Looks like you guys have been found out, you do realize this is a public forum right?

Looks like you guys have been found out, you do realize this is a public forum right?


Other urls found in this thread:


A whole dozen accounts? Unthinkable! That's explains it!


Sounds like a false flag. I haven't seen anyone posting this and definitely no coordinate efforts. I bet the article's writer posted that.

Is it impossible for a movie to be progressive and to be bad?

as a white supremacist Nazi, I can tell you for a FACT that I am currently posting 500 reviews roughly daily using a botnet of racist chatbots

its important t o run a botnet and advance white supremacy on this BLACK Star Wars!

t. Bob Chipman

screencapped, putting this in my buzzfeed article

>A whole dozen accounts
>we is legion and shit
Must have been the same user that helped Trump over the finish line.

Disneyfags have no right to call out WBfags about paid reviews if they'll stoop to the same level.

Didn't know that guy has over 80,000 alt accounts. Huh.

The movie was boring as shit and badly paced.


Ayy lmao. normies are slaves to RT scores.

haha you thnk yoshi shows poos when he poos an egg haha :D


it was the russians

I'm a russian hacker and a wrote a bot that is giving the movie thousands of negative reviews every hour on every website you can think of

there it is

he he

You really think someone would do that, go on the Internet and lie?

Tell me about Anonymous, why does he wear a mask?

What is a false flag for 800, Alex?

>they actually did put the screen cap of a shitpost that some user made a few mins ago in a """serious""" news website
2017 cant end soon enough

hey rabbi,whatcha doin on tv

> mug false flags

hint they didn't exist during GG and they don't exist now

>A poster makes a post on an anonymous website that anyone can post in without creating an account, saying he did a thing
>Ends the post with "Deal with it Star Wars nerds!" in a blatantly uncharacteristic manner for natural posting meaning it's either just trolling or a false flag by screenrant

The movie is getting backlash because it was genuinely awful, and having to find an unaccountable scapegoat to blame the bad word of mouth on screams volumes about the abysmal quality of Disney's product, and the little commitment to creating genuine art the industry has.

I'm sad that it has come to a state of things where people aren't even allowed to say bad movies are bad by the combined forces of the mass media industry and the lemming-like faux-nerd pop culture peer pressure.

If WB paid for reviews all their movies wouldn't be rotten retard

That's nothing, I have 20 fake accounts giving this movie positive reviews. Suck it, Star Wars haters!

>massive attack on social media about Sup Forums on the eve of net neutrality going down the toilet

What did Disney/Fox mean by this?

This is bob chipman, the man who support eugenics and the extermination of the state of Kentucky.

Why does it automatically have to be about diversity with these shitheads?

no, this movie is great and racists/bigots/sexists are trying to convince people that it isn't. no like seriously, if you didn't leave the theater with a big fucking smile on your face you might need to check yourself. we need to have a conversation about all the racism in the Star Wars community

>when your contrarian shitposting goes this far

you've really gotta kill yourself already

>Bob Chipman
So this is the anti Sup Forums poster

Serious news doesn't get the (You)s. It's all about buzzword click bait these days.

This article on Deadline also exposes the failed trolling attempt undertaken by sad lifeless virgins overflowing with impotent nerdrage.


Seems legit



>They didn't review bomb TFA

really makes a man think

A dozen accounts? That's fucking amateur hour. I've made over ONE FUCKING HUNDRED accounts using 10 Minute Email. This shit is so easy. Step up to my level.

I'm sure those Star Wars super nerds who saw this on opening night and would eat literal shit if it had the Star Wars logo are representative of the general audience.

Go back to posting rants on how Halo is white supremacist propaganda, Bob.

Damn fine work son.

Do you realize people bullshit right?
Gullible retard

I don't know about all this star wars hysteria, but I do know that this does call into question the audience scores for everything on Rotten Tomatoes, and the entire credibility of that site is in jeopardy

I to have two dozens accounts and am giving low rating for such movie!

Uh oh they caught me, I post on Sup Forums and I also used my RT account to leave a negative review on this shitty movie!

Really though it's only a short matter of time before RT decides to close user reviews altogether for being problematic like IMDB did.


Yeah, it's the audience scores that are in question, not the critics'.

Let's face it though. A lot of us were talking about review bombing this movie. And openly too. You people are too fucking stupid to use a private chat or discord server.


hey guys, WhiteSupremacist1995 here, I just posted 10 new negative reviews on RT! I hate niggers!

There's a reason we can't have nice things, and it's because everyone's a retarded child with no self-control.

Sup Forums's arrogance has always been it's undoing.

>inb4 all low scoring reviews are removed
Suck it autists.

Why would Sup Forums hate it? We loved Kylo in TFA and we like him even more now. The butthurt comes from outside, tumblr SJWs and gamers wanting to punish Disney for EA's shit.

>someone comes here especially to falseflag
>calls it evidence

The, OP, The.

>Bob chipman

>movie sucks
>gets ton of bad reviews
>Walt Disney unfreezes himself
>hmm i got an idea
>lets make it like trolls are doing it on purpose
>shitposts on multiple Sup Forums threads
>screencaps it
>makes an article how the movie was great and its Sup Forums trolls fault for bad reviews
>says "that's how it's done, plebs"
>Walt goes back to hibernation
>franchise is saved
>everyone is happy
Prove me wrong

I have four accounts on imdb and I used all of them to give TLJ a bad score! I am unstoppable!

LMAO! I remember this comment.

It was taking the piss out of people who were saying "it was all Sup Forums's fault".

Disneykikes pay 100 million dollars out to verified critics to write positive reviews and "communists" are more worried about the possibility of some broke ass, unemployed, poor, hopeless basement dwelling white male writing a negative review

the absolute state of soy-commies

I fucked you're mum.
I said it on a public forum so it must be true!!!!

But we review bomb shit all the time.

Fuck there was a kid on gamefaqs named Lionhart who had registered over 1000 accounts on that site. He was also a Sup Forums user.

Autism knows no bounds.

Wow seriously Sup Forums? This is embarrassing

Здpaвcтвyй. Ivan from glorious mother Russia here. Just posted 25 negative reviews on Rotten Tomatoes. Heil Stalin!

>tfw I hacked in the dark web to gain control of five hundred bots to make russian rt accounts to rate down this shitty movie
everyone join me with a low obit ion cannon strike of The Last Jedi score page!

So how does someone do this? I'm just curious.

>screencapped, putting this in my new york times article

We Need to Have a Conversation About Review Bombing on Metacritic by Samantha Goldbergstein

Op is literally Bob
and the person who post the '12 shill account' post was Bob too
Fatfuck needs to get a life rather than defending Disney movies like his tiny ego depends on it

Nobody cares about the shitty movie you're being paid to shill, faggot.

Dude...did you review bomb the Spanish and French review of this movie?

1000s of users have it 6/10 and 55% approval.

Пpивeт, Ивaн.

Obviously they paid off the audience, dumbass.

Took time off from my nightly /d/ time to come laugh at you idiots. Never change please.

It's pretty easy. Here's the short version:

1. Go to 10 Minute Email. Get a quick, burner email account
2. Use it to sign up at Rotten Tomatoes.
3. Create a believable shill account. Make sure you rate a few things before you hit your target
4. Hit whatever movie you hate with a low score.
5. Rinse and repeat.

You can literally create hundreds of accounts doing this. It's really, really easy. You might have to clear your cookies every once and a while, but that's no big deal.

>Heil Stalin!
Disney is finished

WTF why didn't they use my post when I legitimately have 20,000 RT bots shitting on TLJ, including hundreds of top 1k accounts? I am literally furious that their lazy reporting is not giving me the shitposting credit I deserve.

Fucking knew someone's shitposting here would be turned into an article in the next couple days. The damage control is in full swing. For Sup Forums to have any kind of affect on that score there'd need to be a rolling "lower the rating" general here. The evidence is all over the internet that lots and lots of people are incredibly angry with the movie. Twitter is full of posts, with thousands of retweets, pulling the movie apart. Even the Star Wars subreddit dislikes it. Isn't it funny just how many "unaffiliated" outlets are leaping to the defence of this film on all fronts?

I was in the thread that post was made. Someone responded to it saying "watch BuzzFeed or some site use this post to imply manipulation is going on". That user was right.

Everybody and their mother knows we do the shit. How is this news?

but it's true. literally white supremacists ARE doing this and they're fooling people into thinking the movie sucks

>going to /d/
>laughing at anyone


>gets ton of bad reviews
93% on Rottentomatoes
96% top critics score


>believing what some random asshole says on the internet
It's like these people were born yesterday.

>not knowing Russian hackers are tanking the user scores

i can't believe they're actually trying to push this, literally all my friends who aren't as internet savvy either hated it or were ambivalent towards it, it's not a good blockbluster, neither was TFA or R1 and i maintain that both of them have artificial aggregate scores


The explanation point and the "deal with it star wars nerds" shows whoever wrote it doesn't even browse Sup Forums regularly and was probably a Disney shill false flagging. How fucking obvious can it get?

The only people talking about brigading it were just making satirical Bernie jokes.

>I just posted 10 negative reviews. Match me.


Totally legit breh.

The comments on this “article” are great

I'm a Disney corporate executive. I've posted here trying to get these people to understand The Last Jedi and how much of a good product it is.

I loved it and everyone I know loved it. See I can do anecdotal evidence too


Did he seriously bring up Justice League? I'm not giving him (you)s.

I just created 4887 fake accounts on this website just to say pic related

that whole article is literally anecdotal evidence you fucking retard, fuck your gay movie