How did the bombers work in space?

How did the bombers work in space?

Technically close enough to the planet

if they are bombing ships then they use guided bombs. If bombing planets, guided bombs or gravity.

Large objects have gravity. Or they were fired down the rails.

The new star wars movies have X-wings but not Y-wings, which were bombers in the OT.

I never thought about how they worked back when I was a kid, but I assumed it was magnets, or maybe they were called "bombers" but were actually just shooting bigger missiles.

I actually liked this scene. I thought those ships were kinda cool.
They can easily explain away gravity stuff, I don't really care.

they just pushed the bombs, that's why they stayed the way they were stacked when they ""fell""

Theres gravity on the spaceship, the bombs start falling inside the spaceship, they gain momentum while falling, once they entered zero g they just continue the same path at the same speed.

>tfw to intelligent for a children's movie

Like this


Why didn't they just hyper drive ram them with the bomber ships?

Yeah I mean that totally explains why they aren't attracted to the ship they're carried on, or why they fall in the first place.

itt: anons don't understand how gravity works

Doesn't explain how she fell from the ladder.

the bombs were on rails that fired the bombs downward out of the hatch. once they were in open space they just continued along the path.

the REAL confusing thing is why she wasn't launched out into space but maybe the hatch was running on whatever force field shit lets them have huge open hangar doors on a Star Destroyer that you can just fly through but doesn't let the atmosphere out? who fucking knows

are you fucking retarded? do you think astronauts on the space station float around because of a lack of gravity?


isn't the whole point of "bombing" to use gravity?
If no gravity, why not just non-projectile torpedo/missile?

A better question would be how she did die with the whole compartment open to space.

>that far from the planet
>no gravity

fucking brainlets lol

>BOMBING from outer atmosphere
fucking brainlets lol

are you implying gravity stops where the atmosphere ends?

lmfao jesus christ how can anyone be this dumb

pretty genius for a spacefaring civilization to invent a weapon that requires the gravitational pull of a planetoid to function, and requires that the enemy be below you as well

>all those ships lost
>could have just put a ship into hyperdrive