its not a COMIC its a GRAPHIC NOVEL

Highly likely that it is not a graphic novel.

Literally only the most insecure casuals say this

it's not a DOLL it's an ACTION FIGURE

"Graphic novel" is a better name because it's much more specific. A single-panel newspaper cartoon is still a "comic".


I'd imagine it would have to have more than one panel to be considered a comic.

No, you and many other idiots just don't what what they're talking about.

Graphic novel = self-contained, book-length story
Comic/comic book = magazine formatted

This is what it always meant.

Your imagination is clearly limited.

Please don't correct me in front of people.

>implying 4chanfags are considered people

As Frank Miller said saying you read a graphic novel over a comic book is like saying lady of the night instead of prostitute. One might sound nicer but they're still the same thing.

Of course Miller would equate the entire medium to whores

dumb frogposter

Similarly Howard Chaykin said that the people who use the term graphic novel are the same people who only watch "films" not movies

They both came from the same generation, the first wave of talent to grow up wanting to be comic artists. They went into the industry because they loved it, not because they couldn't find work in illustration like most of the Golden Age/Silver Age guys.

It makes sense why Eisner always championed the term graphic novel, in his youth being a comic artist was something seen as shameful and many of them lied about their careers.


For Eisner it's understandable since he wrought actual graphic novels in the correct use of the term.

Though a lot of stuff people usually think when they think of graphic novels aren't themselves graphic novels.

Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns were limited series.

V for Vendetta was published in Warrior magazine in the UK before DC released it here in the states.

I might give a pass for the Killing Joke since it's a one shot.

Did anyone ever take "graphic novel" seriously? All I hear is people making fun of it.

>The Killing Joke
...Graphic Novella?


I mostly see it in movie trailers.

That works.

Dumb frogposter

What is wrong with Sup Forums?

We have dumb frogposters who post inferior frogs.

I remember back in high school my English teacher said no reading comics during the free read portion of class, but he allowed trades (he referred to them as graphic novels) I had an argument with him over how they were the same just one had more in it, and that you should be allowed to read single issues as long as you were reading the full series but his ego was bigger than his dick was small so I lost that. It's been a few years since then and I realize I was a faggot but he was still wrong.

You have serialized novels that were originally published in magazines, pulps, periodicals , etc

I fucking wish my English teachers in high school let us have free read.

good point

Funny, I get this way whenever I hear someone use graphic novel to market a trade or mini

Graphic novel is a faggoty term anyway. People need to stop using it

Sounds like the teachers that don't allow "genre fiction" specifically science fiction or fantasy.

You sound like a faggot.

>be kid in 90s
>watch x-men cartoon on saturdays
>mom constantly calls it x-man
>wonder if she really thinks it's just one guy called x-man and all the rest of the characters are just his sidekicks

Garbage newfags need to get out


>Get Across the Street
