Sup Forums tells me that Alan Moore really hates Rorshach and his fans

Sup Forums tells me that Alan Moore really hates Rorshach and his fans.

Can I get a quote confirming or denying the validity of said claim?

I really hate Rorshach and his fans.
Alan Moore (1953-2018)

I think, by virtue of Rorschach being a sort of commentary on how the black and white view a lot of superheroes represent and how it can't tackle complex, real problems and Moore's own grumpy nature, you can just assume he wouldn't like people who misunderstand his work and think the fucker is some kind of "hero" who "died for what's right."

Rorschachdhas is stupid and Moore is stupid.


He's just astounded to think that people are stupid enough to fanboy Rorshach.

I like you. Please stay.

>Make what is essentially and completely an off brand Question that will stick with his beliefs even if they are right or wrong to death
>get confused as to why people like him

Wow Moore must be completely out of touch with the average persons viewpoints.

He said in an interview a couple years ago that he's happy people have latched onto the idea of v and used him as a symbol. Afterwards he went on to say that he wrote Rorschach as a paranoid maniac who had no time for anything but fighting what he thinks is wrong and that he is an awful role model due to how he let his paranoia and anger consume him (batman dialled up to 11). He even said that Rorschach would have stank due to not showering for weeks on end.

>I hate Dc and his Dc
>Alan Moore (1953-Forever)
Fixed it for you user


I'm not aware of him specifically saying it, but I'd think any reasonable adult can see what the problem is with idolizing Rorschach.

It's mostly edgy teenagers who listen to metal, shop at Hot Topic, and start "Batman should kill the Joker" threads on Sup Forums.

That said, it's not that you're not supposed to LIKE Rorschach. He's a tragic character, and is not meant to be specifically "right" or "wrong". But that's what's bizarre, people take the part that's supposed to be tragic and think that's an admirable trait.

It's like how people idolize Sid Vicious and Jim Morrison and Amy Winehouse and so on, and are like "I want to live fast and die young!" and "You only live once!". They're simpletons and use these people to justify their own retarded behavior and beliefs.

But cant you love him for being a tragic character?

Absolutely. And surely there are things most can identify with him.

Just he's not supposed to be a hero or a role model the way some edgelords treat him.

I "idolize" him as one would a shakespearian tragedy. Relatable yet so hilariously flawed that you just want to go into the comic and help him. I am stooled at the chance of a rorscach ongoing, however. Hes a really interesting character that could give some great storylines.

This pretty much.

I was molested when I was a kid and struggled with it for years and years. I only bring this up because when I read Watchmen in high school, I really latched onto Rorschach. I identified with his backstory and saw him as a survivor who fought back against his abusers and the world.

Maybe this is the sort of thing Moore hates, but this character really got me through some rough times and even now I still see him as one of the best depictions of child abuse ever put in comics.

Im so sorry user "hugs"

dubs of feels.

got nothing to really sat to that, so have this instead

i can't see moore disliking how you admire the character's willpower

it was willpower alone that made him a hero

>Sup Forums becoming a literal hugbox
Don't do it without me.

Have a hug, user.

That has to be the gayest thread right now

*checks to see if there is a Voltron thread*


Sometimes, Sup Forums you're alright.

Alan Moore is an aracho socialist. Rorschach is an Ayn Rand/ancap memer. They hate each other by default.

>quotation marks
Wow no need to be a jerk, user.