spider-Man and the Punisher, (note; you would have to explain story wise why frank castle doesnt just sit on roof tops with this baby and pick off his mafia targets).
Wolverines healing factor would be useless against this weapon. It literally cuts your body up into separate chunks. Would he still heal into a single whole again? Probably but during the time period that Logan is 3 pieces of left leg, 7 pieces of right leg, 4 chunks of chest, and 3 wedges of brains any bad guy could scoop him up and imprison his pieces in different parts of the world in vats of concrete or vats of acid that would stop him from ever reforming.
Ditto for vampires. You would not need a crucifix when a 50 caliber bullet rips right through Draculas face.
And modern security cameras and digital tracking makes all forms of secret IDs except those classified by the government very unrealistic.
The .50 caliber sniper rifle solves all organic problems if you map the targets travel habits and are patient.
It is completely unrealistic to expect anyone other than omega power level characters to survive even one headshot from this beast.
There are many omega or cosmic level characters that would be safe but virtually every single urban crime fighter in both companies would be deaders.

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Both Daredevil and Spider-Man would see it coming. Hell, Spider-Man has the ability to dodge it.

No shit mate. Wouldn't even need a fifty.realistically hand guns would have killed off all the characters who weren't invulnerable a long time ago. It's fucking fiction. It's always been unrealistic.

Safe: Probably Iron Man. I think the 50 caliber shots would rip up or severely damge his armor, if not a single shot then repeated hits for sure. However, he has sensors and defensive tech that would likely alert him to any incoming projectiles. You would have to track him as Tony Stark to be 100% certain of a single killshot.

This works only if we make one world obey the rules of the other. You also forget that in order for a .50cal to remain accurate at a distance it requires greater weight than the average sniper to counteract recoil.

So which ruleset do we go by in each situation?

Wow OP have you written to Marvel and DC with this? I can't imagine how fun a comic where every street level hero gets shot and dies would be.

Crap...I forgot Matt Murdoch would sense the heartbeat of the sniper within a certain range and peter could possibly dodge one or two shots. I still say the weapon is better than either one of their reflexes and warning systems.


>You would have to track him as Tony Stark to be 100% certain of a single killshot.

And even then, you can't be certain that he's not wearing some kind of skintight armor under his suit.

>This works only if we make one world obey the rules of the other.

This. Physics in capeverses are nothing like ours. That it even contains humanoid creatures in our size range is due to giant space gods to begin with.

/k/ go home, you're drunker than usual.

hasn't he tanked... tanks, before?
I'm pretty sure he's immune to any form of conventional weapon that doesn't have plot piercing warheads.

Ben Grimm. Not safe. I know Ben is kinda bullet proof but I bet the .50 caliber hits as hard as the Hulk and we all know what the hulk does to ben when they meet up. the thing might have hundreds of panels where hes been hit by ammunition in the sweet naive eras of the past but this is a God-tier weapon we are talking about. I dont think his head could take the shot.

We need /k/ in here because OP knows shit about what he's talking about

>It is completely unrealistic to expect anyone other than omega power level characters to survive even one headshot from this beast.

Reminder that Batman survived worse.

>I bet the .50 caliber hits as hard as the Hulk


But, Franklin Richards head is goo the minute he takes a nap.

Reminder that everyone wearing a costume is immortal, so killing them only buys you time.

>.50 Caliber Sniper Rifle
Anti-material rifle.

Batman you are right. He coasts purely on plot armor. For a man with no powers, ANY guy with a gun is a serious threat to his life. On top of that, his routine is too obvious and well known. Setting a trap for him is easy.

Daredevil, at least, supersenses and absurd reflexes. You might be able to snipe him, but there are a lot of ways that can fail.

Spiderman is basically unsnipable. Spidey sense OP.

Wolverine, I think you dont understand the concept of adamantine bones. Your bullet will kill him, but only for about a minute. You wont be gibbing him.

Face recognition software can be foiled by glasses or makeup, btw. Superhero masks will screw them up pretty much every time.

Franklin Richards powers defend him from harm.

Theres no way at all any writer could explain a human being with an exposed portion of his face could survive a 50 caliber headshot. Nope. This isnt some dang Darkseid eyebeams we are talking about here. This bullet is the nastiest of the nasty. batman could not ever walk away from a headshot. never in a million years.

OP is FROM /k/.

Didn't you get the autistic block text and the idea that a gun with high power is somehow automatically better than people in situations because it's a gun?

You're saying people take a headshot at batman in a heavily populated city with a .50 sniper.

You're a fucking moron.

I can never figure out what these kinds of threads seek out to achieve, by pitting random stuff that has no business against each other, in this case fictional universes versus real armaments. They resemble kindergarten playground arguments too much for comfort.

Enlighten me. Power trips? gotchas that only OP cares about? some kind of autistic vindication? the masturbatory though that, should you own one of these, you'd be better than Batman?

It's /k/'s autistic rage at anything not a gun.

The Flash is safe for obvious reasons despite not looking particularly sturdy.
Namor is safe. he fought WW2 in speedos.
Captain Marvel is NOT safe. her head isnt even protected.
Thor, safe.
Wonder woman, safe.

And franklin richards absolutely needs to be taken out. that kid is too powerful and too much really bad shit has happened in his 30 plus year childhood.

>Wolverine heals as his skeleton remains intact the .50cal doesnt break apart his bones and he stays in one piece.
>Luke Cage has taken a .50cal as long as he gets some treatment he'll be okay.
> Iron Fist pulls an "iron bullet catch" and hides/dodges before sniper can aim again

>OP is FROM /k/.
Not likely, he called it a .50 cal sniper rifle, there is no such thing, not only is the term "sniper rifle" rather subject, but at a certain caliber it's a waste to use it on people and not light hard targets.

Im not from /k/ you paranoid shit. But i did see 13 hours and that gun does not play games. And why would a bad guy shoot at a target in a heavily populated area? They do it every single day in our muslim wars.

Because a .50 "Sniper rifle" is cumbersome as fuck, required a dedicated spotting team and is as practical as an artillery piece in urban Warfare.

You know .50 rifles are usually called Anti-material rifles right?

Stop acting like a fucking homo and stop phoneposting.

Captain Marvel is tougher and stronger than Namor.

Seriously dude get your shit out of here you're being far too autistic even for Sup Forums standards

In 13 hours they use the 50 caliber guns from the roof tops to blast the fuckola out of muslims. Thats all i know amigo. Big bullets cut muslims into big chunks.

MCU MkIII has tanked a tank (APDS?) round to the face. We're now fifty generations over that.

Sup Forums is now where /k/ and Sup Forums drop their unwanted abortions. Great.

Stop reddit spacing between each sentence nimrod and embrace some autism faggot.
I disagree that danny rand could catch incoming bullets like the .50. No way. One maybe. Never more than one.

The hell is 13 hours?
Not in my house.

Even if you could gib Wolverine, thanks to powercreep, his healing factor went from impressive to fucking stupid. He's healed up fine from worse.

Indeed. This is along the lines of "can Superman tank a shot from the Death Star" or some bullshit like that.

>Reddit spacing

Nigga I've been posting since 2007, you think I give a shit about your spacing meme from 2016?

Why do shit heels still think that this is used for human targets? That's god damn overkill when you can receive the same results with a standard 308?

Danny punches the bullet into smithereens.

13 Hours is the incredibly good Benghazi movie. You definitely should watch it. very good movie.


Indeed. He hasn't even specified what gun we're talking about here. If it's a standard M82, that thing's around 40 pounds and over a meter long. And the rounds are heavy as shit. I actually have a few over here and a normal human ain't carrying a lot of those.

>Plastic man ricochets the bullet back at the shooter

Because normies are stupid
Is that fucking sterling?

What would happen should a situation like this occur in universe? A world where Supermans friends are unceremoniously murdered by an assassin using standard military tech. How would other heroes of that level react?

How about the response of someone like Iron Man and his allies? Would they tear the world apart in a tale of vengeance?

Anti-material? In 13 Hours they refer to the enemy using "Technical"s and they were very worried abut whatever those are. So they blasted away at muslims with the .50 cal. Arabs got blown into fat chunks and small chunks despite the cosmic power levels of Allah.

O/k/ now explain how someone sets one of those up without being seen by one of the many flying characters that operate in Marvel New York? If Spiderman (or Silk or the other Spiderman or Scarlet Spider) is in any danger from such a weapon they would be warned and seek out the threat, this does not require them to be the intended target, just a possible risk can trigger Spider Sense. If you want good line of sight you will need to know where your target is going to be or set up on a rooftop, assuming you have a target and don't just intend to shoot the first masked nut job you see (that would lead to a D lister or someone playing dress up) you need to anticipate the risk that Toni Stark is testing his new suit and detects you.
To take out the Bat family you face people who know Gotham completely, they have a good chance of becoming aware of you before you're aware of them.
Don't try anything like this when Superman's about because he will find you and stop you before you can blink.

I want that Dao.

I mean he's expecting a guy to carry a M82 or whatever around the Gotham street-tops or Hell's kitchen, not getting noticed by Daredevil or Batman.

Can he?

>using standard military tech
High end civilian firearms will accomplish the same thing.
Yes, used against things that are lightly armored.
Yup that'll do it, technicals are trucks with machineguns, rockets or cannons strapped to them.

Spider-man has a history of hanging around Peter parkers company or the daily Bugle or the college campus. batman meets Gordon on the rooftop where the bat signal is. It could be done. Maybe after one kill the other heroes would be on full alert and someone like Superman or Iron man using satellite tech would be a problem but you could take out at least one major hero first.

But this is from someone on the outside looking into their universes. It could take a while for you to discover this pattern if you were in the boots of this supposed assassin.

Wait, your going to try and

A) get near a police station within range with a .50 Cal rifle to try and take down Batman

B) snipe a man swinging from buildings in Downtown New York

Both of which would require a stake out? You'd be caught within days.

And what about vampires? If you can drive a wooden stake through their hearts you could for blow their heads right off. Its been awhile since i read dracula or anne rice. i ignore twilight. Lestat could probably survive but Louise? Nope.

>Both of which would require a stake out? You'd be caught within days.
I don't see how, staying in doors, watching for regular routines, you don't even need to bring out the rifle until you're confident, just mind your own business and noone will know.

As I understand the scopes we have today means you could be a very long ways off. like a mile or more.

>High end civilian firearms will accomplish the same thing.
Of course they would, but that doesn't answer the more interesting question.


implying that trying that in Gotham won't end with him getting a katana between the shoulderblades from an enraged Damien.

Knowing common gotham-esque plots, maybe even one of the villains would take him out. Deadshot, Slade or even Joker would probably take the shooter out since they'd insist that the bat is theirs to kill.

Worked well for Batman

isn't the gun this guy using a .50 cal one ?

driving a steak through their heat is just a brute force way of keeping them pinned down while you saw their head off
and even after that you still have to cremate the remains and scatter the ash across the ocean to ensure it'll take at least five thousand years before they revive

Or you could spill enough rice to keep them counting until sunrise.

>Written by Nick Spencer
>One day a military sniper wakes up and realizes he could use his gun to take out bad guys. But what if he thinks the good guys are bad guys? He buys a .50 cal sniper rifle and bullets at a local Wal-Mart and sets out to learn what it means to be a hero.
>A 12-issue Maxi-Series Event!

Where are you going to do the stake out from in New York?

You need a vantage point and they don't give out penthouse rooms to gun-nuts.

Yup, that's an M2.

>You need a vantage point and they don't give out penthouse rooms to gun-nuts.
Well you don't tell them.

>What's in the case, sir?
>An anti-material rifle, I'm planing to murder a cape.

>They won't check the case

Why would they?

what's wrong with /k/?

Let me guess OP; you actually have no mechanical idea about how long-range marksmanship actually works do you?

>Gee, why are you carrying several very heavy cases into a high vantage point sir?

You think you can sneak a .50 cal in via a fucking Bass case or something?

>It's work related, sensitive materials.
You think you can't?

no that's stupid.

maybe in multiple pieces in a series of cakes. nothing weird about 40-50 cakes being brought to a rooftop.

>It's work related sensitive materials

"Then do you have the papers and anyone inside who can confirm it"

You want to go full autism, we're going full autism. I have worked a a security guard for a big tower shit like you wish you could enter, we check EVERYTHING.

All of that is not an exact location.
For Spidey you've narrowed it down to "tends to be in any one of these twelve to fifteen different locations and seven different potential people at random times of the day" for example.

Nope. I dont know how Cyborg shits either but i still like him.

for fucks sakes luthor, you can't solve everything with 40 cakes

It's not easy to find a shooting point a mile away OUTSIDE of a densely populated urban zone.
Inside, especially one like NYC? Impossible.

Seriously, couldnt you just be the guy pushing the big laundry cart into the service elevator? people push those carts around every day in big buildings. i bet those carts could carry every single part.

>"Then do you have the papers and anyone inside who can confirm it"
This isn't an airport, you don't have to provide anything.

>I have worked a a security guard for a big tower shit like you wish you could enter, we check EVERYTHING.
You are going full autism.

Let's be honest, the minute you actually try to pull this on any superhero, it'll be in the middle of a storyline where Spider-Man gets the power to deflect bullets or Batman gets a drone that can detect high-powered guns anywhere in Gotham.

Your greatest enemy isn't physics. It's the narrative.

>Plastic Man just T-1000s the shot and keeps going.

Drones. have we gotten a villain yet that uses an army of weaponized drones of different sizes? If not lets make one called Swarm. thatd be cool and harder to fight than Doc ocks arms.

Nope. It's quite simple, large boxes needed to have the paperwork that checks out, and they are checked when entering and exited the building.

Not just for crazy people sneaking shit in, but to make sure it's actually going through properly.

Seriously, Security Guard is like the easiest job ever, all you do is check boxes and check boxes on forms.

Okay, short version; wouldn't work, even in real life. Too many obstacles, all targets have movement patterns that are unpredictable as points out even when you kinda sorta know where they'll be, and all are moving too fast in all cases.

As to the second query, I do not believe cyborg shits at all.

So let me get this straight, you're going to try to snipe Batman, the guy who's so good at stealth he frequently disappears mid-conversation, on his home turf, in a densely populated city with hundreds of dark alleys and abandoned warehouses? Good fucking luck.

...How big do you think combat drones are?

you'll rue the day you mocked my cake delivery system for arms and warheads.

the science is sound!

For you and everyone else that says this doesnt work in urban environments i have to wonder if youve been following the war on terror? Not being a smartass but we do this every single day in the mid-east. Also, in the 90s we had a guy and his son using a car and a rifle to sniper people. the guy laid in the trunk with the license plate folded down and he shot people. If some idiot like that could figure shit out I am sure slade could too. And Bullseye never misses so he wouldnt even need extensive prep, just the opportunity. And Cyborg has organic body parts...he has to have food and water doesnt he? if so he has to shit or his tech amps up his bodys ability to process nutrients.

>nothing weird about 40-50 cakes being brought to a rooftop
I stopped filling orders larger than 39 after it started attracting supervillains.

>Deadshot sits in a top-flood room in Gotham with an anti-material rifle searching down the scope.
>Where are you Batman?
>Ugh, it's been four days, better draw him out.
>picks up radio "Penguin, why don't you and your boys rob a bank so our nocturnal friend will show his face?"
>A voice comes from the corner of the room, "Patience is a virtue Deadshot."
>Batman steps out of the shadows and socks Deadshot on the jaw.

In comic books they could be the size of pennies if you want them to be.

those are for hopping vampires

>the war on terror
What is this, 2003? Nobody calls it that anymore, not even people who are actually in the armed forces.
>And Cyborg has organic body parts...he has to have food and water doesnt he? if so he has to shit or his tech amps up his bodys ability to process nutrients.
His body presumably has mechanics that allows him to digest nutrients to a high degree of efficiency while eliminating the waste materials caused by the relatively inefficient human digestive system, because he IS missing or has the majority of his pelvis replaced.

Im creating Swarm as we speak. He controls his army of drones with a psionic link. Its comics so he loves his drones and communicates with them...they are almost AI-sentinent. Some, the larger ones, are equipt with ammo, grenades, even small missiles. Most are laser weapons with kree tech or Apokolips Tech. he is totally unbeatable as long as his drones are active and he remains concious. he usually is miles away from the battle itself and often slips away vowing revenge when his drone babies are destroyed. nowwe need art designs.

Jesus christ; are you retarded? You can barely type anything correctly.

Snipers =/= 50. rifles.

No, you did not have marksmen teams firing 50. rifles 24/7 into super dense populated areas in the middle east.

Go read something instead of trying to wank over the American Army through a fucking Michael Bay movie.

Are... Are you 12?

This would actually kinda be the second time he'd done something like that to Deadshot.
The first time was their first meeting, and Floyd apparent still gives him mad respect for it, at least in his head.