There are people who don't like this

>There are people who don't like this

Explain yourselves

Other urls found in this thread:


It was a good justice league teaser


Lame tryhard edgelord bullshit.

It's shit

It was boring

I don't like bad things.

I thought it had parts of a really good movie, but they were surrounded by parts of a really shitty movie.

It was boring and poorly written.

Sage for company wars bullshit



ITT: People too stupid to understand B VS S

I pity all of you


I hate this movie, and especially Suicide Squad

>oh hey I bet you guys didn't know that Batman's parents were shot! Let's go back to that flashback one more time
>oh, and by the way, be excited for JUSTICE LEAGUE™ coming soon, here's a 25 minute sneak peek right in the middle of the movie
>pee jar
>Jolly Rancher
>ding ding ding ding ding ding ding


This is a D*sney board.

D*sney astroturfers will not allow competition. It's why there's far less shitposting in comics threads, because D*sney couldn't care less about what's going on in floppies as long as public opinion favors them on the silver screen.


Worst Iron Man suit so far



>can't discuss Superman on threads anymore without some faggot talking about how kino BvS is

BvS was an ugly, dumb, pointless movie. Marvel movies suck too though.

I loved it. I've seen it at least 20 times.

Only seen Suicide Squad twice though. Though that's once more than all the Marvel films I've seen, minus Cap 1 and GotG

Slip me the jolly rancher baby.

>>oh, and by the way, be excited for JUSTICE LEAGUE™ coming soon, here's a 25 minute sneak peek right in the middle of the movie
It was under 3 minutes you lying sack of shit.

It's some autist (Snyderfag) who likes to post his own personal meme that never caught on with anyone but himself

I'm not sure the implication of the asterisk

Who would win:

MCU Iron Man or DCEU Superman

Granny's Peach Tea.

3 minutes if you don't count Wonder Woman's entire role in the film as well as the ending scene where Bruce asks her to help find the Justice League, oh and the Darkseid dream sequence, and the part where Barry showed up and asked Bruce to find them

Me personally, I love this homo eroticism in my superhero movies.

Batman WITHOUT prep

>MCU Iron Man or DCEU Superman
Are you fucking serious?
Clark survived a nuke to the face at point blank range, Tony's armor was torn into by a peak human slamming a shield into his chest.

But who would give the better prostate exam?

I would have loved to have smelled that jar of piss before I exploded.

Wonder Woman isn't a Justice League teaser it was just her fucking introduction.
The Darkseid Dream sequence wasn't badly placed in the film like the JL cameos were, it was put in while the events around it were calm and so it's abruptness worked, the JL cameos destroyed the momentum before the fight.

Would Darkseid enjoy jolly ranchers?

So many plebs here

>Wonder Woman isn't a Justice League teaser it was just her fucking introduction.

She wasn't there to stop Luthor from messing with Kryptonian shit and ruin his plan, she only wanted to gather the JUSTICE LEAGUE trailer off of Luthor's hardrive

I mean, explain what she had to do with the actual plot of this movie? Not a damn thing

I've had this jolly rancher in my anus for six months now. I can't get it out. Shouldn't have licked it first.

>Writer: How should we introduce the justice league members? We could release a couple of preview clips online as a viral marketing move. Or we could put some subtle references into the current film that fans will recognize and spread word of mouth about?
>Executive: Hm? Yes, do that.
>Writer: What? Which one, sir?
>Executive: Put a bunch of preview clips into the movie somewhere! Great idea, glad I thought of it, I'll have to give myself a bigger bonus for that.


I like to dip my jolly ranchers in granny's peach tea.

Wonder Woman is a spectacular asspull in the movie when you consider it without DC context.

Why did you say that name?

Guys, do you think Jolly Rancher will be an integral part of the Justice League movie?

It just wasn't a good film. It spent a lot of time telling me how to feel about characters and things then changed its mind at the end. There was nothing in the story to show me that any of the characters learned anything from their retardation through the first half of it. Plenty of dialogue telling me that they're learning things about themselves delivered beautifully by fantastic actors, but what am I supposed to do with that in a visual medium?

Batman's change of heart comes out of nowhere and his desire to work with others is borne of nothing because the two people he just fought together with showed no real need for the other to be there other than a couple of shots of Kyrptonite dust he added and splitting off to rescue Martha while Superman did-- I don't even remember. No plans, an easily avoidable sacrifice that will prove to be even more meaningless in the next movie, and action scenes so separate they might as well have belonged to each character's individual movie.

I heard the director's cut fixed some things but I'm not sure I care enough to watch it again.

>Director's cut fixed things


It added a subplot that ultimately goes nowhere and has no consequence to the plot in the end

omg so deep

Deep into his hot wet mouth.

so many layers

It was magical when Lex's thumb touched the old man's lip and then Lex put his thumb into his mouth.

It was a pretentious, boring, disjointed mess that despite plenty of allusions, failed to say anything deeper than "hey Superman and Jesus have a few similarities".

>not intentionally putting it in dry with the sole intention of letting it become caked in shit for a year so you can swish it around in your mouth afterwords to experience how DEEP the flavor is.

Like said, too many plebs just don't have good taste in this thread.

If anything, I hate the movies more now because the fans keep putting Snyder on a pedestal like he's Yoko fucking Taro.

Is the pedestal made of jolly ranchers?

Grim. Full of plot holes. Murderbats.
There, Sup Forums. I explained myself.

>I mean, explain what she had to do with the actual plot of this movie? Not a damn thing
Characters don't have to be apart of the absolute main plot to work and be worth being present.

>that despite plenty of allusions, failed to say anything deeper than
Except it wasn't trying to be fucking deep, it was just trying to be Dc by way of Ultimates, with a realistic worldly reaction to these beings existing in them.

Superman, he would cuddle afterwards so bonus points.


I love it

>The part where he beat him with the sink was funny
>The part where Batman is punching Supes and the kryptonite was wearing off was a great visual.
>I hadn't seen any of the trailers so I thought Wonder Woman was Catwoman right up until she showed up in the gear
>Superman's mom making one of the only jokes in the entire movie right after she watched someone immolate to death was jarring and made me awkwardly laugh

Everything else was shit.

Why is lex luthor seductively feeding Jeb Bush a jolly rancher?

Does he give out jolly ranchers for being a good boy for your prostate examination?

Also I think the angry jannies told the mommy mods on me. Uh oh.

It was a bad movie for me, this was the first on screen meeting of Superman and Batman in live action, this was The World's Finest, and instead it got reduced down into the worst parts of TDKR and the DoS and made into what felt like a teaser for the up coming JL movie. The fight between Superman and Batman had no soul behind it, these weren't two friends two partners who had saved each others lives in the past fighting, just a misunderstanding. This movie had the potential to be so much more than it was and it just didn't.

How are you posting on the internet Lex?

>Jar of piss
>Kill off Jimmy
>Lex plot makes no sense
>Movie felt more like a Squadron Supreme film than a DC movie
>Zach is obsessed with Christ imagery
>Doomsday was handled worse than a spilt jar of piss
>Wonder Woman was useless and wasted
>Dumb dream sequences
>Tacked on crossover world building
>Movie could have been trimmed 40 minutes without anything lost.

In a fight, Superman.
In a popularity contest, Iron Man.
And that's the real battle.

Iron Man, say Martha, while he's distracted hold up some kryptonite and shoot Supers in the head.

>there are people who don't understand this line
Explain yourselves

Pretty convoluted

also yeah that piss stuff was awful

Understanding why something is stupid does not make it less stupid.

We have standards

It's a bloated, dour slog that completely misses the point of the source material. Not to mention there's enough plot holes, pointless scenes, and go-nowhere subplots to the point that I'm pretty sure you could write a book about everything that's wrong with it.

There's some fun action and some cool cinematography and the score is pretty decent at times, but everything writing/plot/character-wise is borderline unsalvagable.


Everyone understood it. It's still stupid.

>It's a "user can't handle that he has shit taste so he rationalizes that the reason so many people disagree with him is that he's just too smart" episode
I remember this same shit happening when Inception came out and it was just as laughably pathetic then as it is now.

Are shillfags actually being serious, or is it just a meme?
Because holy christ "I don't have an unpopular opinion, I'm just surrounded by people who are secretly being paid by Disney" might be the most pitiful thing I've ever heard.

>Wonder Woman only showing up to stop Doomsday implies that she actively ignored the Holocaust, Vietnam, and Zod's invasion because she was sad about Steve Trevor or something
>The Justice League teaser doesn't just happen in the movie itself, but smack in the middle of the climax, killing any and all sense of urgency and momentum as we watch Diana check her email
>Flash travels into Bruce Wayne's dream to give him a cryptic riddle about the next movie

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if there was someone sabotaging this movie from the inside. Like, this has to be a Producers-style scam, there's no way anyone would think any of these things are good ideas.

I liked the Knightmare sequence, but why did Flash appear in his dream?
I know Speed Force is basically magic that does whatever the plot commands it to, but does DCEU Flash have dream-hopping powers in addition to time travel?


The movie's got so many holes it looks like fucking swiss cheese.

>Wheelchair guy is able to smuggle a massive, lead-covered bomb into goddamn Congress without a single security person noticing, Superman missed it because "he wasn't looking"
>Lois Lane throws the spear into the water just so she has to go get it later
>Batman kills a dozen dudes with his car to steal the kryptonite, Superman shows up and frowns at him, then he steals the kryptonite off-screen with no problem whatsoever (making the entire Batmobile scene entirely pointless)
>Luthor deduces both Bats and Supes' secret identities, does nothing with that info
>Luthor creates a plan with no failsafes, gets caught without even attempting to escape
It's a fucking mess.

>a realistic worldly reaction to these beings existing in them.
We already had that, it was called the Nolanverse and it was pretty decent for the most part.

>DC by way of the Ultimates
So that explains why every hero is an unlikable prick who doesn't act like an actual human.


Everyone understood it user, it makes perfect sense that Batman would stop hating Superman once he realized he was becoming someone else's Joe Chill.
But the execution took a really interesting idea and made it into the most unintentionally hilarious scene we've had in years.

I feel like that's a good summation of Zack Snyder's work on the DCEU, honestly.
>What if Superman was framed as a Christlike martyr?
>But it's so blatant and over-the-top that it becomes hilarious.
>What if Zod went from "calm and collected military leader" to "screaming, wide-eyed zealot" at the drop of a hat?
>But he's so silly and over-the-top that it becomes hilarious.
>What if Lex Luthor was like a hyper-charismatic Mark Zuckerberg type with a ton of skeletons in his closet?
>But he's so cartoonish and over-the-top that it becomes hilarious.

>it makes perfect sense that Batman would stop hating Superman once he realized he was becoming someone else's Joe Chill.
It just doesn't work when he's already mowed through a bunch of guys before then and continues to do so afterwards.

Not to mention the circular logic required to make the secret identity thing "work".

Sure it does.

Eh, what I mean is that I could see it working in the right hands, yunno?

But I guess "in the right hands", we wouldn't have had a pointless scene where Batman comically manslaughters a bunch of corporate employees with his car.

He puts a tracking device on the truck that has the kryptonite, then goes in guns blazing and almost shoots the tracking device off and blows up the truck, then goes and stealthily steals it off screen anyway. The entire truck thing is pointless.

The logic of him not killing Clark is that he finally opens his eyes and sees the blatantly obvious thing that Clark is human, but he's got no problem manslaughtering (Snyder's exact words) a bunch of Lex's goons. Are they robots? Are THEY aliens?

Bruce's motivations and willingness to kill are secondary to the need for badass action sequences. And that's fine, if we accept this for a dumb popcorn movie. But I'm told this is supposed to be smarter than that.

I have taste

>Explain yourselves

I like my superheroes funny.

I watch superior capeshit.

>I have good taste
>I'm not a shill
>Even for the characters I'm heavily invested I have standards

It's you who should explain.

I'm pretty sure Batfleck has murdered many more people than Joe Chill.

>lex luthor is a young nu-male hipster faggot
>batman being able to fight evenly at all with superman even in his shitty robot suit
>more bullshit that I don't feel like bothering to mention