Predict the beginning of IX

Predict the beginning of IX

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They'll finally put Lando in only to have him die instantly before he can say a word


finn flushing a toilet

dubs and we see his face straining as he shits


>open establishing shot over a planet
>zooms in to planet to find Rey and co.
>Talking about how the First Order and how they are all bigots
>Rey looks into the camera
>"white males, and whiteness needs to be purged from this earth, there is no need for their oppressive rule anymore"
Something along those lines



Most likely so far

>With my face against the flo-

Lando answers the beacon and CGI Leia gets BLACKED in the first 5 minutes of the movie

The RESISTANCE is in mourning at the sudden passing of GENERAL ORGANA...

Time jump (5/10/15 years)

Same shot as the ending of ANH in the temple

This time is Leia's funeral

They'll just have him lying in a gutter somewhere drinking Colt 45 mumbling about how he used to be a space pirate.

>Lando shows up, says hello but dies mid sentence.
>The rebels go back to the casino planet again for 2 hours instead 1 this time.
>Rey fights Kylo and wins.
>They become best friends and beat the big bad
>Kylo is forgiven of all his crimes
>Rey burns the remaining Jedi texts cause she'll teach the kids her way is 'better'
>Roll credits.

>beat the big bad
but they did that in TLJ

Probably this

Is he our last hope to salvage the new trilogy?

I'm highly in favor of the time skip

this. also

>she died of a broken heart.

It starts with JJ Abrams sitting in his directors chair talking about the last film. after about a minute of speaking he says it sucks.
starts playing and he rewinds through the film and fixes all the bullshit plot points

Kylo having yet another autism fit

I'm unironically going to read spoilers from IX and am only going to watch the movie if it's revealed Luke is actually alived and just learned how to disappear/reappear within/into the Force.

If Luke is truly dead or a Force ghost, I am done with this shit.

what's wrong with being a force ghost?

It was a shitty way to die, felt stupid and contrived.

>ha i wasn't really here you can't kill me
>oops i died because i made a force projection

Ep VIII being everything a dream

>pan to planet
>fade to Dindu and Jackie Chan fucking
>time jump 9 months
>disfigured and deformed potato baby is born
>Leia picks up the baby and has a simba scene with the resistance
>"Diversity is our strength!"
>proceeds to superman out of frame
>fade to black
>roll credits
>special end credits scene with JJ Abrams where he asks the audience to please donate to Syrian refugees


>Lucas takes control of Trilogy again
>Film opens with Sheev spinning at close to Lightspeed

