Star Wars low audience scores masterminded by Russians

Star Wars low audience scores masterminded by Russians.

Why are you pretending the movie is bad then, Sup Forums?


Can't believe it's real.

Sup Forums is a kremlin front.

mfw it turns out to be true

>blame the audience for not being tfw too smart enough to understand the film
>blame the audience for not turning their brain off and enjoying the movie
>blame the audience for being too racist/misogynist/etc. to like the film because it has girls and minorities in it despite this being true of star wars since 1980
>blame the audience for not embracing change in star wars even though the movie reverted the status quo back to what it was at the beginning of the first film
>blame the audience for being gatekeepers of media
>blame the audience for not accepting critics as the gatekeepers of media
>blame the audience for being russian trolls looking to make people hate star wars because ???

Bets on what rationale we're getting next?

People unironically believing this

I want off this earth. politics has ruined everything

They can't keep getting away with it!

>The jew cries out in pain as they strike

We need to use legal remedies to break up the Jewish stranglehold on media the way Wasp Power structures were systematically targeted and purged by legal mandate.

It's pretty obviously a fucking joke you autists.

t. lefty shill

Russians or alt-right trolls? It's one or the other.

is it though

This is bullshit because clearly it's a shit film, and has nothing to do with the reality that Donald Trump was working with the Russians throughout his campaign.

My father works for Putin, it's true, all of it, we elected Trump too.

I'm fed up with the retarded americuck "movie" culture. Someone need to nuke this country and his secret hq Israel ASAP

Captcha Garfield cheques

It was a smart move. The US is consistently disgracing itself while Russia is coming across as stable.

I literally am Russian and gave it a low score. Played right into their narrative

I feel so bad for Mark. He put in a ton of hard work to get back in shape in order to do his character justice, only to have them shit it up in the writers room

knew it was the russians. no way could people hate on a star wars movie. especially such and inclusive one.

>tfw he got in shape just do one some shitty matrix scene

>The jews cry out in pain as they strike

Jews unironically cannot be allowed to have positions of power or authority. They need to be legally contraband from practicing nepotism and entryism.

It is a danger to our very nation.

Worse, (((they))) did it in the editing room. Mark was shocked after the premier.

Disney is so soulless that they knew exactly how to manipulate the old cast. Ford is a primadonna, and was relatively in shape due to a bunch of other revival roles, so he just needed a whole lot of money and to fuck off in the first movie. Fisher was easy so all they had to do was to get her to OD on coke at 60. Hamil needed more work and finesse, get him in shape, get him to show up in the last 10 seconds of the first movie, bank on his professionalism and completely ignore his complaints during production when you change his character and then kill him off.

Holy shit Sup Forums turn on Entertainment Tonight!

damn these russians