Last Jedi

So I against my better judgement and due to being a fan of Star Wars for the last 30 years I went to see TLJ hoping Sup Forums was wrong this time. It turned out Sup Forums was not only right, but it is even worse then they said.

The non-cultural marxist issues:
- no character information or depth/development for anyone except Kylo. Nothing is known about Snoke and Rey is still a Mary Suewalker.
- endless action and no talking, we must not let the 'tards with short attention spans be bored by dialogue
- Luke was absolutely butchered and was Luke only by name, literally a different character (confirmed by Hamil himself who said the director did not allow him to act they way he thought would be Luke-like)
- the Force, Yoda, ships and hyperspace mechanics were all butchered. It's like the writers have read no SW lore. Ships have hyperspace shields that prevent kamikaze attacks and Yoda would never burn books.
- Leia is Superman

The cultural marxist issues:
- all villains are white men, no exceptions, and they act like they are in Space Balls, caricatures
- all heroes and all pilots!!! are 50% women and 50% niggers/spics/chinks
- fat acceptance and pandering to China with the fat chink female sidekick
- fuck rich people they all have blood on their hands!!! in the casino speech

..but by far the worst offender is the purple haired feminist admiral (pic related). Her EVERY SINGLE LINE is one of the following:

- fuck men
- fuck DRUMPF
- we are the #resistance!!! go to the street, kick out Trump and restore the US Republic

She was out of place to an extent that took you out of the movie. Like a different movie unrelated to SW was spliced in.

Can't we have space adventures without heavy-handed political commentary? The OT and prequels had none of that crap. This director will also make Episode X - XII. Fuck me.

It really is the worst Star Wars movie.

The longer I think about it the more inconsitencies and plot holes I keep on finding.
It's truly amazing what kind of failure that movie turned out to be from s story centric perspective.

definitely the worst since Disney took over

II'd prolly go TFA > Rogue > TLJ and I did not like TFA, it was just meh

>>Sup Forums

yeah what of it? they seem to be right once again

fucking roasties all you know is to screech Sup Forums choke on your period blood already

They're not wrong though.

They'll stop calling things Sup Forums when Sup Forums stops calling everything and everyone some kind of direct attack on their race/gender/whatever.

How was this not a blatant attack on western masculinity? Did you not read those ridiculous fucking articles in OP's pic?

You think people enjoy saying Sup Forums was right about anything?

I love Kylo.

He was unironically the best part of the movie thanks to the actor. The only one that received any char development.

yup. pol doesnt seem to get that normal/healthy people with actualy lives see them as fucking rejects

It's a meaningless article written by idiots, only popularised by the people to stupid to ignore it.

This is correct. Finn sort of had an arc going from traitor and coward to willing to sacrifice his life for the Resistance. Until fat junglegook fucked it up.

Since you're too retarded to read or understand the difference between "to", "too" and "two" I'll give you a tl;dr.

Leftist cheering at their latest cultural conquest and the death of the FUCKING WHITE MALE hero archetype.

If you don't understand this then you are lost.

>Since you're too retarded to read or understand the difference between "to", "too" and "two"
That is completely meaningless.

>Continues to fail to read or understand

I'm done. Go clap at spaceshit.

The Last Jedi sucks...but so does your rant, OP.

The film is not really SJW pandering, though. I would argue its accidentally anti-feminist and anti-social justice.

do women not realize that men encounter annoying know-it-alls (who may or may not know shit) all the time too?

There were a ton of minorities in the First Order too, though none of them were important if that's what you meant.

>prequels had none of that crap

They sort of did. Palpatine's entire arc is all about the dangers of democracy willingly giving way to dictatorship after being fooled by a huge false-flag/propaganda campaign, something that happens in real-life throughout history. It just wasn't a contemporary issue at the time.


Sup Forumstards, even when you're on the same team as them on something, still manage to remain retarded as fuck somehow.

The saddest words of tongue and pen

Do you feel special posting this exact same thread on Sup Forums and Sup Forums simultaneously?

I'll take the phantom menace over this pile of shit, but not Clones

> It just wasn't a contemporary issue at the time.

So nothing like a straight up political preaching by liberal saying fuck drumpf then.

No not really. Lucas was really subtle, so much that the majority of people either didn't notice or didn't care.

The Last Jedi pulls a Kojima on your ass and bashes you over the head with their ideology.

Lucas wanted to tell a good story, he didn't fucking care about who had won the last election cycle and that shit was not in the movies.

>So assblasted by the left despite Trumpets being everywhere that you actively campaign against lefties
>Even mentioning vice admiral Holdo like shes supposed to symbolize empowerment and fuck drumpf
Literally only exists to teach Po a lesson. She's a throw away character that acts as a plot device for a man. Men are literally the main characters through the entire movie

Her job is to make Kylo more interesting. Kylo is the main character btw. This movie is made by men, for men.

OP a faggot? OP a faggot

>This is what assblasted trumpet brainlets believe
You cant even tell when a movie is a parody of the left. See below.

this is what makes this big backlash against TLJ so fascinating.

Trumpcucks AND SJWs both hate the film for their own respective reasons.

I really, really have no idea who TLJ was made for.

It was made to make money. In a country that breathes politics, it's perfect. Make it ambiguous and throw in some fan-bait= dosh.

>Admiral tumblr allah ackbars the FO Flagship coincidentally named Supremacy
>This is ambiguous


This plus it was made for people who don't like Star Wars and want it deconstructed to be more "realistic"

SJWs mostly love it. There is a direct correlation between who defends it and what that person's background and beliefs are.

>SJWs mostly love it
not really. Look around a little and you'll see that the SJWs aren't too happy with it either.

The only people who like TLJ are fucking posers.

The only thing I can say OP is that Rey stole the books, she had them on the Falcon, that's why Yoda destroyed the tree... But I agree with you... Goddammit...

>all villains are white men, no exceptions, and they act like they are in Space Balls, caricatures


>all villains are white men, no exceptions
Well, if you ignore the bridge crews, sure. I know I saw an Asian gal talking to Hux.

SJW's hate asian women only slightly less than fucking white males. They're competition; something women and soyboys can't tolerate.

>feeling threatened by fishpeople

user it's time to stop living your in your hentai fantasy world. Asian women are atrocious.

At least the Prequels kept me interested at the start.
The opening scene and Po's dialogue was cringe city. STOP LETTING TV WRITERS SCREENWRITE MOVIES

An atrocious asian is miles better than pic related.

>Sup Forums

you can only choose one

the only people who like to say Sup Forums was right are Sup Forums

Women literally fuck up everything in this movie. How is this feminist again?

people thought the prequels were too explicitly anti bush, ya'll are high

And an Asian manning the periscope and a black guy tapping a computer.

FO diverse af.

don't be sexist

and how would you argue that you fucking moron?

>so I went to see this to prove Sup Forums wrong but they were actually totally right! I'm t-totally not a shill, you guys!
I'll give you $5 to stop shitposting here, I'm sure that's a yearly salary in whatever the fuck currency you use in Kosovo.