Sup Forums unequivocally btfo

Sup Forums unequivocally btfo

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>le contrarian virgin

>le real art has balls

You can just tell this guy posts on reddit.

All the numales seem to disregard the dropped plot points, outright terrible scenes, some pretty bad acting, and the boring subplot.

>Real art is ripping of ESB and ROTJ but making every key scene anti-climatic

>le TLJ took risks! meme

Oh my god there weren't even any actual risks. It flouts with doing some KOTOR2-esque stuff where they question the nature of the Jedi and then they pull out and go "haha, fooled you, made you think we were doing something new only to reveal we're actually doing old shit again, expectation status: subverted :^)"

The whole film was a remix of ESB with Hoth at the end and the best scene from ROTJ shoehorned in there. The idea that Star Wars part fucking EIGHT is some kind of zenith of avant garde cinema is insulting to every creator who tries to push the medium in interesting and exciting directions. These people who grow up only watching Star Wars and reading Harry Potter have such a narrow pool of stories to draw from they think the first thing to shake it up even the slightest bit is "risky" and "new".

Plebeian trash


Uh huh, that's what they said about MaRey Sue in TFA.


abigail shapiro

He looks like a soyboy

surprised that his mouth is closed on his picture

>blade runner

Not so fast

I'm actually with him in the grand scheme of things.
TLK was, in fact, more enjoyable than TFA to me.
It was still wrote like pure shit, but some of the things they were goin for were at least interesting

well now we heard from fagman. who's next? doesn't change the fact that the movie is terrible.

lmaoing at these capeshitters talking about "art"

>there are people so small brain and delusional they actually believe star wars is "Art"

>real art

No thats not a soyboy gaping mouth pic

Also the dude has bible verses in his profile thats not very soyboy of him


>chooses WW over Batman and Superman

>why didn't muh legendary hero die in some legendary way!?!?

>everybody dies in a legendary way right?!?

>doesn't state the larger thematic reason
>makes an empty statement

Typical soy addict.

getting mixed signals from this guy

> any-wars
> art

So mouth has to be

>getting chased down by the first order
>explicitly state that there's only 6 hours of fuel left
>Able to sneak off the ship to casino world without notice thus proving that escaping in small ships was possibly from the beginning
>Make it to casino world, get find your original target, get caught, find a new target, break out of prison, and make it back to the ship with time to get captured again and still with time to spare
>All of this is pointless because you get caught and only serves to introduce your own personal lando
Fuck that.


Can someone ask him what that larger thematic reason is?


>Gay runner 2049 fan
>soy wars apologist
>typical nu male look
What u mean it check outs perfectly

Legends are supposed to.

Bible verse, my man.

Soy wars kek

Gonna have to save this

Here in Central Illinois everyone is raised religious. The popular church is full of soyboy christians who use it as a trend and play christian rock and shit.

>Let them praise his name with dancing. and make music to him with timbrel and harp.

Actually pretty good to be desu with you

If you want to talk about risk, then the prequels were definitely the most risky.

Lucas basically tried (though failed) to craft the entire backstory of Palpatine and the Jedi Order. He had crazy shit like pod racing and a gladiatorial battle.

In contrast, Episode 7 and 8 feel like a continuation of the OT with younger versions of the original characters. We still have the same boring Empire and Rebel shit even by the end of Episode 8.

They even recycle the same god damn shit from the old movies. They had a throne room scene, a "dark side vs light side battle that culminates in ship exploding" scene, a cave scene, Darth Vader 2.0, and the list goes on.

So we moved on from twitter screencaps to now fucking facebook status screencaps of literal-who's?
How fucking pathetic can Sup Forums get?

LOL the (you)s are too easy

Wtf I hate Blade Runner now

I bet he doesn't even do the shit he listed
>Arts Technology
What kind of fucking meme degree is that

I'll have you know mesmasounds has almost 140 followers on Soundcloud, and those 9 tracks didn't exactly master themselves you know?


The kind that lands you back at home working at target while you produce shitty music on pirated Fruity Loops software

yep, typical br fan

To be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Star Wars: The Last Jedi...

>legends are everyday people

Ooooh, that's what the broomboy scene is for. Le everybody can be a legendary Jedi hero. We're all equal!

>le "u gaiz dunt understand REAL art!!!" meme
I can already smell the methane oozing from his nostrils.

Since when is dropping plot lines and killing characters because you cant think of anything interesting for them to do considered to be risky? How is creating a powerful dark side force user in a universe with the current status quo of having the jedi and the force be mythology and legend, then killing him off without giving a reason for his existence, considered anything other than lazy writing

Sure the movie took some risks but they did so in minor parts of the story but what they did with the major story parts was completely lazy just because they wanted to subvert expectations so much

>m-muh real art takes risks!
Real art can be criticized for being shit too, so I don't see where he's going with this.

>He doesn't know what it's about either

>Real art takes risks

According to who?

YOOOO OP you in Blono? We have a mutual friend


and what is this larger thematic reason?

Reusing old movie plot takes risks too? It worked out because it set up so many questions for the next movie about the new characters and the old. The problem is TLJ provided unsatisfactory answers.

Soyboy detected

>OP didn't post the best picture of Ryan

"ha, so you wanted your archetypal hero to behave like an archetypal hero?! ha! i don't think so! expectations subverted!" gasped rian johnson through the noose around his neck, hand frantically pumping his withered shaft.

>oh it took risks
Who cares? The risks didn't pay off.

>Star Wars 8: The search for more money
>"Real Art"
>Took Risks

anyone that dresses like this cannot be taken seriously


Yessir, back for christmas break.

hahaha so this is the power of soy boys

Marxism at its best. Not paintings or sculptures artisans spent years to get the finer details right, no, a women shitting out painted balls out of her vagina on a canvas in public is peak artistry for that fucking soyfaggot.

>10 people liked that
>the Sup Forums tendency to post twitter/fb post screencaps from L I T E R A L nobodies for quick (You)s is catching on on other boards

I seriously hope net neutrality kills this shitty place. and I hope OP dies in a terrible way

>OP post his m8 from school since he's to much of a puss to confront him irl
not your personal army honestly fag

Good to know there's other fa/tv/irgins here. If you know Ryan from high school then I probably know you.

Not even close, thats another guy posting the rick and morty pics of him. I was just scrolling by and thought this post should trigger Sup Forums.

Yeah I went to NCHS

internationaler kusntmarkt?
more like interracialer kuntsmarkt

hi Ryan

>describing modern Disney films as art
Kill yourself, unironically.

>contradicting yourself in the same paragraph. Also, please, enough with the star bores

>soyboy cuck likes the movie
I'm in shock

Disney are so risk takers they killed Finn the only main black characte... oh wait they didnt

>Star Wars
Get a load of this dumbass.

This guy has probably had sex with at least one cute girl, and has probably maintained a healthy, romantic relationship with a girl for some period of his life.
Can Sup Forums say the same thing?

>these things happened for a larget thematic reason

Not according to the director himself.

>the third is where they all come together and you have to resolve everything

But Snoke is dead, Rey's parents are nobodies, Luke is dead. The only thing left to resolve is Reylo and everyone's tired of that already.

>if its bad its good


Brandon Adelman is a fucking cuck

This, there are literally no mysteries left in the New Trilogy and we have already seen Rey dealing with Kylo Ren, there's no tension anymore.


You guys are disgusting

Some guy makes a post and you dig into and insult his personal life. You guys probably don't even have a social life to critique.

Fuck you

>Yeah so there's no drive or passion or actual want to do the project, we just fuck around lol

And yet people will still watch it because it's star wars.


No shit, class of 2012 here

>i was able to write the script without a big outline on the wall

>finn ark is wrong in so many ways it not even funny, other than being pointless
>kill an anticipeted villain with a cheap trick
>write a decent twist (rey being the child of nobodies) and a somewhat emotional scene in the throne room
>after said scene, both rey and kylo proceed to behave like nothing has happened

This movie is completely forgettable, you could just take TFA, "wordfilter" the map to luke's hideout to translate in "generic secret informations" and cut out scenes where snokes appears or is referred to (and the final scene), and you could probably watch the third movie without watching TLJ at all. Generally speaking, nothing important has changed during the whole 2.5 hours movie

Where were these assholes when bvs dropped?

>because of the controversial twists and turns in the plot


Are all of these bitches following a script?

that's so kopaesque