Webcomic author

>webcomic author
>makes pretty unique art, doing well for themselves without shilling too hard and their personal lives are mostly kept separate from the audience
>they move to seattle WA
>suddenly their arstyle assimilates way too fucking hard with every other cartoonist online and they start shilling like crazy and join the multiculti on twitter until they're unrecognizeable from their old self

What is it about that place that turns people into douchebags?

Other urls found in this thread:


Quiet people like that get sucked into neo-liberal vortices pretty easily, you need some modicum of self assurance to avoid having the people who surround you affect your work.

>move to seattle
>only work is web comic artist

well you clearly do not understand how taxes work op.

What webcomic?

Just say Morbi or DC Simpson next time OP.


>webcomic artist gets a girlfriend
>his content gets a lot less of an edge to it
>pretty obvious he's trying not to freak her out too much compared to his old ork
>they get married
>his quality basically turns into newspaper comic tier

and god forbid she turn out to be a cartoonist too because then he'll ape her style and mannerisms.

>female author gets a boyfriend
>they start working on stuff as a team
>they become financially dependant on the art they work together on
>they eventually start growing apart and even resenting eachother
>either one of them gets a job and leaves the other one hanging or they both keep working on the thing and distorting it into a really venomous cynical mirror of what it once was

Morbi's about the same as he ever was, though.

What is this from

NSFW chibi-chaser.tumblr.com/post/155171900499/porn-pet-peeve-part-ptwo

This is something that never happens.

This thread is bait.

Wake up, Sup Forums


If you honestly think the writing or art is really what's plaguing Paranatural right now you're fucking retarded.

SJWs and liberal bubbles are a cheap copout answer to what is clearly a case of Zack not having a concrete plot laid out for his own fucking story after 4 years, and promptly attempting to kickstart 8 different plot threads at the same fucking time. Any real writing/art quality drop can easily be chalked up to that fundamental issue.

>webcomic author
>Andrew Hussie
I don't have to say anything else.

He also keeps not working on the comic because he makes too many liberal bubbles come out of his cock with his gimpy hand.

Well I can't argue with that logic.

Poppy O'Possum too.

Paranatural has shit writing because the author has no idea what to do to advance the plot besides throw in dozens of new characters and plot points into the story.

It's fucking Hussie all over again.

Joke's on them, I'm already in Seattle. I'm untouchable!

Poppy O'Possum was the way it was long before Morbi went to Seattle.

>webcomic authors start comic when they're basically slacker high school graduates
>comic takes a bit to find its stride but eventually gets nice art and good crass humor, not afraid to make fun of sacred cows
>they eventually make a big company from their comic snd get a family and grow up
>the comic slowly becomes a lot more safe and stale and the characters in the comic start talking about "relatable parent trouble" stuff

Penny arcade is what happens when you live long enough to see yourself become the villain

The comic has way gotten worse. Lesbians ruin every web comic.

Also, now he blogs about trying to fit into the Seattle scene on top of it all.

>live long enough to see yourself become the underling*
They're relatively still relevant, but they're not influential or harmful enough so far to be the villain.
They are definitely the whipped lap dogs of those they once gave the finger too though.

All started with Dick Wolves if you ask me, I'm not one of those who thought they should have just kept snarling but they should have definitely just walked away. Instead they rolled over, showed their soft belly and everyone just pounced.

>Also, now he blogs about trying to fit into the Seattle scene on top of it all.

Link? It can't be that bad

Good luck with that, people in Washington hate new people.

He's just pulling shit out of his ass.
Unless he's saying comments like "I'm enjoying the cold weather" and "there's more giant spiders than I'm used to" is trying to fit into the Seattle scene.

I'm not digging through the entirety of some cartoonists blog / tumblr / twitter. But it's there.

I just did a keyword search on his twitter, it's not hard, faggot.
Don't make claims you can't back up.

Wow, fucking faggot. Making up shit and then running away without proof.

What a fucking loser, talking shit online like a big boy cause a porn artist moved to some porn state. Get cucked, bronco.

>webcomic creator gets fucked over financially through no fault of their own and lose all momentum from making their comic
>they come back almost a decade later but no one cares anymore

Homer looks like he has some sweet hair in that pic

still relevant?
i haven't read a PA page in like 10 years and i can remember them, CAD and vgcats being brand fucking new internet shit.

Has someone even mentioned to Zack how long it's been since ch. 5? Or is he protected in some sort of bubble that prevents him from seeing justified criticisms for his comic?

I don't want to be that asshole, but a lot of the shit he's been dishing out has been around the same time his girlfriend started being a prominent part of his life. Kinda like what says but without the marriage portion and the comic goes nowhere basically.....

Dick Wolves was most likely that something they did was lashed out by their upcoming fanbase.
The young female nerd/gamer. Before SJWS were around and even right before tumblerinas broke out. Even before femfreq.
There was this younger crowd of girl power gamers. The "I frag on a first date" type. Rape was just starting to be the go to you're evil word of the day. (Racist, nazi, alt right blah blah)
So a whole new crowd of legit fans that are online 24/7 screamed at the word rape and the guys still had the old word meaning of rape ingrained in them so they honestly thought that they have been out of line and apologized.

I'd like to see their faces when they realized that it was just the same old fanatical criticism as usual.

*the first thing they did that their fanbase lashed out in record numbers simply because the new crowd was on line 24/7

I don't hate new people unless they're Californians.

So you don't hate people.


>If you honestly think the writing...is really what's plaguing Paranatural right now you're fucking retarded.
>[proceeds to explain the writing is bad]

I think you meant to phrase that differently.

>Fun and interesting webcomic.
>Author finds a real job.
>Webcomic gets on a indefinite hiatus.

I mean, good for them. But...

>webcomic artist gets a girlfriend
>the dialogue becomes noticeably better
>they break up
>entire flow of comic becomes noticeably worse and the dialogue takes a step back

>webcomic author surrounds himself with the worst kind of people
>webcomic turns to shit and is replaced with something far worse

I don't understand the stupid bolt-ears thing. It looks shitty and doesn't even save time.

You think that's a kick in the dick?

In one of the webcomics I regularly read there was always a link to another webcomic that rebooted 3 times. That I know of.

Here's the spin, the creator was a quick learner, so their art would get more polished between the weeks they'd spend drawing every background element, every clothing fabric crease, every little thing to put up a single page, but they'd always start over eventually because they hated how the first chapter, which was like 12 pages, looked compared to the third.

This was a webcomic that visibly improved without ever making progress.

Then after months of no updates I read a blog post admitting they just had to stop working on it until further notice because their grades in college were turning to shit. Because of all the time they spent intricately illustrating something they never finished.

But it gets better. The writing was complete dogshit, and the only thing that never received revision in any of the iterations.


Link that shit. I had a similar problem.

>"Honey about those pictures in your computer"
>"Nothing in those videos is illegal... in the countries it was filmed"

Honestly they're still pretty edgy and you're just projecting because you're jelly as fuck (As am I, ffs) of their enormous success.

admit it

Never fav'd it and I can't remember what it was called.
Something about a feather or bird, manga art style and one of the main characters was a grouchy bitch of a witch.

I don't think I even saved one page of it.

>Honestly they're still pretty edgy
Aren't you quoting a strip from eight years ago?

You could make an entire "george lucas vs the people" type documentary about the rise and fall from grace that was homestuck.

Boxer Hockey
Manly men doing manly things (for a minute)


That comic was never good.

>its an user realizes that postmodernism is cancer episode
its not about jews, its not about muslmis or blacks or whites or gays or men or women, none of that crap matters.
Its the whole relativism, nothing is objective so shitty art is just as good as actual art right? i mean the artist had a hard childhood plus nothing really matters and you are only reading webcomics to kill some time so it doesnt matter if its good at all, as long as it falls in line and isnt challenging at all then its good, what is bad about it? what is bad about teen titans go? it has your favourite characters, they fight crime, they have conflicts with one another wich was the strong point of the original anyways. If you dont like the lack of depth, the lack of story arks, the fact that episodes are ten minutes long and that they try to copy bad spongebob it means you are cherrypicking, you are a retard and a manbaby and should go to pol
See how its all cancer?

>Has someone even mentioned to Zack how long it's been since ch. 5?
I've never seen it mentioned outside of Sup Forums, and of course because Zack hates Sup Forums and wants to make Paranatural unpalatable to its users, he's not receiving that criticism. If it ever gets brought up outside of Sup Forums then it gets drowned out by all of the praise from his hugbox.

Name a time and place you swine.

it makes sense tho
If he spending so much time drawing he noticibly got better from week to week while also going to college (wich he neglected) then how was he going to find the time to learn to write?

At risk of being tarred, it is literally being discussed on the sub-Reddit comments for the latest strip right now.

Not that he reads those any more since he demonstrated a complete inability to react appropriately to anything critical.

I do. Stay out of my state and if you come here don't talk to me about the weather or how grey it is because of it.

Can't we compromise and say that all of these things are contributing to the problem.

So aside from Paranatural are there any other webcomics that went to shit due to real life circumstances?


Is that the extremely feminist comic?

>webcomic is desperate for female affection of any kind and it clearly shows in their work as a warped view on healthy sexuality
>bonus points if they try to pass off their lesbian fetish as progressive

What boggles the mind is when even fuckers who are married and have had sec and even kids like Dave Willis drop fine Italian pasta when it comes to sex.

>that image
Why would you rip into my very soul like that

It didn't start out extremely feminist, but yes it became extremely so.

Pro tip: These are all extremely common things people do and the image is designed explicitly to make you feel bad. AKA don't be a faggerino.

>Comic is infamously shitty
>fun in mocking comic dies down after 5+ years
>within 10+ years, webcomic is only mediocre, nothing irritatingly horseshit about it

>webcomic author gets girlfriend who's a feminist bitch that makes him sleep on a different bed
>they break up
>he's still making sinfest the way he is

My problem friend drew a comic about beach bums and sharks. He was a pretty decent artist, had creative ideas, but he never really learned how to write and had a hard time taking criticism. Ended up going on indefinite hiatus because he couldn't capture a steady audience.

The West Coast of the United States the most consistently far-left region of the nation, if not the world. San Francisco, CA is the libtard capital of the Western Hemisphere and Portland, OR is the hipster capital of the world.

>they have kids
>every comic is about the "hilarious" struggles of being a parent with infants/toddlers and trying to balance that with the rest of their life

Which boggles me when independent artists on the internet want to go there after getting a little bit of success.

Why the fuck would you move somewhere with a massive increase in rent and a massive decrease in human quality? Especially when your audience is on the internet.

feels man

>join the multiculti

What did OP mean by this?

The core of postmodernism, and the thing that the fucks who only pretend to like who or who oturight hate it don't understand is that postmodernism is supposed to be kinda crap.

It's supposed to be at least somewhat of a reminder than people are fucking retarded and its impossible to force someone enjoy something, even if it's objectively better.

The Meek?

that it

one webcomic I was ones into was same good cyberpunk comic, art and world looks close to Eden: It's An Endless World! and Akira, it was a small team and the story was coming up to a close, protagonist about to save his woman and the city, one day the comic just stop a week later we find out the webcomic author dead in a car crash, artist put it on hold for now on, year later the website update no more comic,

"It's ok when I draw my female character naked, it's a feminist statement about how comfortable she is being naked in a non-sexual manner. I'm such a progressive transhumanist, not a pervert!"

Business connections. It's also why rapidly growing/big-name American Youtubers always move to LA at some point. It's where most of the industry's "community" is.

actually they're all just signs of aspergers

>Artist decides to write a story driven comic
>Obviously only thought of the basic premise and planned out the beginning, decided to wing it after that
>Constantly keeps writing so many new plot points and messing up with existing plot points that it becomes nearly impossible for them to write themselves out of it, resulting in years of absolutely nothing happening in world or just perma-hiatus
Pretty much every story driven webcomic ever, is it really that hard to write up a basic beginning to end plot line before you start drawing?

>When a previously slice of life daily funny comic engages story mode.

It's suicide I tell you.

>webcomic author
>thinks he's writing a realistic story that tells it like it is, delivering an important lesson that he learned from his own life, in a productive and educational way
>is actually writing edgy bullshit from an extremely wounded place, the entire story is just an unimpressive wish-fulfilling daydream the author wrote as their own subliminal escape from reality

What's his name, Sup Forums?

Me, and the reason why I have such trouble starting a project

Since this is a webcomic thread, I want to ask, since I've never seen it mentioned here.

How many of you, anons have read the spectacular greatness that is Ansem Retort?

>''draw small dicks you fucking cowards''.
Small dicks are patrician. An obsession with large penises is a size of insecurity, autism, or both.

Really. I find the @ sign in the ears to at least be a little bit creative but the line in the ears is just so ugly too look at

i honestly think people become ten times less interesting and funny once and while they have very young children. it's only when their kids are just about out of grade school when they recover from it

As a comic artists who tried this. I can confirm. Still trying though

howabout this:

Be a webcomic creator. Try your damnedest to improve art and writing, and to have a story that will have a beginning, middle, and end.

Manage to achieve enough competence that people upon reading the story enjoy it, and you really try to improve when people give critiques.

Your comic still remains in limbo with a couple of thousand readers, no threads are made of it, and every time you visit Sup Forums people are only talking about the webcomics they hate.

That's the rule for everything on Sup Forums though, discussion about something that's good gets around 40 replies while discussion about a shit or controversial series hits bump limit in less than 2 hours

Honestly if I made a comic that gets a thread every time it updates until it finally ends that'd be amazing

Because their entire life revolves around those kids. Any interests or hobbies or anything that made them interesting has to be pushed to the wayside to make time and effort for the screaming shit factory they just produced.

no 11 retard

and of course if something is liked too much, then inevitably it will become hated.

>is a size of insecurity