After Luke's Force projection finishes speaking with Leia at the Resistance base on Crait...

After Luke's Force projection finishes speaking with Leia at the Resistance base on Crait, C-3PO says "Master Luke" as he exits.

What the hell is happening here? How can a droid see a Force projection? It's the most devilish misdirection in the film, and defies in-universe logic unless we're to assume Threepio is reacting to the behaviour of all the humans around him for no reason, or droids are Force sensitive.

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The first robot Jedi.

what happened with the red arm

or they added the whole astral projection shit during editing. Probably the real reason why he uses the blue lightsaber after having it be destroyed.

..wait holy shit. what did happen to the red arm?

How did a Luke kiss leia in the forehead as a force projection

Back in old canon Jedi could fool droids using the force as easily as you can fool a human.

"Haha fuck you JJ" - Rian Johnson

Didin't qui-gon use force tricks on droids in episode 1?

I hope you guys aren't being serious. His arm changed back to normal in TFA when everyone arrived back after destroying Starkiller base. It's like you faggots don't even pay attention and just jump into memes.

>how did Kylo Ren feel water
>why did Kylo Ren flinch from the blaster shot
>did I even watch any of the damn movie

>implying anyone remembers the details of a shit movie from 2 years ago

I believe Droids can't use the force themselves, but they can be affected by the force

Any director can direct these flicks now. Disney dont even have a formula. They just hire any sperg director and let them do whatever..

Even Rian Johnson said he was doing whatever he wanted with Rey after Force Awakens.. and said the next flick could say Reys parents are someone significant...

They are writing for Star Wars based on flavor of the month. If next year Gay Couples are the next big thing.. then Kylo was lying and Reys parents are two fags who adopted her.

MH x

That's a story for another time :)

That's true, I don't want to remember that shit show either but at least get your facts right before sperging out.

That title would actually belong to Skippy the Jedi Droid

did anyone else notice that when rey opened the drawer in the falcon that the jedi texts were in there also?

He also force teleported Han's golden dice through the projection from Arkto to Crait.

yes, we all did, that's why the burning book meme died so fast

So not only did she attempt to murder Luke based on a story told to her from the bad guy, but she robs him blind of his own special Jedi books? This is the hero for children to look up to in these movies?

HOLY FUCKING SHIT, Johnson basically made C-3PO a version of Skippy the Jedi Droid. This movie is an abomination
really makes you think

Did luke knew that leia would leave them behind because she herself knew kylo would found them?

Bravo Rian

but then why would they even bother when they both have given up on him? The only one who wants to redeem him is Rey.

I'm so confused.

If kylo doesn't wear those as a neckless in IX I'm going to be very, very disappointed.

>force teleported
>they disappear in Kylo's hands

what did he mean by this

If I wookiepedia this and it's true I'm going to be fucking pissed

Report back

so luke was force projecting the dice, what the even fuck is this fuck

It's because C-3PO has a Ghost.

after everything he has been through its unbelievable there are people who dont recognize that the force is strong with 3po and r2

I'm amazed that Unkar Plutt, The Irvin Boys, or Dukane didn't take Han's lucky dice down in the past 30 years of stealing the Falcon.

Also, Luke didn't actually teleport the dice. They were just a Force Projection in Kylo's hand.

>next flick could say Reys parents are someone significant
I really hope they don't do that.

Her parents being nobody was fucking perfect.

His explanation for it makes a lot of sense as well.

Luke is just that good brah.

how come rei doesnt have these character flaws in the movies?

That may be the dumbest fucking thing I ever read from star wars.
It was OK at first, but holy fuck that is stupid

How can he wear them when he doesn't have them?

Did you even watch the movie?

the red arm was a metal gear solid V reference and nothing more

>They were just a Force Projection in Kylo's hand.

which begs even more questions

That's not to be taken seriously obviously. It's just a for fun.

I did not remember that they vanished, I was still in shock at luke dying, by this point of the movie, I had a thousand yard stare, the valet had to escort me out as I was still staring like a zombie at the screen long after the credit ends.

Come on man. The movie is a shitshow as it is, bleeding from every goddamn hole it can bleed through, no need to exaggerate and add to it.

he obviously KNEW Leia would leave them for Kylo

through the Force

and guessing

literally only me and five other people on Sup Forums know this

How does Kojimbo know these people? Is there a bar in L.A. where C listers hang out? Do these guys play Sup Forumsidya?

>I'm not here to save him
>Meh it's okay I gave up on him too
>b-but I'll leave the dice here... just in case

bravo rian bravo

yet another reason why JJ is a hack.

What on earth made you think droids can't use the force? Have you not seen any other Star Wars film?

they all play vidya, especially guillermo he has a self-admitted mancave where he stores his toys, kojima want some of his stuff in his collection too.

Holy fucking shit they've ruined everything.
Darth 3-PO when?

I was jarring to me, so out of place, but again we're probably only a handful of people who noticed

>Friendly reminder that people are genuinely upset that shit like that was removed from canon

Daily reminder that the only people who hate tlj are Russian hackers

>not to sell new toys and comics

God you people are shilling your videos hard.

Yeah because they replaced it with such great stuff like spinning lightsabers.

>fags raised her
>abandoned her on a shit planet
>died in the desert after some faggy orgy

Top fucking kek

They established that Foce projections can interact with the physical world in this film.

>Back in old canon Jedi could fool droids using the force as easily as you can fool a human


If plants and trees and brooms and shit are part of the force, so are robots.

>luke was force projecting the dice

that is some bullshit

>its unbelievable there are people who dont recognize that the force is strong with 3po and r2

The Force is described over and over again as something that you feel, that binds together living things. The idea that droids can be force sensitive is a leap of logic.

>Her parents being nobody was fucking perfect.

Disagree. Fuckloads of build up, a secret surname, and it's an anticlimactic non-answer. Complete cop-out, and Blade Runner 2049 did it better.

>What on earth made you think droids can't use the force? Have you not seen any other Star Wars film?

Is this some kind of fucking joke? There are no force-using droids in any of the movies, and the Force is explicitly described as being manipulated by living things, midichlorians or not. Droids are crude matter, not luminous beings.

Plants and trees are living organisms.

> there is a sentient "force plant" in the book series
The rules were pretty well spelled out before 2016

thats even worse

>huge established universe
>lmao video game refrence out of nowhere


It literally happens in ANH you idiot. "These aren't the droids you're looking for."

MGS is the Star Wars of the video game world you pleb.

to fucking storm troopers you faggot not on the droids.

That was a Jedi Mind Trick on Stormtroopers, not droids.

>i will refrence a fucking normie video game which Kojima hated

if abrams was a real """""""""nerd"""""" he would of fucking refrenced a kojima game in which he wasnt forced to create


Played us like a damn fiddle...

Keep that lack of knowledge up and you could direct your own Star Wars movie one day, where protocol droids and x-wing readouts aren't necessary to communicate with astromechs.



Why is it so implausible that a human could learn droid language? Especially a Mexican.

Those were stormtroopers you dunce.

Kojima is smiling in that picture. Abrams isn't. If anyone Abrams is the only one that hates the game, or maybe he hates the flash of cameras as his race cannot stand the light of all that is good and true.

Just noticed Kojima is wearing a shirt that says FUCK YOU. What a badass.

Floating rocks, flipping bits.
He just photoshopped himself in for 3po
It’s why he winked after because he knows he sucks at photoshop


That was punished CP-30. He's getting his own Star Wars Story™

Yep. Yoda is a failure too.
Tries to burn books, but Rey is better than Yoda too.

What happened to Ben's scar? What happened to Knights of Ren. What happend to Snoke?

What happened to Anakin's lightsaber? It was so out of place that they had to break the fourth wall and tell the audience "that is a story for another time". Why bother making it sentient when in the next movie it didn't amount to anything?

Is it any crazier than him force projecting a lightsaber that's broken?

That doesn't answer the question. What happened with the red arm?


Droids have eyes or visual receptors too.
Also how the fuck does r2-d2 and C3PO (literally created by anakin)not know that Luke is vader's kid and not tell him throughout the whole series?

>What happened to Ben's scar?
Are you serious with this one? The film showed him healing it in a Bacta tank. And before you say "Bacta tank, that sounds like some non-canon bullshit" fuck you, Luke healed in a Bacta tank in ESB.

memory wipes, pretty sure they stated this at some point in the originals

>Also how the fuck does r2-d2 and C3PO (literally created by anakin)not know that Luke is vader's kid and not tell him throughout the whole series?
Artoo: Because he's literally programmed to be loyal to Anakin which means keeping his secrets.
Threepio: Because he had his memory wiped at the end of RotS you fucking idiot.

>Yoda is a failure

Yoda knew the books weren't there. Yoda tricked Luke into committing sudoku.

user probably means, why did the scar shift places

>Programmed to be loyal to Anakin

Eat shit, nice convenient retconn. Also Obi Wan just pretended that he's never seen those droids before?

>Also Obi Wan just pretended that he's never seen those droids before?
"A durr durr, so Darth Vader didn't kill Luke's father like Obi-Wan said he did?"

>Obi-Wan lied to Luke about his beloved apprentice.