What movie were they watching? And why do all movies seem to have a hidden meaning now to American media?

What movie were they watching? And why do all movies seem to have a hidden meaning now to American media?

Excuse me Poe, do you think I cant handle the command? Do you think Im not up to it because Im a woman?

but Poe was literally right.
If that stupid bitch had just told him the plan everything would have been fine.
She had nothing to lose by telling him, but everything to lose keeping it to herself.

>why do all movies seem to have a hidden meaning now to American media?

They don't outside of the projection a lot of opinionists ascribe to them. For example, there wasn't any condemnation of mansplaining in TLJ, there wasn't even any mansplaining. Laura Dern and Poe had that contrived thing where lack of communication leads to a go-nowhere plot thread because Rian needed to give Poe something to do, just like he sent Finn to the casino because he needed to give Finn something to do.

The only characters he was interested in writing were Rey, Kylo and Luke.

I saw The Last Jedi and other than the main cast being a bit more diverse, It didn't really seem to be politcally charged with far-left propaganda like Sup Forums and shitty sites like vanity fair claim. I think most of this is just people reading too much into to the movie looking for anything that can sort of fit the message they hope to find

Need to know, bitch. They didn't know how they were being tracked and she was keeping the plan a secret to guard against leaks. Maybe Poe was the leak, but in any case it was need to know and he didn't need to know.

>They didn't know how they were being tracked and she was keeping the plan a secret to guard against leaks. Maybe Poe was the leak,

and a senior officer doesnt need to know?
Clearly he did need to know, since him not being told was so clearly fucking stupid to everyone that it led to a god damn mutiny, AND to her plan failing.
Just saying "obviously im not going to just sit here and let us die we're gonna use the shuttles" would have saved hundreds of resistance fighters.

>hidden meaning
hidden meaning? try turning your brain ON when you watch this fucking movie, it's the most blatant leftist propaganda film ever made, and it's riding behind the Star Wars title

if you enjoy this film, you are a fucking disgusting piece of shit and your family's name has no future

Doesn't like every dude get 1-upped by a chick in this?

Heil Hitler

>Po single handedly defeats a huge ass Dreadnought
>He's the traitor

It would have actually been if she had explained how stupid his plan was and then told him what she was going to do. But she didn't and then we got another 2 hours of dumb shit where almost the entire rebellion was killed off so street urchins on a casino planet can play with homemade star wars toys.

Then you weren't paying attention.

>Of the three white men in the film, only 1 was a "protagonist", and that's being generous as it could be interpreted that Luke dos nothing to help the plot
>The purple-haired feminist dyke is the one who takes over for another female after she magically survives space then conveniently passes out
>Killing and eating cute animals is wrong and you're wrong for thinking it!
>Poe, not a white guy, tries to do what is right by taking away the power from women because they're idiots that are going to get everyone killed, but turns out he's just a "hothead", who is more of a patronized mascot ("I like him"), who doesn't know the plan (even though the purple-haired dyke feminist could have told him the plan all along), and who they easily disable with a simple stun gun because "muh plot!"
>Main female protagonist is the purest definition of Ma-Rey Sue, so much so that she BTFO's the only redeeming white male character from both films, twice.

Not to mention Starkiller, Poe was clearly playing the long game, ep 9 will reveal this was his plan to take over as Supreme Hothead.

You sound like one of those guys who are proud of being superficial.

someone update this image

>Rey: Trailer trash with unlimited data plan with the force
>Luke: Son of Jesus with great potential

Someday I will punch Daisy in the teeth.


Im gonna kill your family and make you watch if you dont delete this

Because that's how they get attention, the same reason you posted it here.

>Poe ask what the plan is to escape their approaching death
>>Fuck off silly boi I'm in commands now
>Ok well I'm gonna mutiny and make my own plan to save everyone by sneaking people off in a small ship to do a thing
>>No stop! I had a plan all along. I'm gonna sneak people off on small ships

I'm pretty sure Episode 9 could feature Rey creating 11 force clones of pure energy slowly walking and disintegrating everyone and critics would praise the brilliance in writing, themes and risk taking.

Nigger what. If it were a matter of their being a mole, they would have been busted the moment she gave the order to fuel the ships and escape on them.

Fuck out of here. A literal janitor figured out it was new tracking tech.

>War hero who destroyed the biggest battle station ever
>Some random ho we know nothing about who ended in command cause anyone else died

Blu Leader is female too.
The only male leader in the Rebellion was Zoidberg, and he ded.

At this point it could happen, storytwlling doesnt make sense in this new trilogy, I hope this was all a dream of a porg and so we can have a decent trilogy with george lucas actual input in the next few years

Admiral is the only humanoid in the entire film universe with a non natural hair color and just HAPPENS to give a speech about how we must #resist while looking directly into the camera. Her entire point for existing is a message on toxic masculinity wanting to be the hero despite Poe being correct and had she just told him the plan they wouldn't have that mutiny of people thinking they were just waiting to die and they wouldn't have lost all of those units.

Hell if the plan was escape on small ships, Finn and Rose literally proved it was possible hours prior.