Let us assume by the ending of the show, Jack doesn't return to the past

Let us assume by the ending of the show, Jack doesn't return to the past

Defend it

Maybe it was actually impossible the whole time. Maybe you can only travel forward in time.

It would make sense considering his quest to return to the past is the reason why hes failed this long. For a man who wants to return to the past, hes practically living in it. He'll probably realize that its better to move forward with his life, end Aku now, and work to better the future

Because if he actually goes back to the past then the whole serie is basically wiped out of existance. Everything that was there doesn't matter in the end.

Executives wanted a new season and forced the team to redo the last episode.

Jack forces Ashi to remake a new sword from his own soul because they can't find his old one and Ashi cannot go back in time, but it does not matter because killing Aku in any time wipes him from existence in all times.

the past is a spook
the future is also a spook
there is only the eternal now
we figured this out seven thousand years ago, how delusional can you get

Jack dies, the sequel is a harem show with Aku and all the waifus.

Then how would 24 ever take place?

Psychoanalysis states you can heal yourself contemplating and correcting things that happened in your past. Ashi has to recover from hatred and revenge, Jack from delusion he can kill Aku and Aku must change the ways he deals with his foes. Maybe he falls eternal sleep or something? Your past can heal you if you have the key: knowledge, sensetivity, compassion. These can guide you in good direction thru present and future.

So he won't be able to change history or do something disgusting like sleep with his own grandmother

>Defend it
the first four seasons are great and the 5th is enjoyable until the end.

>or do something disgusting like sleep with his own grandmother
>using the "missed dinner date with leela episode" and not the "bender gets turned into an flying saucer episode"

Jack is going to go all dark and lose his ability to use the sword. Ashi will be deemed worthy by the sword and use it to seal aku.

Jack just going back and fixing everything would be a bad ending

it would mean erasing and undoing everyone he knew and everything he had done, it would literally make the rest of the show itself meaningless

You cant really defend it, but I guess it wouldnt be as shit of an ending like some of the dumber theories out there, like how Aku and jack commit sudoku because they know the war would never end otherwise or something


>Jack returns to the past
>But something looks...off.
>Series ends with Jack having returned to the FAR past, decades before his parents were even around.
>Jack encounters a time-displaced Ash Williams

He will. Shit you not Genndy will be fucking lynched if after 12 years of waiting he doesn't return.

I've seen the full series, here are some highlights:

Aku finds out that Jack doesn't have the sword.

Jack can now be wounded by the sword.

Jack can no longer wield the sword, as in it no longer harms Aku in his hands.

The horseman is King Yama.

He is the second person needed in the harikir process. Yama specifically is important.

Jack is eternally young, but not because of Aku.

Green=eternal life

could he destroy aku?

>a Hindu deity is required for a Japanese ritual

That bait was well disguised, doesn't change the fact it's bait.


Yes. Everyone probably forgot about the old gods so they don't kill Aku. If they did worship them again I'm sure they would come at a time of aid.

true, they probably do have the power to eliminate aku, but all of the gods together couldn't completely destroy him. I doubt worship would be necessary, they all wanted aku dead, and that is why the sword was forged for jack

Yama is the original name. Yemma is the Japanese one. Same person

>Jack returns to the past
>All the years he missed are thrown back at him
>Jack dies on the spot due to old age

It could be a good way to show how despite the past being bad, even completely desolate, the future can be bright if we put the effort to change it.
I personally think that Jack not returning to the past, accepting his failure and moving on to work on fixing the current world would be the better and more mature ending.

forgive my autism, I forgot the birth of evil there for a moment

aku is not even close to a threat to the old gods, he's only a small shard of that primordial ultimate evil, they just gave humans a tool to contain/destroy it by themselves