Okay I might be recovering from a cold and the last nose bleed was pretty severe but here me out...

Okay I might be recovering from a cold and the last nose bleed was pretty severe but here me out. What if there was a cartoon that was nothing but waifus? It seems like, especially on Sup Forums, the character that people care about the most on any cartoon is the token waifu character. They're never the main character, but like on SU for example the people care about the Gems more than Steven. So someone should make a show that is nothing but waifus and everyone will love it and it will make the most money ever.

Other urls found in this thread:


it's worked for Japan for the last 30 years

...monster high?


Did Kazerad update yet?

Japan has already perfected this type of cartoons.

It's just slow to catch on in the West because it equally pisses off conservative old CEOs, soccer moms and SJWs.

If you're looking for a western cartoon that made a bunch of money on waifus, you're on the wrong board.



Khajiit are for hug, not fug

Waifus don't have hooves, user.

Yeah. They have something better.

You're seven years too late.

All I know about OP's image is some meme about floating tits.

Tell that to the guys on the other board.

Is this one of those optical illusion images? It's hurting my brain trying to understand what it is.


What are you talking about? Khajiit are pure and playful and desire nothing more than innocent scratching and cuddling.

If they're so platonic why are their tits that big?
Checkmate, atheists.

What is " The Loud House," Alex?

To make their soft fluffy hugs even softer of course



This isn't Sup Forums you dum dum.
Get out of your basement.
Everyone always care about girls more than boys, that's how human society work, and worked for generations now.
And nothing is wrong with that, really.

>What if there was a cartoon that was nothing but waifus?

Your brain is already fucked if you can't tell what that is.

I seriously can't tell, and I'm not Googling it in case it's some fucked up shit. Explain it.

These fucking khajiits are way too inaccurate for morrowind. Round heads? No muzzles? Breasts? Footwear? fuck this thread.

It's clearly two pawed feets, user. Seriously, how can you not tell? One is resting on top of the other.

You might have issues identifying things and will crash your car soon.

>And nothing is wrong with that, really.
You are literally the problem.
Who told you I drive?

OP's image is a webcomic set in Oblivion, the other images in the thread are all set in Skyrim.

No Morrowind here n'wah

Is it?
I believe you're the problem, things were great in the 90's, we don't need you tumblrinas going topless in my street and screaming at this pseudo patriarchy and the wage gap and whatever the fuck you all come up with.
If you believe that males protecting their females is a 'problem', then you're on the wrong fucking planet.

This isn't Sup Forums, but I'm not even on Tumblr, user.
Things were great in the 90s because, for the first time, we had achieved near-total equality in every way. Then the pendulum swung back way too far.

We see this reflected in cartoons too. We used to have constant damsels in distress (pre-90s), then we shifted to having a mix of shows, including some like Kim Possible (90s-early 00s), and now everything has to be about the stronk female characters or else the show gets cancelled.

And what does this have to do with my first post?

You said:
>Everyone always care about girls more than boys, that's how human society work, and worked for generations now.
This thinking guarantees (and has guaranteed throughout history) endless suffering for both sexes. Only recently were we able to come close to overcoming it, before SJWs took over.

So, it doesn't have anything to do with elder scrolls or khajiits? Wew, i was worried there for a moment.

both have been "endorsed" by Bethesda

Yup, pretty much

Also Khajiits did have breasts in Morrowind

No it hasn't.
People were still thinking that way in the 90's and everything was fine.
The coming of the internet and the fact that minorities could become overly considered is what went wrong.
You will not change your biology user. Human males are MADE to protect their females and youngs, that's how it works.
I mean, hey, if you believe that's wrong that's your choice.
But in 40years when you'll be alone and dying, you'll understand my point of view.

Winx club?

On-model porn when

They are actually for both.

Khajiit are canon sluts....Male and female.
They are easily the most open race in TES in terms of sexuality.

You would be horrified at the average standard of living throughout history, wouldn't you?
Why should gender roles be any different? Things change, user, even fundamental understandings.

>genders are a social construct
haha I knew it.
Like I said, I can't wait to look at all of you make vlogs in a couple dozen years about how unhappy you are and that this kind of shit were the worst decisions of your life.

You're an extremist. You don't see that there are opinions somewhere in the middle.
I don't agree that gender roles are a construct. I also don't agree that it's in society's best interest not to do everything feasible to change them, or at least mediate their impact.

but they are
this isn't even new information, it's been going on throughout history

>You don't see that there are opinions somewhere in the middle.

there's hardly a middle point because the argument is not that they exist-that's intersectionalist garbage-, but that they must be changed or not, and you already gave a strong statement on that.

i'm not even that user but i can see that you have not done a good job trying to approach the issue in an empathetic way. Personally i see attempts at restructuring or broadening the gender roles in society to be hideously destructive and causing misery while not doing much to solve the problems they postulate, not because of inherent realities mind you, but because societies are hardly mature enough to understand(or accept) coexistence without a hierarchy to begin with, and we constantly fail to prevent ourselves from recreating them to often worse outcomes than through their preservation.

i believe that the core of society is the family. the gorillion genders and sexualities that people adopt and adjudicate to themselves define them in respect to their environment among other young, sexuality active, romantically non-engaged peers of similar ages, that's the function of all the signals and demonstrations, sheer individuality, but none of them, not a single one is an actual "role" socially speaking, and as the human being crosses certain age and emotional, psychological maturity his concern turns from his individual fulfillment to a group fulfillment, and all those denominations based on the necessity to reaffirm individuality and sexual craving end up fizzling out as the person realizes it doesn't mean anything.

families don't necessarily have to have the heterosexual male and female couple as their sole, exclusive base, but they do need to function as a microcosm of society to fulfill their purpose, and while i don't think two dads is really bad for children, living in a world with 52% being females but not growing up with a female in the house is.

What are you trying to do user?
They're not here to learn shit, if they wanted to stop being stupid they would just google it.
You're wasting your time.

that would go for pretty much everything i could post on Sup Forums, but i like to put down my rants, and throw my arguments against anyone who will read them, just so i can see if i can perfect them for the time i will have to use them on a face to face basis.

and hell, i know at least one person read me, that's enough, maybe that one person will have my words in the back of their mind next time they debate. I think that's a good thing.

I meant changed from the real traditional view of men essentially being disposable worker drones, and women being protected basically at all costs. The family unit is a whole different matter, and one on which I completely subscribe to the traditional viewpoints (as far as I can tell).

>I meant changed from the real traditional view of men essentially being disposable worker drones, and women being protected basically at all costs.

now that's a very loaded statement because it presents men and women as uniform blocks in society, instead of units within units. Men can be disposable, sure, when they're thrown into heinously dangerous and hostile situations, like soldiers, miners, rowers, any sort of slavery, but they're also usually the non-disposable heads and hearts of a society, the general, the owner, the boss, the leader, etc. Females are excluded from these environment due to sheer lack of aptitude to be as rough and tough as a male would be, but there are also hierarchies among females, between the noble lady dressed in the finest silk, schooled in many crafts and kept pure until a convenient, astute marriage allows her to exert irresponsible power of her own, and the destitute streetwoman that has little say in her fate as a prostitute and servant.

the traditional view you present is more of a gentleman's code that only ever had relevance in limited spaces and times, twisted to fit a cynical society. Gentlemen were expected to treat ladies as incarnations of all things beautiful fair and pure, but for the people who upheld these standards, few among men were true Gentlemen, and even fewer among women were true ladies. At the turn of the 20th century the distinction was mostly gone in western society, but the cultural inertia kept the aristocrat's lifestyle being an ideal to pursue for all that could.

>What if there was a cartoon that was nothing but waifus?

You mean anime?

Yeah, I'm not buying this tradcon nonsense any more than I'm buying the modern SJW bullshit. You're completely ignoring that 17 women reproduced for every 1 man throughout much of history, for one thing. And there are always (obviously) far more Indians than chiefs.

>You're completely ignoring that 17 women reproduced for every 1 man throughout much of history, for one thing.

and that's surprising? the same biological impulse that keeps 17 women around that 1 male is the same that makes the other 16 males want to stab the first and take his place, and not at all to give each guy their own woman, and even if he did, he sure as fuck keep the woman that corresponds him plus one. A man can mate 17 times and have 17 children, a woman can take 17 dicks and will end up having just one baby, if she doesn't die from complications in labor, if the baby doesn't die before it turns three months.

Men and Women are exactly, equally important to the -act- of breeding, but the woman is orders of magnitude more important to the rest of the -process- of breeding, that's a biological reality, it might sound unfair and it can very well be, but it doesn't make them inherently superior, just more sensitive for the COMMON PURPOSE of society, because men themselves don't want to have their mates die and their kids die and so on, so what do they do, they protect, they fight, build and harvest. when you disconnect all that work done and achievement from the fact that the guy's got a family, he's got kids or at least some people he really likes, you just look at women and say "hey how come they get all this nice stuff but don't contribute?", and that's fair but it doesn't take away that men will do what men do anyway just as instinctively as a women brings her newborn to her teat, and that's what the idea of gender roles falls short to describe, a biological reality to contextualize the psychological experience of gender. It's important to remember that, the man and the woman exist as a single mechanic.

if we can balance things out, make men more caring and understanding, and women more industrious and fierce, that's all for the better, but just pushing fanatically for the complete subversion of this harmony is just going to reap misery.


Japan makes Gatcha games and shows because they have too many shut ins. Seriously You say western sexuality is oppressed but we don't have gender locked schools that shut off all connection with the opposite sex.

Oh look its the "gender is a social construct" meme again.

You'd think the horror story about the dude who invented that whole idea, how he forced girl stuff on some kid who eventually killed himself over it, would have slowed the spread of his ideas a little bit.

Sure, there's plenty of shit we blame on biological sex that is actually taught. But the idea that sexual dimorphism with the drastic and visible physical differences between the sexes has no internal mental component is fucking insane and delusional and you'd have to be totally in denial.



3rd obligatory My Little Pony reference.
Seriously. Unprecedented demographic appeal. Mad dolla' maker. Neverending expansion. The waifu's all have horse pucci and it's STILL a runaway success, that's how foolproof the formula is.

Thank thee

What does that mean?

>people from Sup Forums told me it was a good TES comic
>literally just furry adventures with some slut oc and plain jokes

Do webcomics with a limited use of animation count? Because Homestuck.

>You're an extremist.
>I also don't agree that it's in society's best interest not to do everything feasible to change [gender roles]
This is legitimately funny.