What's the best Nazi comic book character?

What's the best Nazi comic book character?

Has there ever been a Nazi character not portrayed as a Villain?

Spy's Nest has that Nazi Cyborg dude who's an absolute riot.

Von Hammer is pretty cool

Anything with Erwin Rommel?

>has there ever been a villain not portrayed as a villain?

Baron Von Blitzschlag was semi-reformed. Not sure if I'd call him an anti-hero, but it isn't inaccurate to say he's an anti-villain who acts more heroic than evil.

Nazis are the closest to a 80s tier whacky cartoon vilains that ever existed.

>stronheim from Jojo's was a nazi and a good guy.

Man I was so pumped to read about this guy only to see that he does nothing for two arcs and then explodes. Fuck Mignola.


Some jews are good people.
On fiction.

Maybe that's because 80s tier wacky cartoon villains are based on Nazis.

>Has there ever been a Nazi character not portrayed as a Villain?
If there has or ever will be, he or she would be not!Erwin Rommel and more or less have the same arc that Agent Kallus has in SW:R.

Why does he look so sad?

>Armored Bullets
Those Wacky Nazis

I dunno, North Korea combines the insanity and incompetence of Cobra in real life.


I came here to post him.

Good job.

Haha what?

He is alive, is a cyborg, and currently is on the ruins of New York. Keep reading, check the Mignlaverse storytimes.

He certainly had some heroic moments and was a damn riot to watch. But it really is hard to to Get that he killed a fateful of people except one for literally no reason. They didn't even mention the sole survivor again either.

I never read this comic but the main characters are nazis

The best part is that Stroheim is genuinely, hilariously evil. His introduction is your run of the mill sadistic, nazi base commander.

He just happens to be such a magnificent bastard on top of that.

there is gundam, but they are kinda space nazis that are good.

We need a new kind of villain.
Give it time and new cartoon villains will be based on Islamic Terrorist and North Koreans.

Or some mad fucks who bomb countries out with no cause for war, only to feed its profiteer class.


Steve arogers!,, before that of course fucking Red Skull



History is told by the winners and all that, so yeah, that could happen too.

true, capitalists have been inching towards cartoon villain levels since the 60's.

Close to best aesthetics

First world war it's pre-nazi germany.

Serious contender.

Only real answer, specially if it's just a brain in a jar.

>Posting this retard
He is genuinely insane and not a good argument for either side

In the British Weekly comic "Action" (a precursor to 2000AD and Judge Dredd) there was a series called Hellman of Hammer Force, written by Gerry Finley-Day, the story of a German Panzer major.

It established a pattern followed by 2000 AD for having unconventional or unsympathetic characters as the hero. The strip returned after the ban, but stripped of its politics became a conventional war adventure story.

It was along the lines of movies like Das Boot or Rommel.

The most interesting thing from this thread so far. Do you have more of those?

>First world war it's pre-nazi germany.
War In Heaven takes place during WW2

fuck off zeonwank

NK has been done before, besides, the thing with communists is that their uniforms and their showmanship just isn't all that cool.

Islamic extremists, now that could be interesting.

You have plenty of media where nazis discover magical artifacts, so imagine a comic/movie/whatever where ISIS or other goatfuckers find a pre-Islam era genie lamp and ask him for all sorts of magical beasts and devices from Arabian mythology.

We just need a strict military state that is convinced that [insert their nationality] is the pure race, and from there it's quite easy to make the charcters entertaining.
The problem currently is that Nazis themselves are banned from lots of media so they can't be used, and loads of other races/nationalities are immediately determined to be victims of racism when shown negatively.
The simplest way to do it is to make a fictional world with new countries, but some people just aren't capable of relating to that (I know they're morons, but whatcha gonna do?).

>Schlinder was a villain

Why did nazis have a fascination with dehumanizing masks? It makes them look more like a machine than a person.

Hey, It just hit me that this guy was batman's grandfather in multiversity.

What the fuck are you talking about? What masks?

His reaction to being bamboozled by Cars & made to be the unwitting catalyst of their transformation will never be not funny

who is he?
the barbershop guy?

OPs picture and those pictures you see of the gas masks they wore. It made them look alien or machine like.

The character in OP's picture is fictional, and everyone was using creepy gas masks, not just the Germans.
Pic related is of Brits.

Does it count?

>What's the best Nazi comic book character?


Best part is all of the antifa-fags in this thread probably post him all the time.

I believe Swarm was a Nazi.

Schlinder constantly tried to shut down Shindler's factories, not even because he thought he was up to something but just because he was self-conscious about their similar names. He also raped over a hundred small dogs and sold poisoned milk to schoolchildren. To even suggest he wasn't a villain is utterly reprehensible, even for Sup Forums. You truly are beyond redemption.

North Korea is only used as a villain because we can't use China. Anytime you see Norks used as bad guys they're basically just fill ins for not!China.

Like every videogame that uses NK as bad guys always ends up making them super advanced and having hordes of troops when they have less people than California. NK can't win a war, the only real threat that they pose is how much damage they can do before they lose.

Authoritarians in general tend to be.

I wanted him so badly to kill Kars.

not really, Mg42 is pretty based and was masterfully gun porned up in Jin Roh. They just looked like cyber nazi's.