People are bitching about every conceivable thing, but nobody's mentioning the stupidest part of all

When those 30 transport ships were making their great escape in slow motion to the planet, why didn't they instead JUMP TO HYPERSPACE?

Beekuz dey wud run owt ovf fyool

They were all fueled up.

Why didn't they just hyper space ram it lmao?

Why didn’t Luke just hyperspace ram the Death Star?

why do they need ships if they can fly in space like superman?

>i'm going to wait until they're nearly all gone, just so i can make the worst plot decision ever even worse

why haven't people been hyper space ramming everything since episode IV

destructive new canon

Yeah everybody knows, you guys have been sperging out about that nonstop. But the transport ships being picked off one by one instead of jumping into hyperspace is a legitimate plothole.

Why use close combat weapons like guns and lightsabers when you can just force kill someone through a screen?

True. They could of all jumped in different directions. The FO would of been able to track at most one of them. None if they jumped as soon as they launched before the FO even noticed they were there.

Someone explain to me how they didn't realize the First Order would see the ships escaping and immediately go to where they landed on the planet to finish them off? The purple-haired SJW-cunt made it seem like such an obvious and sound solution. If they had invested more resources into Poe's plan they would've made it...

Because tension, and because movie.

Even the US doesn't have people on their ships watching the horizon. See the two collisions this year alone. Why would the first order?

Why do they act like it is impossible to track someone through hyperspace?
Hasn't every tracker in starwars had the ability to do this?

The most retarded thing was that the first order had a portable death star laser to blow holes in doors.

pretty sure this is what 90% of people watching had to ask themselves right after that scene. Why doesn't the resistance go full Pearl Harbor and just hyperspace ram every fleet?

Also why didn't one or two of the Star Destroyers just jump in front of the rebel ships? Were they low on fuel too?

Seriously one X-wing aimed at the center could have just annihilated the Deathstar

Maybe they were escape pods, dumbass. And escape pods don't have hyperdrives. If they did they would've done that from the start and split everyone up so that the First Order couldn't go after all of them at once.

literally the whole Kylo Ren saga starting by a LMAO IT WAS ALL A MISUNDERSTANDING DUDE moment.

oh joy..

why would only Yoda show up when Luke needed it the most? Are they really that reserved about using Anakin, or even Obi-wan?

Hyperdrives use different fuel to sublight engines.


You're skipping the important question
They said they were in the middle of space absolutely nowhere.
Somehow by running in a straight line away from the First Order they just HAPPENED to run into an old fortified rebel base.

Especially since they could jump in through shields like in episode 7.

Just have some disposable R2 unit in an xwing jump to dead center right through the shield and boom. No more deathstar.

They were flying for quite a long time.

Sublight, 12 hours going light speed isn't going to get you anywhere in space.

I'm okay with the transport ships being short-range and not having hyperdrives.

I'm not really okay with hyperspace ram solving everything.