What are ur guys thought about this

What are ur guys thought about this

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It wasn't really that good which is more disappointing than a usual not good movie since they teased us with a lot of really cool ideas.

The first shot is from TFA, you hack.

It will become greater with time. This one is complex.

I liked it.
I like that they are decidedly steering SW into new territory. I feels fresh even with all the flaws it has.
But you know, all the SW films are flawed in one way or another.
Cinematography was pure KINO

And that territory is Marvel capeshit. How fresh.

i haven't catched it yet

>Light side Rey

>Del Toro's character
>Dark side Rey

Can we all agree on this


everyone makes a fool out of them

Hope there comes a directors cut without all the quips and visual gags. Would turn it into a solid 8/10.

No it's not. Luke tells the story in tlj and shows this shot

the fuck are you talking about?

What was marvel about it? I've heard this critism from people but when pressed what was marvel about it they have no answer

It'sthe general tempo of the movie. The scene buildups thst drop immediately into anti-climaxes, the scenes beats, the type of humor used and how it's executed. If you watched movies from before, during and after the rise of the MCU you can see that that's where this very specific type of direction started being used and that Last Jedi is borrowing it wholesale.

>Star The Last Jedi Wars
what did they mean by this?

>It's Disney... And a popcorn flick... And I like being contrarian
Star wars set the standard for generic summer Blockbusters, I don't know why people go into it expecting high art. That being said, conflicts like Rey vs kylo were very emblematic of star wars, and not really the territory of marvel. The closest that marvel has come was in civil war, but that was significantly less dramatic than what star wars goes for. It's always vague what Captain America and iron Man really stand for, but in tlj it's an opera struggle for who's vision will bring balance to the Galaxy.

Remove SuperLeia (just kill her off and set the dark tone of the movie) and the Casinoworld subplot (make Codebreaker some Rebel prisoner they've been holding onto) and you have an 8/10

Movie was fucking trash. The movie had so many problems.

Hyper space tracker literally fucks everything for future movies and the hyper space kamikaze makes no sense either. Why didnt they just hyper space a ship through the death star? Why arent all space battles fought with hyper space kamikazes?

Why did Luke send his hologram if he was just going to die anyway?

Why didnt they explain snoke and how did he not notice the lightsaber right next to him?

What was the point of finns side story bullshit?

How are they going to rap up this trilogy in one more movie?

>Not being a literal Virgin With Rage

Also why didnt they let leia die? What was the point of that flying bs?

needed more hand holding

Some good some bad, people are upset with how it shit on TFA but if it followed up on everything from TFA it still would have been shit since that movie wasn't good and the plots it set up were boring and predictable. I don't think there's any way Rian could have done it that would have actually been great since JJ gave him a stale retread of the OT to start from.

This whole sequel trilogy is fucked from the start because they decided to make it scrappy rebels v big evil empire again and there's no making that fun again we've already seen it. Kylo is the only really good thing to come out of the whole thing so far.

>Why didnt they explain snoke and how did he not notice the lightsaber right next to him?

They should have given him some backstory but the way he died was fine and actually one of few things the movie got right imo.

I felt this scene was a little out of character for Luke


It was really fuck bad, the more I think about it the worse it gets
Its like they took the worst parts of the OT and PT then just blended it together
Too much CG and crappy jokes in parts too, as much as I found TFA just meh its going to age much better than this

>the way he died was fine

>I can read all of your toughts Ren
>you will kill Rey just as I say it
>you can't disobey me because I can ready our mind
>oh shit, I didn't check you mind if you want to betray me and now it's too late

Top writing.

he was arrogant user, exactly what he said was gonna happen happened but his arrogance blinded him to the fact that he was the "true enemy"

He didn't say "Rey", he said "enemy"

I think the "on paper" way that he dies is fine, but the exectution was beyond stupid

>kylo is turning the lightsaber *wink wink* and he'll ignite the blade *wink wink* and kill his true enemy *WINK WINK*

>buduuuh, he wuz arogint

I was extremely disappointed. This makes TFA look like the better movie.

There was a lot of Avengers humor that really ruined the drama of the movie. Many scenes should have been cut down. Characters weren't fleshed out, Luke's character was nerfed, and they REALLY missed an opportunity for a Rey/Kylo arc.

Rey should have turned to the Dark Side. It is clear Kylo will have a redemption arc.

It's stupid as shit, but it's more interesting that TFA
I don't know if that makes sense.
It's like I can see the sprouts of brilliancy under the shitty execution of everything.
It's the Neon Demon of Star Wars

Same goes with Palpatine goading them to kill him when he knows he'd stomp them.


It felt like I was watching a movie for kids.

It's the closest Wars has gotten to kino since A New Hope, I'll give it that.

yeah, they should've made it like in Dredd

I've no doubt there will be 50 pages of Kylo mentally preparing to trick Snoke in the novelization.

w-what film is bottom right from

The movie was literally build off of memes.
i've been saying it for ages

How the fuck did Finn drag Rose back to the Rebel base? They were like...right by the battering ram cannon. Did none of the AT-ATs shoot them? Pretty sure the FO wasn't letting any of them live. Did the battering ram have no soldiers on the ground protecting it from infantry sabotage? We saw the FO had snow/salt soldiers when they stormed the base.

Just turn your brain off man

Clearly they just parked their AT-ATs like you would anywhere on a planet.

>steering SW into new territory

>small rebellion
>large dominant empire
>one remaining Jedi who has to carry the legacy forward
>Darth Vader character
>tie fighter
>themes of family and destiny

>new territory

>movie that takes place in the very near future
>uses mostly similar technology

let's do the same for the prequels!

>space ships
>bad guys
>light saber duels
>themes of family and destiny