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QotD: It says you updated the 2 bottom lists an hour ago. What did you change

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It says you updated the 2 bottom lists an hour ago. What did you change

I refuse to live Damien Chazelle's fantasy in where the ideal white couple romanticizes the oppressive studio system and the only major representation of a person of color is portrayed as the temptation to selling out in a perceived bastardization of the culturally black musical genre of jazz. Audiences need to realize that this makes zero sense.


Why does it say you updated the 2 bottom lists in this pic Did you change anything
If so what


Why does it say you updated the 2 bottom lists in this pic


Why does it say you updated the list in this pic


What are your top films of 2017?

My top 10 following my viewings today:

1: Let the corpses tan
2: the evil within
3: brawl in cell block 99
4: you were never really here
5: good time
6. florida project
7. mother!
8. thelma
9. killing of a sacred deer
10. get out

Florida project has really grown on me over time

Why does it say you updated the list in this pic



Did you update this list without changing anything so it would appear at the top of your lists


Perfect list. 100% correct.

Did you update this list without changing anything so it would appear at the top of your lists


Twin Peaks third season by far.

I'm learning japanese

so far i've learned - san = 3
ichi = 1

any flicks about learning retarded scribbles?

When will you turn this into a list, Bruce?

I don't believe you. It just sounds like a convenient excuse for you to end this exchange.
It says you updated the 2 bottom lists 2 hours ago. What did you change

I stand by my review 100% :^)


Yeah if you count TP s3 as a film it would come top of my list definitely

Trailer trauma 3 would also have a spot somewhere too but not counting that.
Maybe finding frances too

respond to me or the frog gets it

Hold it, men. He's not bluffing.

haven't heard from your top three but since you like Twin Peaks S3 too, I'll check them out.

Listen to him, men.
He's just crazy enough to do it.


absolute state of lettercux

Hush, Harriet. That's a
sure way to get him killed.

I desperately want to see The Man Who Invented Christmas before the holiday but it isn't being screened in NYC (how???). Any ideas?

This a good list

This a good list

Why do you want to see it so badly, Bruce?

It lame af senpai

Fly to the uk

The only thing I love more than film and soy is getting pegged by my MTF GF


I hear you, Bruce.

What did Bruce mean by this?

These are good but too bad she ugly

this is how the world ends, not with a bang; but with a Bruce.

Because it will fill me with joy and get me excited for the 25th.

>'whos this contrarian in my thread again? is it /u/half-bloodprince? anyways ill just continue being cuter than the world can conceive!!!'

thanks based machill for ur good taste


I've seen 5/10.

film is such a faggot medium lmao, not as faggot as music, anime and videogamesa and paintings and sculpting though


You're a faggot, Bruce.

2) google yandex iqdb wait
143 KB

Anonymous 12/17/17(Sun)22:53:09 No.91731023

You're a faggot, Bruce.

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this is megaautist

You know where my interests lay, Bruce.

The Klan was needed in that time. It served a purpose.

the klan is still needed, Ben.

Bruce is mad because he has no purpose in life

Back to /po/, Bruce.

Hey /lbg/ !!

These are my favorite "kinos" of all time! What are yours?
1. Last Tango in Paris
2. A Clockwork Orange
3. Irreversible
4. Straw Dogs
5. Evil Dead
6. Elle
7. The Piano Teacher
8. Dogville
9. The Pawnbroker
10. Blue Velvet

Reminder that what people mean when they say Emily Jean Stone was stagey or "play-like" is that they're not accustomed to good cinematography or having taste. She was a pioneer and master of the tableau style of cinematography She advocated depth, density, location, acute spatial alignment in the frame with subtle accentuating details and thereby constructed images worthy of being hung on a wall. Hardly something that can be claimed for much anybody else.

>he doesn't like the klan
and i don't mean the bastardized caricature that was created by the CIA

G'day, Bruce. Here's my list:

A Serbian Film
Cannibal Holocaust
Men Behind The Sun
Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer
Flower of Flesh and Blood
Vomit Gore Dolls
August Underground
American Guinea Pig

Stone is the biggest pleb filter known to man. As a stirgent woman of the 21st century, she is considered outdated yet she anticipated every development and technique in the medium years and decades before anyone else. With her painterly eye, she was a master of the tableau style of cinematography and was able to speak to those on a spiritual and metaphysical level with bucolic lyricism and poetry. In her pictures, she includes everything intelligently in service of the content with a far-reaching grasp to envelop even the smallest animals in her grandiose concoctions. A master of the instinctive cut, the long take, the static shot, the use of depth and distance, and performing the ever so delicate balancing act of comedy and tragedy, Stone's pictures are those closest to mimicking the complexities and relationships of life. They are eternally relevant.

None of this images are worthy of being hung on a wall

Shit genes.

faggot why did you call me bruce

faggot why did you call me bruce

You must be new here, Bruce. Welcome along, I'm sure you'll catch on soon enough!

Doesn't work that way, genetic featherweight

>le Epic memes XD
>no1 understands them XDDD!!

None of this images are worthy of being hung on a wall

0/10 you're just butthurt, Bruce.

Avatar deserves a spot on Sight and Sound

French New Wave, Italian Neorealism, German Expressionism, New Hollywood, I could go on....

0/10 you're just butthurt, Bruce.


None of those are new, all vulgar really

Please do, Bruce!

Shut up, Bruce.

You first, Bruce. ;^)

My eyes have seen the glory of the trampling of the Bruce

We washed ourself in Brucey blood, a bloo a bloo abloo

Shut up, underageb&

You first, Bruce. ;^)

Shut up, underage shitstain

Bruce, you've outdone yourself. Bravo!

You first, Bruce. ;^)


Hong Kong New Wave, Japanese New Wave, Czech New Wave, Dogme 95.. I may continue this some other time.....

Bruce is so young I could be his father.

I'll wait with bated breath, Bruce!

What happened in the 1910s

Bruce is so old I could be his son.

business idea: interactive films

What happened in the 1910s

The worst filmmaker alive began working: D.W. Griffith

Aren't those just video games?

>began working
Griffith started working in the 1800s
